babyfinland posted:is law money worth it. seems a lot like academia where u have to compete with a bunch of loser nerd tryhards to end up stuck dead ended in square world
law is a very large and diverse field. the market still sucks, too. If you don't even know what area of law you're interested in, then law school definitely isn't for you.
daddyholes sounds like he has a pretty great law gig though so what do I know
also you should def. snitch and give full, detailed confessions whenever questioned by anyone about anything
stegosaurus posted:We need yo go back to soviet style residence permits and 100km restrictions and shit
glad you people are finally coming around
daddyholes posted:since i have a rep to uphold as the "Father" of the rhizzone trinity, my serious advice on how to get a job after graduating with a degree that doesn't help is to apply to a short grad program that is interdiscplinary or a fuzzy discipline but sounds technical and draws in groups of desperate aging comp sci undergrads, so you can pass yourself off as more qualified than you are after a couple more years of drinking and football. A family member of mine recently did this and he now has a job that pays okay and doesn't bother him too much. i got my own current job through a lot of luck and things outside my control so i'm not a good example to follow.
ya thats prob what im end up doing
how many hrs a week u work n how much u make. my thinking on lawyers is they dont have enough free time to enjoy their money
babyfinland posted:oh no not a lack of funding to some departments that sounds hellish
how many hrs a week u work n how much u make. my thinking on lawyers is they dont have enough free time to enjoy their money
depends what department you're in. If you're in a particularly busy department, you will work 10+ hours a day and have to put in some weekends. If you've got an easy assignment, then the hours are laughable. Working for the government isn't all that lucrative, though, especially at the lower ranks. Unless you go private you'll ultimately top out at low six figures and a low six figures pension.
rn i work pt and i live like a bum ass but in soviet russia Time is Money
stegosaurus posted:We need yo go back to soviet style residence permits and 100km restrictions and shit
c_man posted:why?

babyfinland posted:
i start all my relationships by either doing this or asking if they can help move my couch into my van
piss posted:help me also, your friend piss, get a job. i have no jo b and my head is collpaspsing
where u