deadken posted:
i mean itd be useful for the thing i want to write but then if i actually get sucked in i could sublimate my feeble will into some grand nonsensical narrative and if i get brainwashed enough then i might just clear up some of my neuroticism and no longer feel so abstracted from everything. iono
don't do it, this is the plot of houellebecq's novel
Impper posted:
i think jools might have implied that he banged my roommate but im not sure. Lol
deadken posted:
thats some good hostery right there
we were gonna go get some burritos last night but i had to get my netbook, which was on the south side. and i ended up sleeping in a car. badhost
so uhh join my cult, called catholicism
deadken posted:
right now im writing a short (2-3k words) thing about a pick up artist... i find them fascinating psychological specimens, i think that in oversexualising themselves they have depleted any capacity for sensuality, i dont think theyre capable of genuinely enjoying sex.... if its not awful i might post it
haha. my brother does this shit and he is Absolutely Ridiculous; and also almost never meets any women. not sur eif he's had sex.
aerdil posted:
eat shit sexhavers

In other words, instead of postulating the idea of a radical break, this figure proposes to sketch the latent outline of communism from within capitalism.
deadken posted:
this doesnt help me at all, i dont even know why i bought this book
Groulxsmith posted:
agreed, i find both fairly contemptible but just on a superficial and personal level nerds who talk about the great game of getting pussy really really bother me. i swear i once remember an SA thread where guys were talking about the smell of vaginas based on nationality
ferretball lol
deadken posted:In other words, instead of postulating the idea of a radical break, this figure proposes to sketch the latent outline of communism from within capitalism.
"At this thought my forehead broke out in a sweat; I stared around me vacantly with the wild eyes of a madman.
deadken posted:
Impper posted:
i think jools might have implied that he banged my roommate but im not sure. Lol
theres only one way to find out *snaps rubber glove*
deadken posted:
pua culture is basically a perfect example of the functioning of the objet petit a
no, its not
Impper posted:
my "writing instincts" are actually devolving. my first major project was a charismatic sociopath manipulating his way thru the french revolution, then a cynical mercenary ready to take on the structures he's been working for, then a disaffected young woman, and now in the kobe book a disaffected young guy.
you didn't write about a disaffected young woman you wrote about a man and ascribed him female pronouns