plz shit in my mouuuuuth
Well Basically, What I'm saying is: gulag, at a minimum
sup b*tch
at least patrick bateman had a fucking job. ffs what is with this beta ass B*TCH
nerdy al-virgeni
homofascism? get that guy an account

innsmouthful posted:

haHahahAh that's pretty funny!

for me to poop on


babyhueypnewton posted:

homofascism? get that guy an account

for me to poop on


babyhueypnewton posted:

homofascism? get that guy an account

lol annnd we are back on the gay mafia conspiracy are we


gyrofry posted:

sup b*tch

i'm unironically a juggalo now, and i actually kinda like it

*nods solemnly*

babyhueypnewton posted:

homofascism? get that guy an account


babyfinland posted:

did he just c+p roseweirds posts and swap the genders though

no he just copied the communist manifesto and replaced 'wealth' with 'women'

damn burn yowza
alist they have to reckon with a distanced observer. For what he surveys as the cultural heritage is part and parcel of a lineage which he cannot contemplate without horror. It owes its existence not only to the toil of the great geniuses, who created it, but also to the nameless drudgery of its contemporaries. There has never been a document of culture, which is not simultaneously one of barbarism. And just as it is itself not free from barbarism, neither is it free from the process of transmission, in which it falls from one set of hands into another. The historical materialist thus moves as far away from this as measurably possible. He regards it as his task to brush history against the gr

Edited by toy ()


Crow posted:

but seriously, wtf?

ur responsible for this gawrp.........
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
roseweird's future is accomplished by the willful phasing out of men, with living men and women making a united decision that men should be phased out. this means existing men live out their remaining lives in peace, but are simply not replaced. that's why the spree killing virgin's manifesto is entirely dfifferent, and much more plausible
i guess it was my fault


ilmdge posted:

roseweird's future is accomplished by the willful phasing out of men, with living men and women making a united decision that men should be phased out. this means existing men live out their remaining lives in peace, but are simply not replaced. that's why the spree killing virgin's manifesto is entirely dfifferent, and much more plausible

isnt he basically reverse shulamith firestone. well, not even reverse, she basically wanted to abolish women too


>All raised in liberal suburbs
>All raised by single mothers
>All addicted to World of Warcraft

Edited by jools ()

[account deactivated]
i've got the Fail AIDS

glomper_stomper posted:

is this the incel guy who said his parents should be killed because his mother wouldn't sleep with him?

no. that was this guy:


[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Main interests: Nihilism, Cybernetics, Mathematics, Ontology, Accelerationism
[account deactivated]
porn is harmless you guys
