[account deactivated]
im readin Simulacra and Simulation again and i dont understand any of it again
[account deactivated]
how to be a good communist by liu shaoqi

littlegreenpills posted:

im readin Simulacra and Simulation again and i dont understand any of it again

read America instead imo

just do speed yourself and go drive
i lent 100 years of solitude to privilege feminist girl & she didnt like it because it had too much of a 'male voice'. on the other hand she likes houellebecq. women eh. who can understand them. not men, that's for certain
i just finished murphy, by, samuel beckett, and now i'm rereading simulacra & simulation and i understand Every Damn Word

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

littlegreenpills posted:

im readin Simulacra and Simulation again and i dont understand any of it again

read America instead imo

i had that too and i didnt understand any of it


deadken posted:

i lent 100 years of solitude to privilege feminist girl & she didnt like it because it had too much of a 'male voice'. on the other hand she likes houellebecq. women eh. who can understand them. not men, that's for certain

there is the bit where the pathetic beta goes to sea and comes back a glorious tattooed alpha who ferretbally rapes his erstwhile love so that could have been it


palafox posted:

swirlsofhistory posted:

Anyone read No Longer Human by Ozamu Dasai? I think I'm going to order it.


At the de beauvoir lecture i went to i asked the lady giving the presentation if de beauvoir had ever written a book about america, and she had, its called america day by day i think. So im reading that.

My gf came and brought a friend and they were both sort of turned off by the main organizer who they described as "the type of person i expected to see at a thing like this" which i understand but don't care about as much since he has that commie tone we've discussed, to some extent, but is very polite and smart anyways. Everyone else there was totally normal, Mormon looking, which, as someone who is so clean cut and inoffensive that people assume im mormon 99% of the time, was reassuring.
[account deactivated]
i think you and me are the only undergrads here conec, kind of embarrassing i guess
some day you, too, will be Old
ill never be old, ill stay 15 forever

in other news i started to read hegel lol the phenenenomonology of spirit
I was an undergrad like a week ago. But no longer.

gwarp posted:

i think you and me are the only undergrads here conec, kind of embarrassing i guess

i'm an idiot undergrad but i don't post for precisely this reason


Jonathan Safran Foer was sitting at a Chipotle one day, when he realized that he had nothing to do while noshing on his burrito. He had neglected to bring a book or magazine, and he didn’t yet own a smartphone. “I really just wanted to die with frustration,” Foer told VF Daily.

Suddenly, the Eating Animals author (and vegetarian) had an idea: What if there were something truly good to read on his Chipotle cup? Or the bag? A few years earlier, he had met Steve Ells, Chipotle’s C.E.O., so he decided to write the executive an e-mail. “I said, ‘I bet a shitload of people go into your restaurants every day, and I bet some of them have very similar experiences, and even if they didn’t have that negative experience, they could have a positive experience if they had access to some kind of interesting text,’” Foer recalled. “And unlike McDonald’s, it’s not like they’re selling their surfaces to the highest bidder. They had nothing on their bags. So I said, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool to just put some interesting stuff on it? Get really high-quality writers of different kinds, creating texts of different kinds that you just give to your customers as a service.’”

Foer didn’t know what to expect, but Ells went all in. Starting Thursday, VF Daily can exclusively reveal, bags and cups in Chipotle’s stores will be adorned with original text by Foer, Malcolm Gladwell, Toni Morrison, George Saunders, and Vanity Fair contributing editor Michael Lewis. Foer says ,” Chipotle refrained from meddling in the editorial process for the duration of the initiative, which the burrito chain has branded Cultivating Thought. “I selected the writers, and insofar as there was any editing, I did it,” Foer said. “I tried to put together a somewhat eclectic group, in terms of styles. I wanted some that were essayistic, some fiction, some things that were funny, and somewhat thought provoking.”

VF Daily asked Foer if he had any reservations about working with Chipotle, given that Eating Animals offered a rousing indictment about food production in the United States, and rumors that the chain is owned by McDonald’s persist despite the fact that McDonald’s divested in Chipotle years ago. “There were things that I had to at least think about, like the fact that they serve meat, and I don’t eat meat,” Foer said. “And the fact that they’re a sizable corporation, and that I don’t tend to get involved with sizable corporations any more than I have to, and the fact that I have no interest in marketing for anyone or endorsing anything.

“That having been said, I got to know quite a bit about the company, not in the process of doing this, but in the process of Eating Animals,” he continued. “Chipotle was pointed to quite often, as a model of what scaling good practices might look like. The truth is, that’s not really why I did this. I mean, I wouldn’t have done it if it was for another company like a McDonald’s, but what interested me is 800,000 Americans of extremely diverse backgrounds having access to good writing. A lot of those people don’t have access to libraries, or bookstores. Something felt very democratic and good about this.”


