
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

the only way people can make sense of it is if they accuse me of trolling

you are trolling though. so they are correct.

trolling gets a bad name imo. it allows people to dismiss opinions not because they are incorrect but because the speaker is trying to get a reaction from them. well maybe a reaction is deserved? the insistence on decorum renders discourse incestuous and bland and always deferential to power.

Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()

So I think the only way to change your view is if you change the view that you "disagrees with the overarching goals or behaviors of the military".

This morning, I got out of bed in a 3,000 square foot house. I took a hot shower. Drove my daughter to a great school where she's excelling. Stopped at Subway for a $3.00 breakfast and ended up at my office where, while I'm not getting rich, I'm getting paid a substantial sum of money for the work I do.

While I certainly can't point to a single solider who made any of that possible, I firmly believe that, without soldiers and the military, none of it would have happened. All those things I've done today - and that I do every day - are only possible because there are men and women willing to literally die so that me and my family can live the life we live.

Do each and every one of them face death as a result of their service? Certainly not. But the possibility is always there. And the job is necessary to allow my family to live the life we live. Perhaps the job could sometimes be done differently or better, but the military (which is really made up of the soldiers) is absolutely necessary for me to have all the things I have a to be safe on a day-to-day basis.

So while I may not respect and support every action that every soldier takes every day. I certainly respect and support the concept of what their purpose is.
without the glorious heroes of the US military i would not have the Freedom to hork down a $3 fast food breakfast. fucking america.txt
The Strangecoin network is a directed graph with users as nodes and some time-dependent transactions as edges between them. Transactions describes how Strangecoin trade between users at each time step. Let S be our unit of Strangecoin, and let t be our basic unit of time.

A Strangecoin user is:

An account balance B in S
Income I in S/t, the sum of all incoming transactions.
Expenses E in S/t, the sum of all outgoing transactions.
So dB/dt = I - E
An account balance cap C in S that represents the upper limit of Strangecoins in a user's balance.
[account deactivated]
Thank you U.S. Troop for securing Subway's borders and preventing all-out Franchise War so that i may continue to enjoy the luxurious $3 breakfasts (my pay is substantial but its not $5 Foot Long substantial. Its not like im CEO of the company or anything) and heated indoor plumbing (an American exclusive) that make my life worth living
nu gbs has some funney poast


tpaine posted:

he's right though. Soldiers are risking their lives to ensure that he can continue to live his profoundly predatory lifestyle, he just doesn't get that this means they should all be killed

that's simply untrue tpaine. soldiers are worthless makework

foreign governments aren't gonna overthrow themselves

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

nu gbs has some funney poast

they are good with teh gifs

[account deactivated]
Whys there a duck under that sentence
thats hoiw redditors dispense sincere advice in meme format.

Eww no
[account deactivated]
"Le" - Albert Camus
The Ultimate Warrior is dead.

i dont understand vine. its like youtube but slower, shittier and less useful
[account deactivated]

RescueCreditor posted:

The Ultimate Warrior is dead.


do i have the power to kill people, just by putting them in my 'tar? nelson mandela, ultimate warrior...*looks down at hands* *they're in fingerless gloves*

"fingerless gloves" is the best meme that never took off imo

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i dont understand vine. its like youtube but slower, shittier and less useful

thats cuz youre an old

I love it when i see Middle East Experts on tv and they're 20% israeli jews and 80% Dudes Too White To Play Golf because if they were employing any actual mideasterners they'd just be shrieking 'stop bombing us' like vengeful ghosts

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

I love it when i see Middle East Experts on tv and they're 20% israeli jews and 80% Dudes Too White To Play Golf because if they were employing any actual mideasterners they'd just be shrieking 'stop bombing us' like vengeful ghosts

israeli jews are actual mideasterners. let's try to cool it with the eliminative antisemitism.

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

conec posted:

i want candy

what kind?

i like big foot

i was trying to remember the candy "big foot" and i was like... it's... umm.... hot foot or something.... so i google image searched for "hot feet" and it was all women's feet lol
i had a few more feet that night,

gyrofry posted:

i had a few more feet that night,


[account deactivated]