hey people i'm an ignorant asshole but i wanna read the good news you guy have to share. i don't have super high hopes for this thread but maybe if i start off with something to talk about and call me a revisionist over we can get somewhere. ATM i basically follow al jazeera and AFP for news (with le monde and der spiegel because i wanna keep up language skills and idk if i could handle AFP in actual french yet). a friend of mine give me the good shit from RT so that's cool. i feel like any news on this scale is gonna be sort of crap anyway.

for economics/finance etc i think naked capitalism is really interesting if you want to know about the nitty gritty details of the various finance and econ items that crop up in the news. they have some really good detailed pieces (like, a lot of them) on things like mortgage foreclosures in the USA, the trans-pacific partnership deals and why it's really bad, the specifics of why obamacare is really bad &c so if you are interested in the details it's pretty cool.

i'm interested in hearing more about international affairs from some people who bring the good shit, esp in terms of detailed analysis or kool journalism. i feel like probably everyone already knows about truthout and i remember finding out that most of the cool articles that i found back when i read le monde diplo came from tom englehardt's blog (they have a pretty good series of posts about us military presence in africa that's i like a lot). there's also a blog mostly on surveillance stuff that i like and they have good shit too. i'm also a huge nerd so this extremely exhaustive world elections blog is extremely cool to me. also shoutouts to h krink. anybody like any good blogs? i want them. backus was talking about black agenda report which seems really good so i gotta get on that but i want even more good blogs. my greed is endless.

the new left review is a cool magazine imo and so are our new Baffler overlords. anyone know some other good ones?

also please post itt cool leftist podcasts or something because i dont know any and also livestream things and good videos and other stuff. yeah.

here is a list of cool things organized roughly by topic? this is basically a guess since i haven't started reading most of the things itt particularly hard yet so yell at me if something should be somewhere else or needs a better label or whatever.

econ/finance/marx bros fan blogs:
naked capitalism
mark weisbrot
maoist press organ
brad delong's ugly-ass website

global affairs/general politics blogs
tom englehardt's blog empire
gory detail on lots and lots of elections
props to krink
http://atlantablackstar.com/ (seems like it has a good amount of "general interest"/celeb gossip if you're into that?

local or area specific information:
i guess this is mostly a haiti thing?
it says "atlanta" so im putting it here too?
all of their recent stories are about the ukraine so im putting it here too
afaik black agenda report is mainly a US thing?
angry arab blog
jadaliyya (it seems to me like a sort of cultural studies/current events in the arab world?)
palestine news/activism etc
marcy wheeler, pretty much just US based stuff?
some people talking about something called a "republican party", idk
chomsky & friends mag znet

HenryKrinkle posted:

latam in general:

country specific sites:

niche blogs, stuff that doesn't go anywhere else yet
privacy/surveillance blog

Waylondo posted:

fifth estateis an old detroit anarchist rag gone digital. they can be really loony at times but are always interesting

slingshot has some stuff online that's pretty informative, though they only recently switched their stance from anarchoprimitivism. the print version is free to the homeless and poor in the east bay, so thats cool.

if you ignore the anarchism and just re-insert a little stalin they're both good


the biffler

Edited by c_woman ()

The Martin Bormann+1
the buffler
[account deactivated]
great blog: catsnotwar.blogspot.com

great journalist: Eva Golinger (lots of it's en espaƱol tho)
can this become a project toward a stickied list or something
http://www.dadychery.org/ is okay
this thread has already succeeded beyond my wildest imagination
what the hell's up with the 'zzone lately, lots of good posters back from the dead, selling out to the baffler, more good new threads in a week than there have been for months

clarence died so that we might live
its because i started posting again
http://mccaine.org - McCaine's Gay?
i prefer to give credit to the brave ones among us who carried the flame of Posting in our hearts through dark days

dank_xiaopeng posted:

what the hell's up with the 'zzone lately, lots of good posters back from the dead, selling out to the baffler, more good new threads in a week than there have been for months

clarence died so that we might live

rhizzone is always more active during the summer. probably because half the posters here are still students

we're all students. never stop learning. question authority.

jools posted:

its because i started posting again

this and discipline losing her job


most of these ppl know but all are p good for certain things
yo whats the "deal" with landdestroyer, who is tony cartalucci, why does he ride so hard for the yellowshirts in thailand, it's very odd
fold in the middle of gestapo state, it's what happens when you submit too quickly (6,4)

Edited by jools ()


jools posted:

yo whats the "deal" with landdestroyer, who is tony cartalucci, why does he ride so hard for the yellowshirts in thailand, it's very odd

he lives in thailand and has weird views towards it. i dont know much about the situation there but just from reading his posts his analysis about thailand is completely different than anywhere else like someone else is writing it.

he wrote some thing about big government and big agriculture in cahoots to give rice farmers subsidies and the whole thing was crazy. apparently "vote buying populism' was the goal of the government (a weird way of saying the poor rural farmers voted overwhelmingly for them) and the govt is in cahoots with the IMF and the U.S. even though it's the IMF who wants to get rid of the subsidies. the solutions he offers are some weird TED talk and economic self-sufficiency through the King.


if reading something where the author is completely nuts and biased about a specific issue bothers you I completely understand. im so used to it from the NYT on venezuela, wsws on stalinism, democracynow on syria, etc that i can just filter it out and pick out the good info from the bad (or at least i try to).

oh no, i dont think he's nuts, i just think he's probably being paid by the yellowshirts and royalists etc to write stuff on that issue

jools posted:

oh no, i dont think he's nuts, i just think he's probably being paid by the yellowshirts and royalists etc to write stuff on that issue

that is also likely

tony cartalucci also supports the el-Sisi regime in Egypt.
i support the sissy regime in america

aerdil posted:

That guy is really clever and cool and not at all retarded

me, my blog, my magazine
don't read blogs, don't read articles, get off the internet and read books, create art or make love instead.....i give it about 2 years before the entire field of journalism is reduced to some BuzzTechCrunch top ten list anyway
mark weisbrot
the newspaper Atlanta Black Star often has good #content
max blumenthal
globalresearch.ca i've seen a lot of links to
dissidentvoice, common dreams, monthly review?

someone else do this cuz idk shit, this stuff might be obvious to you guys but i been outta the loop for years
i was never in the loop
im gonna put the good shit here in the OP, for maximum megathread potential

edit: that's actually a dumb idea

Edited by c_woman ()


c_man posted:

im gonna put the good shit here in the OP, for maximum megathread potential

edit: that's actually a dumb idea

i think it's a good idea, let's collate

it'd be cool to end up with a solid list all in one place

yeah i guess organizing things based on issue isn't bad. ill get started on that.

jools posted:

fold in the middle of gestapo state, it's what happens when you submit too quickly (6,4)

im seriously considering compiling a rhizzone prize cryptic crossword

Do It. i love crosswords
fifth estate is an old detroit anarchist rag gone digital. they can be really loony at times but are always interesting

slingshot has some stuff online that's pretty informative, though they only recently switched their stance from anarchoprimitivism. the print version is free to the homeless and poor in the east bay, so thats cool.

if you ignore the anarchism and just re-insert a little stalin they're both good