
c_man posted:

the only thing i know about those magazines is the thing jools wrote about TNI

they're generally not worth reading. i feel like they fill a void somewhere between grad school and a grad school troskyite political party

Rob Horning

elektrenai posted:

prohairesis posted:

yeah but it shares that realm of trendy smug ultraleft theory along w/ semiotext(e) etc. teh only thing i know about n+1 is that one of the editors cheated on his wife w/ some alt-lit girl and she wrote an embarrassing story about it

no that was the very similar but worse online-only magazine The New Inquiry's editor Rob Horning, the story is called Adrian Brody and it's unreadable

i dont know why i decided to look this story up but yes its terrible and awful and i am now measurably stupider because i started to read it

Readin' Mike Davis' Late Victorian Holocausts now and it's almost impressive how effective Europeans were able to use economic and military violence to pauperize every society they came in contact with. Every single claim capitalism makes about itself is a lie.

elektrenai posted:

prohairesis posted:

yeah but it shares that realm of trendy smug ultraleft theory along w/ semiotext(e) etc. teh only thing i know about n+1 is that one of the editors cheated on his wife w/ some alt-lit girl and she wrote an embarrassing story about it

no that was the very similar but worse online-only magazine The New Inquiry's editor Rob Horning, the story is called Adrian Brody and it's unreadable

just read it, you were right... or were you.... hmmm

[account deactivated]

elektrenai posted:

prohairesis posted:
yeah but it shares that realm of trendy smug ultraleft theory along w/ semiotext(e) etc. teh only thing i know about n+1 is that one of the editors cheated on his wife w/ some alt-lit girl and she wrote an embarrassing story about it
no that was the very similar but worse online-only magazine The New Inquiry's editor Rob Horning, the story is called Adrian Brody and it's unreadable

i have Lived a very sheltered life, thinking things that dumb couldn't get published.

altlit folks are the fuckign worst theere will be very special gulag for them
is alt lit like that tao lin shit?

discipline posted:

Scrree posted:

Readin' Mike Davis' Late Victorian Holocausts now and it's almost impressive how effective Europeans were able to use economic and military violence to pauperize every society they came in contact with. Every single claim capitalism makes about itself is a lie.

Uh this is still going on fyi

we are basically in the late Victorian era, it never ended


littlegreenpills posted:

discipline posted:

Scrree posted:

Readin' Mike Davis' Late Victorian Holocausts now and it's almost impressive how effective Europeans were able to use economic and military violence to pauperize every society they came in contact with. Every single claim capitalism makes about itself is a lie.

Uh this is still going on fyi

we are basically in the late Victorian era, it never ended

i knew you were into steampunk


chickeon posted:

altlit folks are the fuckign worst theere will be very special gulag for them

a prison of narrative cohesion, plot progression, and character development

steve roggenbuck needs a stint in the Free American Institute for the Lobomization And Integration of Diseased Shitmen
The Joseph Campbell Center for Massively Rehabilitating Your Stupid Face to Death
mine has a better acronym
I like diseased shitmen to write fiction with no plot but alt lit usually has plot and it's centered on Shitlord Teens and their journey to the center of Brooklyn

discipline posted:

Scrree posted:

Readin' Mike Davis' Late Victorian Holocausts now and it's almost impressive how effective Europeans were able to use economic and military violence to pauperize every society they came in contact with. Every single claim capitalism makes about itself is a lie.

Uh this is still going on fyi

Yeah I know! And it's cool that I can look at modern practices like say, Microlending, and realize that it's just an attempt by European banks to cut out the native petit-bourgeois loanshark class (that they themselves created by enclosing the commons) and profit more directly from the usure of the indian masses - old oppressions draped in new robes and all that.

Edited by Scrree ()

i'm talking with some editors at n+1 about writing for them so yeah it's probably not worth reading

Edited by deadken ()

post your book
that adrien brody story is unreadable. is that what literature is like these days
for a while i was worried about my inevitable superstardom resulting in stories like that one but now i'm just worrying about some journo finding my rhizzone posts lol
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
people seemed to like it idk
dead ken is a character i portray and his attitudes do not necessarily reflect my own. also the person walking around and doing things under my irl names is also a character i portray and his attitudes do not necessarily reflect my own either
the PJ O'Rourke of CIA funded internet maoism

deadken posted:

people seemed to like it idk

i liked it and thought it was better than much of your other output, and i'm not being insulting or anything

no insult taken, its basically the only Actually Good Idea i've ever had probably
i really did write half an article to send to weird tips mag but i trashed it on realizing i had unconsciously done a parody of you and it was really bad
I like the TNI piece but I don't think its your best work. I found it pretty nifty/funny that it was apparently the most read thing on TNI in all of 2013 ahaha
most read thing on tni ever lmao
the only other thing i read from there is that pissed off review of that new althusser translation and it didnt seem as good

elektrenai posted:

prohairesis posted:

yeah but it shares that realm of trendy smug ultraleft theory along w/ semiotext(e) etc. teh only thing i know about n+1 is that one of the editors cheated on his wife w/ some alt-lit girl and she wrote an embarrassing story about it

no that was the very similar but worse online-only magazine The New Inquiry's editor Rob Horning, the story is called Adrian Brody and it's unreadable

I started to talk about being similarly alienated from the intellectuals and activists I knew.

"Like I was involved with socialist politics for a while, but, like when I went to protests or whatever I felt really embarrassed. Like being surrounded by college kids saying things like, 'we're the vanguard of the working class.' I don't think there will be a socialist revolution."

This was the first time I had admitted that to anyone, including myself.

"I don't think there will be either. When I think about leftists I know, like my friend who is pushing me to write a book, I think about how privileged he is...like he says things like, 'I didn't go to an ivy league, I went to the University of Maryland', like that means something."

"Are you talking about Malcolm Harris?" He was another writer who wrote in the same places as Adrien Brody whose articles I read sometimes, who I knew enough about to recognize that he was talking about him.

"Yes, Malcolm Harris."

I gasped. "He's only twenty two, right? He's so smart!"

"He's a pretty smart guy."

He went on to talk more about Malcolm Harris, and how aggressive and self-promoting he was, and how seriously he took himself. "But I guess that's what you have to do to succeed..."

What if Malcolm Harris led the revolution?" I asked

this is real

Malcolm "Curator-of-Cool" Harris is a New York based creative consultant, cultural icon, and art world aficionado.
He has been described as ‘the Naomi Klein of the 21st century’ (by his own marketing sheet) (both of Naomi Klein's major books came out in the 21st century)
The Millenial Of The Millenium. The Fuckboy Of Bum
edit never mind now that i emptyquote it it's not as funny as i first thought