its true though there are subtle variances in the aroma of pussy... american pussy i have found to be fresher-smelling, while european pussy is richer, more organic... allow me to show you my spreadsheets
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i got 3000 business cards printed with 'Pussy Sommelier' and let me tell ya they go down a TREAT
tpaine posted:
so if pussy was a cigarrete american would be the regular and europe would be special blend...interesting. what pussy is menthol?
technically the cigarette metaphor doesnt hold up because pussy actually prolongs your life (science)... but i'd say scandinavian pussy, winter fresh blast cool sensation, also favoured by black men (racial stereotype)
ways to make women feel comfortable at the rhizzone:
- post extensive jokes about female genitalia
- post extensive jokes about female genitalia
if a woman wants to make jokes about my dick they can be my guest.... trust me i've heard em all
you see i'm an equal opportunity offender

[account deactivated]
getfiscal posted:
ways to make women feel comfortable at the rhizzone:
- post extensive jokes about female genitalia
like he gives a fuck
[account deactivated]
deadken posted:
if a woman wants to make jokes about my dick they can be my guest.... trust me i've heard em all
i hope you like the taste of your entrails
im a misogynist you see. i hate women.
[account deactivated]
my entrails taste.... like shit!!
they're the entrails of a counter-revolutionary, only worth anything when they're spread about the street
i think that could cause trips, falls, and potentially traffic accidents.
i resent the implication that anyone should feel comfortable at the rhizzone. posting is struggle
[account deactivated]
i tried posting in byob when it was founded but that place was way too chill and there was a cat and well let's just say i decided to invent ron paul and maoism-third worldism instead
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deadken posted:
i resent the implication that anyone should feel comfortable at the rhizzone. posting is struggle
thank you white man for saying what needs to be said
im not white
just shut the fuck up already
i am a man though although gender doesnt exist apparently
deadken posted:
im not white
you're the colour of shit
futurewidow posted:
thank you white man for saying what needs to be said
futurewidow posted:deadken posted:
im not whiteyou're the colour of shit
yeah vaguely
i mean, not like hangover shit. and one time i got this food poisoning and my shit was green, that was weird
deadken posted:futurewidow posted:deadken posted:
im not whiteyou're the colour of shit
yeah vaguely
same here brother, i still think you're degenerate scum
basically all my posts are about the fact that i'm degenerate scum, ur not really adding any new information here
i mean if Saying The Word Pussy Repeatedly In A Humorous Context is what it took to make you realise that then you havent really been paying much attention
ive been trying not to pay attention to the human garbage that frequent this forum, i know you're not alone
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
i think any model of discourse that doesnt take into account the difference between ironic-but-not-really WOMAN GET IN THE KITCHEN style 'jokes' and self-conscious parody of exactly that kind of mentality is shallow to the point of uselessness. imo
tpaine posted:
im'm not human scum am i 'window
we're all scum. We're. All. Scum.
[account deactivated]
deadken posted:
i think any model of discourse that doesnt take into account the difference between ironic-but-not-really WOMAN GET IN THE KITCHEN style 'jokes' and self-conscious parody of exactly that kind of mentality is shallow to the point of uselessness. imo
welp that's me told
you cant be Sometimes Scum. unless youre like a slime mould, coagulating into a walking thing, then a leaf, zeppelin, model for a future communist society