
roseweird posted:

aerdil posted:

im a weak short man of no value to anyone much less a revolution and i plan to remain that way

my intelligence and personality are of value and i don't need to pretend i'm going to build a house or manufacture a tank or cave in a fascist's skull to justify my existence

no i was speaking seriously of myself, that wasnt a dig on you

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i hope tpaine manages to confront his psychic demons, this forum is proably not a good place for him
i mean a striking discomfort with the world as it is is pretty much a requirement for being a revolutionary but that should be the splinter in your mind that spurs you to take action, not a crippling burden that drives you to despair and anguish

get well clarence
be silent
i always wondered what the kind of "ironic" style of lf humor was all about; i think it's the unconscious leaking in to the conscious, what jungian theory considered to be the cause of schizophrenic and schizotypal syptoms. i would advise all people who "get" lf to be careful because that likely means you have a predisposition to a mental illness. peace.
i wish this thread hadnt become so divisive. working out/exercising has been a really positive force in my life for a little while and id hate for it to be a source of anxiety for someone or whatever is going on in here
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i blow out my bumhole on purpose
a simple dish soap enema makes a butt bubble pipe. hours of fun. the kids love it

TG posted:

i wish this thread hadnt become so divisive. working out/exercising has been a really positive force in my life for a little while and id hate for it to be a source of anxiety for someone or whatever is going on in here

i agree that there are probably reasons to do it but i think the culture that surrounds it vastly exaggerates its importance compared to any sort of actual utility. it's almost like listening to career potheads talk about weed as some sort of wonder drug.


aerdil posted:

im a weak short man of no value to anyone much less a revolution and i plan to remain that way

thats cool and all but how are you gonna make people do what you want? by making them feel guilty and shaming them into doing your will? proletarian revolution is simply an affirmation of our call to power, a thirst for dignity and authority to submit others to our class will. those who shake with fear every time a muscular fascist appears at their rally will realize too late what even malnourished naxalite women know - lifting is a must, strength is a must.

political power grows out of the barrel of my arm
you have to be willing to die
is that why you lift, preparing to die? Prepare to die.
that won't change the world
its not enough
well of course not. If I can't dance it's not my revolution and Anarchy Immediately.
[account deactivated]
i carry my easy charm and confident bearing
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fleights posted:

thats cool and all but how are you gonna make people do what you want? by making them feel guilty and shaming them into doing your will? proletarian revolution is simply an affirmation of our call to power, a thirst for dignity and authority to submit others to our class will. those who shake with fear every time a muscular fascist appears at their rally will realize too late what even malnourished naxalite women know - lifting is a must, strength is a must.

you're fantasizing about literally killing someone, for great justice, with your powerful fetish objects muscles.

i blew out lgps butthole too
Communist lifts (high tension) (1 set 58,286 reps)::

burn millions of calories with this one weird tip discovered by a Mao
exercise as dialectic: discipline and strength are required for peoples war. to master and improve ones body is to combat laziness and mental weakness, how can one hope to fight ideological liberalism in struggle sessions if one cannot bring oneself to face the discomfort of strenuous exercise? just as the revolutionary endeavors to overthrow the established order to create the new, so too she must endeavor to destroy her body to create it anew.
Monkey Deadlifts Heaven
[account deactivated]

fleights posted:

political power grows out of the barrel of my arm

Shoulda said chest. Woulda been funnier.

wasnt funny to begin with
i run because it is the most masochistic type of exercise and allows me to channel my latent neuroses in a way that feels self-destructive but in fact improves my mind and health
running is pretty bad for you i think, i started early in sports and played through high school and college and got hurt a lot and my coaches were Toughguys that told me to play through it and now i do a bare minimum to reproduce my strength for work becaue my back and joints are fucked up. i think exercise in general i have a pretty bad attitude toward, especially when i see people get into it later in life and are like "woah, you can do this!" and a boring well-to-do self-help book for shitty dorks begins there. who care. i saw sum pictures of guerrillas in cuba once and they were pudgy nerds and also youre not going to be a guerilla
tpaine come back. what are u drinking. WHAT ARE YOU DRINKING!!
its important for urban guerillas to blend into contemporary fat society. as mao said, revolutionaries must be like fish swimming in the ocean of butter
mao himself... seems from the pictures he was no stranger to the more caloried fruits of the people eh?