gjoey is disappointed in rhizzone.net. so am i gjoey. so am i.
i cant wait until the reddit pedo apologists who know a frightening amount about global age of consent laws get wind of the term "cultural imperialism"
thus lessons posted this almost 1 year ago. look how wrong he is http://www.rhizzone.net/forum/topic/4278/?page=4#post-138777

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

thus lessons posted this almost 1 year ago. look how wrong he is http://www.rhizzone.net/forum/topic/4278/?page=4#post-138777

ill just go ahead and assume its about tofu. not even gonna bother clicking the link

true fact: i coined the term "buttmad"
i was watching The Big Bang Theory and they referenced that "The Terminator" was ripped off from an Outer Limits episode called "The Demon With a Glass Hand" and I said "ppph actually Harlan Ellison said that it was actually ripped off from another episode he wrote called 'The Soldier'" and then Leonard said exactly that and I want to die irl

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i was watching The Big Bang Theory and they referenced that "The Terminator" was ripped off from an Outer Limits episode called "The Demon With a Glass Hand" and I said "ppph actually Harlan Ellison said that it was actually ripped off from another episode he wrote called 'The Soldier'" and then Leonard said exactly that and I want to die irl

one time my brother told me that one of the guys on The Big Bang Theory had the same shirt i was currently wearing so i slapped the box of marbles he was carrying up into the air and he spent the next hour and a half comically trying to regain his balance

the 4 foot tall nerdy blonde girl on that show is like superconcentrated sex tho. definitely in my top 5 list of JILFs
shes a smokin hot jew 4 shore
i liked the last episode of the walking dead, because of child murder

Superabound posted:

i want to jump straight into year 2 of a relationship with a barren liz lemon-type

dear god why


palafox posted:

Superabound posted:

i want to jump straight into year 2 of a relationship with a barren liz lemon-type

dear god why

expectations are low for all parties involved, obvi

i saw a porno entitled "girl addicted to wet and hard cocks." thats unfortunate. just wet cocks or just hard cocks dont do it. need to be both wet and hard. wonder is theres methadone for that
sounds like a good time for a swim

palafox posted:

dear god why

dating women is gay as hell

im sorry about lack of posts but i am in crunch time for work
you are all hanging on my every word. i am atlas carrying the rhizzone on my back
mods change goatsteins name to Marry Steamvirgin
khamsek hasnt posted in over a month. i hope shes ok moving back to the shithole of the world for cred
i thought she already lived in New York
i was mod for like 1 month before a new "election" was held. jools is mod for 9 months. ridiculous. the failures of democracy
tpaine i sent a link to ur story to the author of that vice article. no response.
normal term for a moderator is 4 years. we have 3.25 years of jools left.
show me what a police state looks like? this is what apolice state looks like!
getfiscal who do you think the hottest jew is. im really starting to crush on lauren cohan hard.
does anybody know where cycloneboy is? i want to send him some white hot dominatrix femdom porn i bet he will cum like the deepwater horizon
uhhh, just send it to me and ill make sure it gets to him

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

getfiscal who do you think the hottest jew is. im really starting to crush on lauren cohan hard.

lauren bacall

getfiscal whats with you and babes from the 1820s
i think the fact that all the d&d lawyers are such caricatures out of a phil ochs song is partially due to the fact that they're all low-level DC apparatchiks and partially due to the fact that the weez has went out of his way to ban anyone outside the beltway cosmology .but those are both symptoms, not the root cause. lawyers are reactionary because they ultimately are the priests of nonsense, perpetuating the idea of ownership as derived by the right incantations filed with the appropriate authorities, rather than the sane and intuitive concept of ownership defined by use
i wonder if roseweird got in on #killallmen on twitter yesterday
basically anyone required to defend contemporary institutions is a priest of nonsense because power turns stupid ideas into deadly reality.

i always think of how in canada in advance of the G20 at an activist meeting a guy said he thought people would be morally right to tear down the security fence. the police decided that meant he was encouraging people to break the law and arrested him. he spent about a year under house arrest and had a number of other conditions imposed on him. and that's just a tiny glimpse of a minor encounter with the state. millions of lives get fucked up and these lawyers still donate to the democrats and liberals and defend the political and legal system as rational.

you can watch this video and see what he was convicted for. it's just like... a clear cut case to me of dissent being criminalized, and in a casual way.

in america we have free speech so you cant be prosecuted for inciting people to break the lawhahahaha

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

khamsek hasnt posted in over a month. i hope shes ok moving back to the shithole of the world for cred

She's busy building her twitter brand https://twitter.com/m_anyfesto

some things never change.
khamsex has 528 twitter followers. im afraid if i join twitter even thought i'm a much better poster and also of the superior gender i would get less followers and that would fucke me up irl