wasn't a good friday for jesus! haha

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

wasn't a good friday for jesus! haha

thats some sick ownage, bro

i know i shouldnt care but it was pointed out that about half the threads in goons in platoons are megathreads forstuff covered under other forums

PYF Dog pictures Thread
PYF Military pics & videos Thread
Cooking Thread Thread
Games Thread
Complain About Coworkers Thread
Professional Sports Thread
Workout Thread
Current Events Thread
Australian posters thread

GIP is basically a colony in SA they keep up so the psychopaths can be filtered into one location to make jokes about killing hajjis in between posting dog pics
they need to talk about games man. but like in the context of their einsatzgruppen brothers
[account deactivated]
You weren't there man. Australia changes a man.
What's the staev story
[account deactivated]
do they call being deployed "the suck" on GIP? lmao
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
bill nye is substantially less smuggo than richard dawkins if that helps
bill nye, much like atheism, is for children
atheism is for children. as is learning algebra, or how to read, or being protected by US labor laws
how was your easter, henry
it was good.
hmm. well that's good. i believe the goat stein's canonical name is henry as well, though, which is who i meant. but i'm glad you had a nice easter too.
hmm that can't be right....
oh it's "hank"
actually its john, as in john w. goatstein
anyway john how was your easter
easter is coool because xtians use it to slam dunk on other religions like "sure your guy did this thing, but did he RISE FROM THE DEAD??' owned
also jesus was god the whole time. deus ex machina
[account deactivated]
don't blaspheme
i dislike the messiah, not for what he did but for the inevitable legislative response
that marvel page i imgd above makes no sense because there are dozens or hundreds of deities in the marvel universe
There's another porno thread in main forum. Those cats sure are obsessed with porno.
I like khamsex's claim that back in the olden days porno was less offensive because they were afraid of feminists busting up video stores. Of course there were no video stores back then and if anybody was smashing up sex shops it was hillbilly religious fundamentalists who would sooner identify with Satan than feminism but hey
since the early 90s rates of rape and domestic violence have been falling precipitously. thank you porno for bringing this great change to our society despite the criticism of the well-meaning but ignorant

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

I like khamsex's claim that back in the olden days porno was less offensive because they were afraid of feminists busting up video stores. Of course there were no video stores back then and if anybody was smashing up sex shops it was hillbilly religious fundamentalists who would sooner identify with Satan than feminism but hey

Good thing there are no violent, sexist men in porn free societies like Iran or Saudi Arabia.


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Viewing porn "out of context" makes women feel sick
the least personal story about porn I feel like sharing is the one where I was a freshman in high school and hung out in a group that was more male than female. and the guys sometimes used to watch porn when we all hung out together. not just any porn, but really violent gonzo porn. the kind that high schoolers would get a kick out of for the gross factor, like faces of death. and they'd sit there and laugh and we girls would sort of nervously laugh along with them. we'd watch women throwing up while giving deep throat, we'd watch women get cum in their eye, we'd watch men slap women in the face with their hands and erections. we'd watch women getting foreign objects painfully inserted into their bodies. we'd watch women cry and say please and men call them degrading names. we watched men penetrate women dressed up like little girls who called them daddy. and the guys would laugh and say "oh man!" and we girls would sit there and basically get terrorized. sometimes, when something was really gross they would trick us into coming over to the computer screen and then wrestle us, trying to make us watch while they laughed. and we would laugh too, and say, "oh how gross." we were just fifteen and nobody knew better, we just wanted to be liked at that age.

we were being indoctrinated. and I guess these guys were learning something a little different. when they weren't forcing our faces into max hardcore shorts they could also speak of how intelligent and beautiful famous porn actresses were. they would talk about which ones they liked, which scenes they appreciated. it was like trading baseball cards.

playboy bunny t-shirts, girls gone wild commercials, bikini waxes - I grew up seeing all of this and I assume you did too. it teaches you about the value of women in our society. girls are fair game - offended, they are told to lighten up. I've never seen or heard of a straight man being told to lighten up after getting an unwanted, unexpected sexual pass from another man. all the women I know have a porn story to tell. don't even get me started on lesbians. and if you can't see how porn is like, a super horrific and oppressive thing to all women and girls, I don't know what to tell you. and if you can't share those kinds of experiences with women and girls then don't patronize them and try to have a little empathy. you don't have the same skin in the game. your position of power in society is built on the bones of these women. try and listen instead of figuring out ways to make them tell you it's okay to legalize widespread rape and sale of women, choke your girlfriend in bed or watch (even so-called feminist) porn. thanks in advance.
Khamsek is into the freak shit. Not my cup.of tea fursonally but I am sex-positive and think people should not be kinkshamed.

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

that marvel page i d above makes no sense because there are dozens or hundreds of deities in the marvel universe

just like real life


I've never seen or heard of a straight man being told to lighten up after getting an unwanted, unexpected sexual pass from another man.

i agree w/ a lot of her other points but this one is laughable. not only have i both seen AND heard of men being told to lighten up about this, ive been the one to tell other men to lighten up about this, and here in the United States of America In The Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Thirteen any man who DOESNT "lighten up" about this gets automatically accused of both homophobia and repressed homosexuality, and not just by me

someone get osama on the horn and tell him that he can do violence against 150 million great satan first world vampires just by peeping some boob on redtube
img-the playboy mansion, but covered in those infobubbles from "bin laden's mountain fortress"