A US intelligence consultant told me that a few weeks before 21 August he saw a highly classified briefing prepared for Dempsey and the defense secretary, Chuck Hagel, which described ‘the acute anxiety’ of the Erdoğan administration about the rebels’ dwindling prospects. The analysis warned that the Turkish leadership had expressed ‘the need to do something that would precipitate a US military response’. By late summer, the Syrian army still had the advantage over the rebels, the former intelligence official said, and only American air power could turn the tide. In the autumn, the former intelligence official went on, the US intelligence analysts who kept working on the events of 21 August ‘sensed that Syria had not done the gas attack. But the 500 pound gorilla was, how did it happen? The immediate suspect was the Turks, because they had all the pieces to make it happen.’
As intercepts and other data related to the 21 August attacks were gathered, the intelligence community saw evidence to support its suspicions. ‘We now know it was a covert action planned by Erdoğan’s people to push Obama over the red line,’ the former intelligence official said. ‘They had to escalate to a gas attack in or near Damascus when the UN inspectors’ – who arrived in Damascus on 18 August to investigate the earlier use of gas – ‘were there. The deal was to do something spectacular. Our senior military officers have been told by the DIA and other intelligence assets that the sarin was supplied through Turkey – that it could only have gotten there with Turkish support. The Turks also provided the training in producing the sarin and handling it.’ Much of the support for that assessment came from the Turks themselves, via intercepted conversations in the immediate aftermath of the attack. ‘Principal evidence came from the Turkish post-attack joy and back-slapping in numerous intercepts. Operations are always so super-secret in the planning but that all flies out the window when it comes to crowing afterwards. There is no greater vulnerability than in the perpetrators claiming credit for success.’ Erdoğan’s problems in Syria would soon be over: ‘Off goes the gas and Obama will say red line and America is going to attack Syria, or at least that was the idea. But it did not work out that way.’
The post-attack intelligence on Turkey did not make its way to the White House. ‘Nobody wants to talk about all this,’ the former intelligence official told me. ‘There is great reluctance to contradict the president, although no all-source intelligence community analysis supported his leap to convict. There has not been one single piece of additional evidence of Syrian involvement in the sarin attack produced by the White House since the bombing raid was called off. My government can’t say anything because we have acted so irresponsibly. And since we blamed Assad, we can’t go back and blame Erdoğan.’
gyrofry posted:he also was mean to getfiscal which is unforgivable
man FUCK the St. Louis Projects
gyrofry posted:http://louisproyect.org/2013/12/18/seymour-hersh-and-his-unnamed-sources/
Is this clown really using Glenn Greenwald as a counterpoint to "bourgeois journalism". Back to clown college with you, Proyect
Superabound posted:gyrofry posted:
he also was mean to getfiscal which is unforgivable
man FUCK the St. Louis Projects
thank you for such a specific set-up
getfiscal posted:someone on racebook the white nationalist facebook posted an article by louis proyect where he was like we need to campaign for a left party or whatever. so i posted that i was happy to see he endorsed obama. proyect saw the comment and told me i looked like a pig. i said i was joking. he said i should leave the jokes to louis c.k., which suggests to me that there is some sort of louis-to-louis solidarity in america. anyway he's cool.
first we'll hug this out but after that i'm gonna fuck him up real bad. no one hurts babyfiskland and gets away with it. we ride tonight
I do like that this category exists
epick faile
palafox posted:i checked his website out and a sampling of his recent output includes a listicle of action film cliches, a mickey rooney thing, something on Yanukovych that I don't know enough to comment on, and an essay that starts with "Yesterday I spent three hours on the phone with Apple tech support to resolve a problem that had nothing to do with our Mac’s." Has he written anything interesting, any journalism of note, or anything socialist for that matter?
I do like that this category exists
it just redirects to the main page???
Superabound posted:palafox posted:i checked his website out and a sampling of his recent output includes a listicle of action film cliches, a mickey rooney thing, something on Yanukovych that I don't know enough to comment on, and an essay that starts with "Yesterday I spent three hours on the phone with Apple tech support to resolve a problem that had nothing to do with our Mac’s." Has he written anything interesting, any journalism of note, or anything socialist for that matter?
I do like that this category exists
http://louisproyect.org/category/gay/it just redirects to the main page???
it just redirects to my xanga
notciaNOTjew posted:Did somebody say manga!?!?
HenryKrinkle posted:
Da C.I.A. is in Da Buildin'
discipline posted:brown moses needs to go back to GBS and die there
he needs to get A FUCKING JOb