Panopticon posted:given themselves a concussion like a golf handicap
that's not how golf handicaps work you idiot!!!!
Ironicwarcriminal posted:is this the dude who insulted getfiscal on facebook
you're thinking of louis proyect.
postposting posted:the stalin society of north america's award for excellence in the field of stalin and stalin studies
Ive done my own work onthe monster
c_man posted:im pretty sure labor and production are covered exactly nowhere in star wars
uhh... there are moisture farmers, smugglers, trade federations, markets for power converters, all sorts of shit, man!

I hardly know 'er
getfiscal posted:c_man posted:im pretty sure labor and production are covered exactly nowhere in star wars
uhh... there are moisture farmers, smugglers, trade federations, markets for power converters, all sorts of shit, man!
so we have trade of industrial goods, black markets and agriculture, but the laborers producing the technology used everywhere as well as the production process is completely invisible
c_man posted:so we have trade of industrial goods, black markets and agriculture, but the laborers producing the technology used everywhere as well as the production process is completely invisible
this was one of the first zizek things i read. he had a blurb about how in hollywood movies there's no production process, the most invisible thing is hard work. i wrote a paper based on it for a business class and he failed me.
not saying that's an impress feat or anything, though
tpaine posted:what is mccaine up to these days, is he still writing serious academic things with a twinky shirtless pic of himself attached to it
he's completing his phd dissertation in london and yes
MindMaster posted:isnt the empire from star wars clearly leftist?
read supermechagodzilla's posts itt for all your marxist-leninist star wars needs
babyhueypnewton posted:his website is broke
works for me?
getfiscal posted:babyhueypnewton posted:his website is broke
works for me?
hmm nm im redtarded
getfiscal posted:c_man posted:so we have trade of industrial goods, black markets and agriculture, but the laborers producing the technology used everywhere as well as the production process is completely invisible
this was one of the first zizek things i read. he had a blurb about how in hollywood movies there's no production process, the most invisible thing is hard work. i wrote a paper based on it for a business class and he failed me.
i saw your post about transcripts on the ol 'book and didnt reply because some things are simply too embarrassing to put next to my real name in front of everyone, but I have failed linear algebra *inhales deeply* a total of three times. I'm not going to take it again probably.
getfiscal posted:the prompt for the management class was something like: "explain how the workplace in the film 'office space' was dysfunctional". and you were supposed to be like oh the guy had excessive ownership over his stapler and should have been a team player or something. and too many TPS reports. but i stayed up all night trying to force myself to write that bullshit and i was like naw. so i wrote a long essay about how no productive work is performed in the film and that everything they do is ultimately meaningless because they are not producing use-values or whatever. i said that the tendency to lie and steal was rational given that their work was meaningless. i wasn't trying to be dumb i just really thought that that was what was up.
I did a really vulgar materialist analysis of sufism for a class i was taking, on sufism.
getfiscal posted:the prompt for the management class was something like: "explain how the workplace in the film 'office space' was dysfunctional". and you were supposed to be like oh the guy had excessive ownership over his stapler and should have been a team player or something. and too many TPS reports. but i stayed up all night trying to force myself to write that bullshit and i was like naw. so i wrote a long essay about how no productive work is performed in the film and that everything they do is ultimately meaningless because they are not producing use-values or whatever. i said that the tendency to lie and steal was rational given that their work was meaningless. i wasn't trying to be dumb i just really thought that that was what was up.
post the essay if you still have it
stegosaurus posted:i saw your post about transcripts on the ol 'book and didnt reply because some things are simply too embarrassing to put next to my real name in front of everyone, but I have failed linear algebra *inhales deeply* a total of three times. I'm not going to take it again probably.
harden the fuck up because you're going to need it for socialist planning, of the economy, which we will do when we take power. i have never completed university-level algebra though yet either.
Bablu posted:post the essay if you still have it
i probably could access it somehow but maybe some things are best left to the mists of time.
babyhueypnewton posted:MindMaster posted:isnt the empire from star wars clearly leftist?
read supermechagodzilla's posts itt for all your marxist-leninist star wars needs
these are a fun read thanks
Obsessive fandom (of the sort that results in Wookiepedia) is fueled by fantasy of total positive knowledge. Star Wars fans desire 'answers' that will provide a complete picture of the Star Wars virtual universe, so that its entire teleological design can be fully comprehended. (What are the clone wars, how did Yoda use a lightsaber, etc.) Since no such design actually exists, the point of fandom is the desiring itself. Fans do not 'actually' want these answers. It's just endless desire. And Lucasarts has gladly catered to with the endless supply of tantalizing 'Expanded Universe' materials cataloged as Wookiepedia.
i think tolkien understood this very well in a conservative way, with tolkien things were mentioned (the "lost continents", the background of the bad guy), but they were always in the background, consciously intended to function similar to the skybox or low-res renditions of distant buildings in a videogame, not to be examined too closely. the proper radical thing to do is to create a fiction which approaches these barriers without making them "clear", since making them clear simply creates a barrier of the real which recedes forever
Edited by MindMaster ()