MadMedico posted:


Jonathan Safran Foer was sitting at a Chipotle one day, when he realized that he had nothing to do while noshing on his burrito. He had neglected to bring a book or magazine, and he didn’t yet own a smartphone. “I really just wanted to die with frustration,” Foer told VF Daily.

Suddenly, the Eating Animals author (and vegetarian) had an idea: What if there were something truly good to read on his Chipotle cup? Or the bag? A few years earlier, he had met Steve Ells, Chipotle’s C.E.O., so he decided to write the executive an e-mail. “I said, ‘I bet a shitload of people go into your restaurants every day, and I bet some of them have very similar experiences, and even if they didn’t have that negative experience, they could have a positive experience if they had access to some kind of interesting text,’” Foer recalled. “And unlike McDonald’s, it’s not like they’re selling their surfaces to the highest bidder. They had nothing on their bags. So I said, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool to just put some interesting stuff on it? Get really high-quality writers of different kinds, creating texts of different kinds that you just give to your customers as a service.’”

Foer didn’t know what to expect, but Ells went all in. Starting Thursday, VF Daily can exclusively reveal, bags and cups in Chipotle’s stores will be adorned with original text by Foer, Malcolm Gladwell, Toni Morrison, George Saunders, and Vanity Fair contributing editor Michael Lewis. Foer says ,” Chipotle refrained from meddling in the editorial process for the duration of the initiative, which the burrito chain has branded Cultivating Thought. “I selected the writers, and insofar as there was any editing, I did it,” Foer said. “I tried to put together a somewhat eclectic group, in terms of styles. I wanted some that were essayistic, some fiction, some things that were funny, and somewhat thought provoking.”

VF Daily asked Foer if he had any reservations about working with Chipotle, given that Eating Animals offered a rousing indictment about food production in the United States, and rumors that the chain is owned by McDonald’s persist despite the fact that McDonald’s divested in Chipotle years ago. “There were things that I had to at least think about, like the fact that they serve meat, and I don’t eat meat,” Foer said. “And the fact that they’re a sizable corporation, and that I don’t tend to get involved with sizable corporations any more than I have to, and the fact that I have no interest in marketing for anyone or endorsing anything.

“That having been said, I got to know quite a bit about the company, not in the process of doing this, but in the process of Eating Animals,” he continued. “Chipotle was pointed to quite often, as a model of what scaling good practices might look like. The truth is, that’s not really why I did this. I mean, I wouldn’t have done it if it was for another company like a McDonald’s, but what interested me is 800,000 Americans of extremely diverse backgrounds having access to good writing. A lot of those people don’t have access to libraries, or bookstores. Something felt very democratic and good about this.”

i want to die

im 62 years young and i love this thread
im 28. i bought my original SA account in 2002, heh

stegosaurus posted:

I was an undergrad like a week ago. But no longer.


im a baby
the only person here older than me is getfiscal afaik

dank_xiaopeng posted:

im 28. i bought my original SA account in 2002, heh

i registered getfiscal on september 9th, 2001, for free, because something awful was a free website, because why would you pay for a website.

[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

dank_xiaopeng posted:
im 28. i bought my original SA account in 2002, heh
i registered getfiscal on september 9th, 2001, for free, because something awful was a free website, because why would you pay for a website.

two days later, on a clear september morning,

how old are you lgp
we are all 29, everyone on the internet
oh fuck i forgot i'm 30 now. fuck. rip me
im 27. lol this forum the only place on the internet i dont feel old

drwhat posted:

oh fuck i forgot i'm 30 now. fuck. rip me


the posters peenworm, wayne gretzky and willa rogers are all older than me so i never felt like the oldest. now i'm old and busted.
& corsair (rip?)
One of my profs gave me a b- but said that he really liked my final essay and that he wished i had spoken more in class, which is grounds for a conviction of criminal incitement to grad school, i think.
im 23
being 30 owns, although my experience may not be typical
being 23 is pretty good, a lot better than being 22 but maybe not quite as good as being 21. i am no longer a drug addict or an alcoholic. people sometimes give me money to write my opinions down. i can eat at nice restaurants without feeling that i'm somehow a fraud. at the same time i am still young and free to have occasional lapses of maturity and restraint without being judged too harshly. i would highly recommend being 23 to anyone who is not currently 23. soon i will turn 24 and look forward to experiencing the joys and/or miseries that this will bring. thank you for reading my post