conec posted:uhm that painting is NOT a painted version of that photo.. what are you even on about.. the photo shows her smiling with her head between her legs and her asshole showing
i would think that her smiling be be the kind of humanising touch to make it acceptable, just what are your priorities lady
conec posted:uhm that painting is NOT a painted version of that photo.. what are you even on about.. the photo shows her smiling with her head between her legs and her asshole showing
yeah it's arguably far less eroticised than courbet's painting
mod edit: a fitting foreshadowy post. IFAPed.
Edited by Gssh ()
daddyholes posted:im on tenterhooks.
is that a fetish thing? disgusting
deadken posted:how dare you post this vile trash. you are a pig and you deserve to be killed by being impaled on a sharp spike, rubbed down with salt and spices, and then slowly cooked over a aromatic infused fire. repulsive.
i 'maxed
deadken posted:this sculpture is also by duchamp & imo it's one of the most nakedly pornographic artworks ever created. apparently duchamp and his wife took it with them wherever they went + kept it by their bedside lol. cool guys
That's disgusting
aerdil posted:
Down voted for not recording in landscape.