
swampman posted:

give me control of rhizzone twitter

chop & screw your last effort post like horse_ebooks

but get increasingly surreal towards the end
give conec control of rhizzone twitter
Give me control of rhizzone twitter now

swampman posted:

Give me control of rhizzone twitter now

what's your platform, swami

I want to promote tHE r H i z z o n E and myself online.

swampman posted:

I want to promote tHE r H i z z o n E and myself online.

slow clap builds

[account deactivated]
can i also have contorl of twitter please, tia
public rhizzone twitter control
yeah ive always said it should be a collective. if were not logged into the same twitter simultaneously from seven different ips thats not really properly rhizzonic. imo

stegosaurus posted:

yeah ive always said it should be a collective. if were not logged into the same twitter simultaneously from seven different ips thats not really properly rhizzonic. imo

who has rhizzone twitter to give. this should imo involve election, to legitimize swampman's vicious coup, and i will make that election thread if no one objects.
once u guys r done fuckign everything up u can hand the keys over to me and i will make this place a good place instead of a bad place, word!

elektrenai posted:

swampman posted:

give me control of rhizzone twitter

sorry Justine Tunney controls all leftist twitter accounts now

Let me talk to her

did you bring enough twitter to share with the class
sorry that was a Bad Joke
give swampmeet the tweeter

quibs posted:

sorry that was a Bad Joke

better than this forum deserves


quibs posted:

did you bring enough twitter to share with the class

u twit.....

(i combined twat with twitter lol)

You can see from the contents of this thread why other people shouldn't have control of the twitter but I should.
The Rhizzone: Keep Autism Weird