i'm reading phenomenology of perception and the man without qualities (quality stuff, just finisehd the first half)

littlegreenpills posted:

i am going to finish the book because for all its faults it provides a nice intro for retards and i have nothing better to do with my life (my boss's wife is giving birth and i am going to be fired for a week, possibly longer if he notices what the baby looks like)

swedish and with amorphous secondary sex characteristics?


NoFreeWill posted:

if marxism gave up on atheism i bet we could recruit these fuckers. as you see on these here boards there are plenty of catholics and pagans who would be communists and are if not for the god-hatred.

paganism is reactionary

[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

MindMaster posted:

paganism is reactionary

go on

from my (dumb, limited, sweatpants wearing) understanding, all of the classic pagan religions are superstructural in the marxist sense, in that they supplement some sort of material order as in aristotelian "everything in its right place", the idea of eternal renewal and reincarnation in buddhism, the hindu caste system, the japanese satori, harmony and inwardness as opposed to antagonism and struggle. the abrahamic religions (with the jewish religion as a kind of intermediate stage) broke with this tradition by inscribing some sort of fundamental antagonism into the religious order itself and therefore encourage a break with the established material order as well; the idea of the fall, the trinity of God and his self-destruction, the holy spirit as the community of believers and what have you

i just copied this whole notion from others though so im willing to be persuaded otherwise

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wasn't that what the last season of xena was about?
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hoax is coo but fuck that vid haha

roseweird posted:

it's reactionary , as a westerner emerging from thousands of years of christian tradition , to turn to neopaganism and eastern religions in an attempt to secure religious meaning while avoiding parsing the meanings and contexts of christianity and judaism, and it doesn't work, however neither is obsessive and alienatingly exclusive monotheistic navelgazing good theology

well what i said was mostly informed by that yes, by westerners who seek "wisdom" and "spirituality", by which they mean a withdrawal from real things, shielded by the material comforts of their class. i don't reject actual paganism as it existed elsewhere wholesale.

but maybe i should just read more about it


jiroemon1897 posted:

hoax is coo but fuck that vid haha

the weird mouthlick of the dude with hose over his head is just like the weird mouthlick of the retard w. mangled eyes in "the white ribbon" and for that reason alone i'm down

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“So on down the road… I decided, how can I demonstrate my Marxism? The thought was ‘infiltrate the church.’ I consciously made a decision to look into that prospect.”
- Comrade Rev. Dr. Jim Jones, Founder of tHE Ur-'ZzoNe

roseweird posted:

neither is obsessive and alienatingly exclusive monotheistic navelgazing good theology


european paganism/polytheism is bullshit because it proposes a numerical finitude of the divine. any half-decent polytheism ('hinduism' for instance) will eventually recognise a single god of which the others are instantiations or aspects because a true infinite multiplicity (or a multiplicity of multiplicities) can only be expressed through the figure of the One and not through any succeeding numerical term. multiples are directly inimical to multiplicity. the invention of a singular nature-deity associated with modern european pagan belief systems is almost certainly a romantic back-formation influenced by christianity
God is coming and she is pissed

roseweird posted:

MindMaster posted:

well what i said was mostly informed by that yes, by westerners who seek "wisdom" and "spirituality", by which they mean a withdrawal from real things, shielded by the material comforts of their class. i don't reject actual paganism as it existed elsewhere wholesale.

but maybe i should just read more about it

you definitely should, but i guess it's also a little jarring to me because i am used to discussing religion in a pluralistic environment with a lot of muslim hindu and buddhist students , where no one would ever consider disparaging non-christian religion as "paganism" ... so i mean i'm not sure what your background is but you seem to be assuming a shared christian or recently post-christian background among most people speaking, and that's probably true to some extent here ... but ... there is value in cultivating a pluralistic mode of conversation about religion , regardless of one's own beliefs. and it's important to be realistic about religious institutions. the history of the christian church is a lot less inspiring than the teachings of christ.

well, in japan i was a bit surprised (or not really surprised) that everyday religious experiences were almost totally analogous to those in europe. what passes for buddhism in everyday life there is very similar to for instance my mother's version of hippie-catholicism, whereas the more radical elements of society tend towards some or other esoteric interpretation of shinto, and reject buddhism. this led me to assume that it probably works that way everywhere, with a basically "pagan", harmony-oriented bourgeois religion forming the dominant strain (and in this way, undogmatic feelgood christianity is of course also "pagan"), and a excess/sacrifice-oriented strain as its radical counterpart, oversimplified of course. when i said pagan, i meant this tendency towards harmony and stasis, not actual historical paganism.

korea seemed to be more like the american south in that way, when you drive into seoul, all you see are christian crosses and evangelical churches. everything is dark and grim, it's nothing like japan at all and i don't understand how anyone could compare the two.

these are just my own, fairly superficial observations though.

islam i think runs into the opposite problem through the doctrine of tawhid, declaring the plane of immanence to be pervasive and thus negating it as a plane that intersects an object although i suppose there is dialectical potential in these contradictions
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religion is gay
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roseweird posted:

MindMaster posted:

(and in this way, undogmatic feelgood christianity is of course also "pagan")

right. this is kind of my point. you're sort of using the word "pagan" in a confusing way for no apparent reason other than to bash neopagans, which seems about to turn fashionable

you caught me with my sweatpants down

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religion and fictions in general are probably necessary in order to be able to interpret the world and the stimuli you receive from it so the answer is probably to stop doing that

roseweird posted:

deadken posted:

european paganism/polytheism is bullshit because it proposes a numerical finitude of the divine. any half-decent polytheism ('hinduism' for instance) will eventually recognise a single god of which the others are instantiations or aspects because a true infinite multiplicity (or a multiplicity of multiplicities) can only be expressed through the figure of the One and not through any succeeding numerical term. multiples are directly inimical to multiplicity. the invention of a singular nature-deity associated with modern european pagan belief systems is almost certainly a romantic back-formation influenced by christianity

i feel like you think you disagree with me but i don't think you do... also that's not true of historicacl european paganism/polytheism, it's only true of modern neopaganism, which is obsessed with being "polytheistic" out of simple contrarianism , itself a reaction to the very silly kind of "monotheism" that leads to endless superstition over images and ritual devotions to spirits, and in this case both parties are bypassing the more sophisticated resolution that you are offering. in actual historical polytheism the fluidity of the oneness/plurality of divinity was often taken for granted. there are official pantheons in certain places at certain times but ancient polytheism was less about say 'my gods vs your gods' and more about 'how will the gods arbitrate between us?'

i don't think i'm disagreeing with you i'm just spewing words on computar. i live in the sewer


roseweird posted:

deadken posted:

islam i think runs into the opposite problem through the doctrine of tawhid, declaring the plane of immanence to be pervasive and thus negating it as a plane that intersects an object although i suppose there is dialectical potential in these contradictions

how high on stimulants do you have to be to believe that "the pervasiveness of the plane of immanence negates it as a plane intersecting an object" is a "problem"

how dulled on marihuana do you have to be to NOT see the urgency of this situation

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roseweird posted:

deadken posted:

roseweird posted:

neither is obsessive and alienatingly exclusive monotheistic navelgazing good theology


im trying to say that theology that lacks polytheistic elements is just as troubled as one that lacks monotheistic elements and an obsession with either one reflects a lack of faith in the transcendent nature of god. god is the spirit into which all spirit resolves, and all is spirit. within this scheme there are gods and there is god, and every god is God and god is God and the gods. it's not too strange really. it's neoneoplatonism

it's mystical german idealism and it's no good at all *plonks a big bust of marx in front of ur face* stare at this for two hours and get back to me

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