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chickeon posted:

roseweird posted:

chickeon posted:

why weould you voluntarily look at that image xpost

i read all of deadken's posts

me too but that reddit trash turns your brain to nasty mush and makes me nauseous just to sscroll p ast

they're just tpaine posts in their true form


tpaine posted:

she sounds comically a little bit like him, but can't sing anywhere near as well

like if ur going to be a music snob this is not the best way to go about it. justin bieber has an excellent voice for instance, also

One need not even ask about capacity for musical performance. Even mechanical control of the instrument is no longer really expected. To legitimate the fame of its owner, a voice need only be especially voluminous or especially high. If one dares to in conversation to question the decisive importance of the voice and to assert that it is possible to make beautiful music with a moderately good voice as it is with a moderately good piano, one will immediately find oneself faced with a situation of hostility and aversion whose roots go deeper than the occasion. Voices are holy properties like a national trademark. As if the voices wanted to revenge themselves for this, they begin to lose their sensuous magic in whose name they are merchandised. Most of them sound like imitations of those who have made it, even when they themselves have made it.

Theodor Adorno, on the fetish-character in music

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deadken posted:

roseweird posted:

that comic is confusing bc beatles and led zeppelin actually do sound alike but both sound very different from club music which is almost always better than either one

the beatles had their moments i guess. club music and led zeppelin both serve their purpose well but for club music it's helping grown adults have one night stands and for led zeppelin it's helping jimmy page have sex with a 14 year old child

uh so theres no difference then?

its not funny. justin bieber is not good. like, i dont know, talk about kesha or limp bizkit. Everyone would LOVE to hear about that! We love it! ACK!! haha thats cathy (famous comic, perhaps u have heard of it?? Its good because famous......man...(
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I'm enjoying the dead man posts itt

roseweird posted:

sorry i didnt listen to all your 80s music or play all your 90s video games, maybe i was reading plato and the bible

i love this forum so much.

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tpaine posted:

roseweird posted:

i actually had never heard of them a few years ago

deadken owes you an apology

ur p pathetic dude

rosey whats with all the balls talk itt callin guy a sissy etc, genuinely curious as to why you of all people are citing a perceived effeminate affect as being somehow problematic or worthy of criticism?? sorry if this is somehow insulting for Reasons but your continually bringing it up strikes me as odd
Crazed Killer Mows Down Twelve In Florida Mall Gun Rampage, Posts Rambling Online Manifesto Expressing Disgust At A World Where 'People Are Worthless And Probably Haven't Even Heard Of Dexy's Midnight Runners'
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glomper_stomper posted:

have y'all heard of Menudo?

foodchat is thataway

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ok. i trust you. god bless.
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Do you like Dexy's Midnight Runners? Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Don't Stand Me Down came out in '85, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Kevin has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humour.
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this sad
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hi everyone, this thread is really depressing.
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tpaine posted:

animedad posted:

this sad

it's hilarious and makes me miss maggotman and evil jeff k who were like the maestros of meltdown, this shit is nothing in comparison

nah ur doing ok