fyad has died, fyad is risen, fyad will come again

jools posted:

have you actually read any history of science stuff on sakata? because it was genuinely an accident that his basically arbitrary prejudice against the idea of a fundamental particle yielded some excellent, ahead-of-their-time results

thats how most science happens innit, by accident then we interrogate the causality after. much like dialectical materialism. cant tell who i agreeing with here. god is real


babyfinland posted:

god is real

he's right you know


jools posted:

okay if you have journal access the paper is Staley, Kent W, "Lost Origins of the Third Generation of Quarks: Theory, Philosophy, and Experiment" Physics in Perspective 3, 2001

if you dont, i have a pdf i could email you if you pm me

this was cool to read, thanks again!

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

rip fyad, who died
didnt they all just switch to twitter a few years ago anyway
posting a link to a something awful members only thread without quotes should be a bannable offense, except for ilmdge who is like a brother to all of us.

The Something Awful Forums > Main > GBS 1.4 > GBS Nite Crew Central › Finally i have returned to GBS
by mr crow
thank you. now i have confidence.
lol what are you doing on SA crow
werewaif chan
re: What are tHE rHizzonE reading? The Terrible, Awful, No-Good Very-Bad Website
im reading the gay dumb teen young adult fiction because my wife has told me to
which one. the Tom Swift. The Hardy Boys or good old David Copperfield

HenryKrinkle posted:



[account deactivated]

littlegreenpills posted:

im reading the gay dumb teen young adult fiction because my wife has told me to

I just finished reading Ivanhoe. Brian de Bois-Guilbert is cool.

in case anyone didn't download these yesterday http://hiaw.org/defcon6/works/cw/index.html
ty frend ^
http://thenewinquiry.com/essays/no-choice-but-freedom/ this is one of the bitggest piece s of shit i've seen1!
i've pretty much spent the past day trawling through the paris review interview archives


Vonnegut is very cheeky and funny, Borges is an infectiously passionate and passionate old man, Celine is like next-level spiteful honesty and Simone de Bouvoir is very insightful and disarmingly candid. It's too much to quote them all so unfortunately i'm going to just leave you this steaming turd

I had bad dorm rooms, and I’d landed in a nerdy situation as a prospective physics major. There were very few cute girls, and those few had no interest in me. My only significant ambition was to get laid, and I was failing spectacularly at it, for reasons now obvious to me but completely invisible at the time. I thought about transferring to a different school, but then I realized that if I majored in German I could go to Europe for a year, and that things might be better there.

Things were not better there, at least not girlwise. But I came back to the States less outrageously immature. And every once in a while a person’s life feels like a novel, and the eight weeks in the middle of my last year of college were a time like that. Everything came together quickly, all the stuff that had been latent suddenly crystallized, and I felt transformed in the space of eight weeks. I became a human being. By the end of that January, I was having sex with the person I would end up married to for fourteen years, and I’d become a determined, focused writer who wanted to do nothing but write ambitious novels

fuck you franzen

its at least true, he did form his entire stupid existence in like eight weeks of undergrad
death to physics majors and all the cunty turdhuts of the modern mystisophy
[account deactivated]
franzen is rly bad ive never cared for him, and he shit on the best american novelist so he can suck a ball
But Franzen loves David Foster Wallace!
Stanley is the best character in the recognitions.

"you want everyone to be like you"
"i want everyone to be like i want to be"
ur stanley, im prob something like an anselm / wyatt
thats really dope u know the recognitions though hahaha
im otto

ilmdge posted:

im otto

otto is supposed to be gaddis i guess but u probably already knew that

true story i wrote a graphic novel version of byron the bulb (from gravitys rainbow) in high school but the file got corrupted so i only had like 7 pages and lost momentum with it. but it was rly good and my friend had drawn some rly good character art, he was gonna illustrate the whole thing. im gonna rewrite that again this year maybe why not
otto's a fucktard tho
yeah its like self deprecating young version of himself. a lot of the book is that calvinist self hatred as growth type thing i think, prob why it appeals to me

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

i've pretty much spent the past day trawling through the paris review interview archives


Vonnegut is very cheeky and funny, Borges is an infectiously passionate and passionate old man, Celine is like next-level spiteful honesty and Simone de Bouvoir is very insightful and disarmingly candid. It's too much to quote them all so unfortunately i'm going to just leave you this steaming turd

I had bad dorm rooms, and I’d landed in a nerdy situation as a prospective physics major. There were very few cute girls, and those few had no interest in me. My only significant ambition was to get laid, and I was failing spectacularly at it, for reasons now obvious to me but completely invisible at the time. I thought about transferring to a different school, but then I realized that if I majored in German I could go to Europe for a year, and that things might be better there.

Things were not better there, at least not girlwise. But I came back to the States less outrageously immature. And every once in a while a person’s life feels like a novel, and the eight weeks in the middle of my last year of college were a time like that. Everything came together quickly, all the stuff that had been latent suddenly crystallized, and I felt transformed in the space of eight weeks. I became a human being. By the end of that January, I was having sex with the person I would end up married to for fourteen years, and I’d become a determined, focused writer who wanted to do nothing but write ambitious novels

fuck you franzen

the Gore Vidal one was really really good, those are good interviews they even make Bret Easton Ellis sound slightly coherent


discipline posted:

Every Man Dies Alone by Hans Fallada

ever read Little Man, What Now?