lol i haven't read anything since december

Bablu posted:

lol i haven't read anything since december

damn you must have got cool christmas presents

i read World Systems Analysis: An Introduction by Wallerstein, I plucked it from David Graeber's goodreads page. It seemed like exactly what it said on the front. I plan on reading more about it, I thought it was quite good. Wallerstein argues that the modern capitalist system is only comprehensible when taken as a whole, nationstates are essentially red herrings, and that it requires an entirely new type of analysis and cannot really be compared to any other mode of life in human history. The "world-system" he's analyzing is modern capitalism, and there has only been one world-system. He describes how it functions only by broadening itself and subsuming more of humanity, and that it is has been near crisis for 30 or 40 years and soon will hit the wall in which all the world is within the world-system. Then it all falls apart. Surprise.

Also I'm in the middle of Cosmopolis: The Hidden Agenda of Modernity by Stephen Toulmin, who, according to the introduction, was older than god when the book was written. It is also a heterodox reanalysis of Things, specifically that everything sucks because Descartes. But also Descartes is only a product of his time: the European world needed an excuse to put an unbridgeable chasm between human experience and the concept of truth so that they could rationalize themselves out of mutual genocide wrt the Reformation. the zeal with which rationality was accepted poisoned the next 5 or so centuries. etc etc. the first 60 or 70 pages were useless, but once he gets going it's quite well done. still slow. don't spoil the ending.

Edited by drwhat ()

i am reading The Political Ontology Of Martin Heidegger by Pierre Bordieu its ok
what do you guys think about Bruce Cumings' works on Korea?

idk i havent read it
looks interesting hank
i guess i'm asking because BHPN mentioned him once as being too hard on NK's current govt.

that said his history of the Korean War is good and it establishes that the UN/US forces and the South Korean forces by far committed more atrocities.
well with the amount i paid in taxes yesterday we better commit more atrocities otherwise what the fuck am i paying for

aerdil posted:

well with the amount i paid in taxes yesterday we better commit more atrocities otherwise what the fuck am i paying for

lol why would you pay taxes? enjoy your jobhaving.


HenryKrinkle posted:

what do you guys think about Bruce Cumings' works on Korea?


Cumings is cool. I agree with myself he's too harsh on North Korea but good luck getting published defending NK, he's the closest you can get.

here's a paper about the discursive function of north korean 'human rights' that came out recently


you can see the influence jaspir puar's homonationalism has had on social science, plz read it if you're a liberal and accept homosexual rights
i'll never understand why people think that doing in-depth analysis of buzzwords and though they were practiced as consistent systems of thought and action is a good use of time
"the idea of human rights is an important foundation of imperialist foreign policy and by attacking the idea of human rights we will disable the imperialist machine"

- an idiot

c_man posted:

"the idea of human rights is an important foundation of imperialist foreign policy and by attacking the idea of human rights we will disable the imperialist machine"

- an idiot

it matters more to internal debates between people trying to overthrow the system. like some workers might think socialism is impossible because we'd "end up like north korea". and if you ask them why then some of them might point to 'human rights' things like 'they have no freedom of speech'. at which point it might be useful to critique human rights. of course, as a liberal, i love human rights, and obama, and justin trudeau.

i would think that a more successful way of dealing with this would be to emphasize that "human rights" is just used by the government as a buzzword and that the external pressures that the state is under do much more to determine the living situations of the people living there, which is the relevant thing in the first place. the "discourse of human rights" is a red herring and going into detail about why human rights discourse is dumb or whatever totally misses the point imo
like, it seems to me a lot like trying to doxx joe the plumber to see if he's actually a plumber instead of arguing that actual working class people would suffer less (lol) under obama or whatever during the 2008 election.
my best friend used to play a fishing subgame in world of warcraft. he'd play that for whole days at a time over a stretch of months. pretty sure people waste a lot of time doing things less productive than critiquing human rights bro.
i thought the context was that you were already trying to convince people that they wouldn't be eating dirt under socialism, by using good arguments.

HenryKrinkle posted:

what do you guys think about Bruce Cumings' works on Korea?


in B. R. Myers's book The Cleanest Race, Cumings is his 'too leftist/sympathetic' foil that he is constantly correcting so he can be the goldilocks between the left and US propaganda


c_man posted:

i thought the context was that you were already trying to convince people that they wouldn't be eating dirt under socialism, by using good arguments.

picture a boot stomping a human face forever. that's socialism.

fringus, do you think 'the new sincerity' movement signifies an emerging possibility of escape from ironic detached post-marxian end of history/no-alternativism that might secure the existance of socialism for our people and a future for white children?

getfiscal posted:

picture a boot stomping a human face forever. that's socialism.

if you say so


gyrofry posted:

fringus, do you think 'the new sincerity' movement signifies an emerging possibility of escape from ironic detached post-marxian end of history/no-alternativism that might secure the existance of socialism for our people and a future for white children?

Short answer yes with an if; long answer no with a but.


gyrofry posted:

fringus, do you think 'the new sincerity' movement signifies an emerging possibility of escape from ironic detached post-marxian end of history/no-alternativism that might secure the existance of socialism for our people and a future for white children?

re: socialism, in fiction at least it's doubtful, as nothing the major authors (wallace, eggers, franzen) of 'the new sincerity' write about seems to imply any non-reactionary social/structural change- quite the opposite, really. you have oft-clumsy writing on race (not always, but frequently), a sympathy for the travails of the wealthy that doesn't actually take their dominance and iniquity into full account, and a condescending idealization of the proletariat within their bonds of undercompensated labor and oppressive cultural demands. I know there's a "new sincerity" in poetry that I don't know anything about, though.

re: the future for white children, yeah it's good to go.

sincerity is going to be as dumb, reactionary and awful as the people who are being sincere.
new sincerity is even more ironic than irony, that's the fucking point. Guh Huh. Fuck A Suck
you had a best friend getfiscal?

aerdil posted:

you had a best friend getfiscal?

i used to have a lot of friends. i stopped talking to most of them when i got sick. i still hang out with my best friend once every few months. we lived together for a while (until fall 2012). there are a few other people i see once in a while.

How do you make friends? Is sincerity or lying better for making friends? What kind of friends make the best friends?
socialism in the 21st century will be a bloodbath, utter slaughter. i wouldnt be surprised if we entered DPRK levels of security culture for decades to resist the counter-revolution. even then, the majority of us will die from unnatural causes, our enemies will tremble at the resolve of the new communist movement
[account deactivated]
irony rule's 2k14
my roommate has jodi dean books. what do i do!?

Lysenko posted:

my roommate has jodi dean books. what do i do!?

just remember they are more afraid of you than you are of them.

get a maid

swirlsofhistory posted:

How do you make friends? Is sincerity or lying better for making friends? What kind of friends make the best friends?

new sincerity would be cooler if it were coupled with the speculative realist trend. being really sincere about body parts, physical processes, and inhuman assemblages would own