also are you sure some leftist press wouldnt publish that shit, or did you already try that
[account deactivated]
that sux cuz that book needs to exist.
[account deactivated]
ive never written anything so ive never tried to have anything published but do they all just send back form rejection letters (or nothing at all)? in other words, no one gives any notes or improvement suggestions or w/e?

do you know whether a similar book to what you wrote already exists? it just seems like there's a definite space for a critique of US troops and an "expose" of recent atrocities, etc.

hmm im guessing you didn't do any original research/interviews and i wonder if maybe that could have helped. which again brings me back to the question of whether you ever got ANY feedback (but im guessing these operations cant be fucked to bother with that). judging by your rHizzonE front page "prisoner" article, i think your writing is sufficiently good so i dunno. you should keep sending it out in the meantime and see if suddenly someone changes their mind.

i remember reading about someone who took an existing book, by an acclaimed author, and sent it back out to a dozen publishers or something and they all rejected it lol. but this kind of political stuff seems ike it'd be easier than novels/short stories, like if you just take an opinion of someone who wants to publish that opinion they'd be interested. maybe anti-troop shit was too hot to touch back then
i want to hear about absolute morality from the guy who transcribes youtube videos of a swearing parrot and drinks alone every night
ken you still havent even written a book!!! dont go thru life like that loser borges

tpaine posted:

deadken i'm drinking sierra nevada pale ale and listening to this

post your book

if you like sierra nevada
and getting buzzed on cocaine
read silvia frederici
to help you sharpen your game

i'm writing a novel but it's going p slowly b/c i'm also starting a magazine and applying for masters programmes and just having loads + loads of sex
male feminist game is legit
[account deactivated]

deadken posted:

starting a magazine

call it "la gironde"

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
did you already try the publishers of other dissident stuff like common courage press (killing hope)? what about talking to leftist academicians?

tpaine posted:

ilmdge posted:

ive never written anything so ive never tried to have anything published but do they all just send back form rejection letters (or nothing at all)? in other words, no one gives any notes or improvement suggestions or w/e?

i never got any feedback, and you're lucky to get a form letter rejection. i tried giving it away too no one read it

well then, you know what you have to do...


Panopticon posted:

did you already try the publishers of other dissident stuff like common courage press (killing hope)? what about talking to leftist academicians?

yeah thats like what i was thinking, SOMEONE should want to publish a book lik ethat. i wondewr if clarence went ahead and did some original interviews and then pumped that up in like a cover letter if that owuld help? but of course it's hard to tell. i understand 1 out of like 10,000 things submitted ever gets published, it's practically like the lottery.

[account deactivated]
Age You're only as old as the woman you feel
Date: look you're a really great guy but I just think we work better as friends
Country and a little bit of rock 'n' roll
Likes this and likes that and like this uhuh,
Dislikes that and like this and like that uhuh
Description of your physical features (no pictures please) Dark Anglo-Irish, nice D, James Bond meets Harry Potter via Morrisey
Annual salary and net worth No
How do you hope you will learn or grow at tHE rHizzonE I go to 420 forums.com for that
Are you happy? Why or why not? I'm generally pretty content, relationships with others and overcoming apathy and ego can be frustrating but i'm thankful for the opportunities i've had and still get a kick out of makin' people laugh online or off... just keep laughin', L-A-U-G-H-I-N
If I were a tube of toothpaste, where would I hide? Toothon, AZ

deadken posted:

male feminist game is legit



tpaine posted:

deadken posted:

i'm writing a novel but it's going p slowly b/c i'm also starting a magazine and applying for masters programmes and just having loads + loads of sex

post it

the novel isn't finished yet. i will post the magazine once we've compiled the first issue and i already post about sex on a near-constant basis. post your book

Age: 42
Date: Today's date? 3/17/2014
Country: USA
Likes: Traditional values, old-fashioned hobbies
Dislikes: Capitalism
Description of your physical features (no pictures please): I'm a weird looking thin-framed dude with a large nose, close-set eyes, thick eyebrows, and no chin. I'm wonderful.
Annual salary and net worth: 40k-45k, $50k or so in debt.
How do you hope you will learn or grow at tHE rHizzonE? I hope to grow my knowledge of memes and communism.
Are you happy? Why or why not? Yes, I'm happy, because I'm generally a positive person that, despite my many misgivings about the world, appreciates and enjoys life. I'll be happier when I have a wife, and children that I can raise to be epic and chill, but also switched on and intelligent.
If I were a tube of toothpaste, where would I hide? I don't know why a tube of toothpaste would not want to be found, and toothpaste isn't something I've lost before, so I'm going to pass on this question. I'm sorry.
[account deactivated]

ilmdge posted:

Age: 42
Date: Today's date? 3/17/2014
Country: USA
Likes: Traditional values, old-fashioned hobbies
Dislikes: Capitalism
Description of your physical features (no pictures please): I'm a weird looking thin-framed dude with a large nose, close-set eyes, thick eyebrows, and no chin. I'm wonderful.
Annual salary and net worth: 40k-45k, $50k or so in debt.
How do you hope you will learn or grow at tHE rHizzonE? I hope to grow my knowledge of memes and communism.
Are you happy? Why or why not? Yes, I'm happy, because I'm generally a positive person that, despite my many misgivings about the world, appreciates and enjoys life. I'll be happier when I have a wife, and children that I can raise to be epic and chill, but also switched on and intelligent.
If I were a tube of toothpaste, where would I hide? I don't know why a tube of toothpaste would not want to be found, and toothpaste isn't something I've lost before, so I'm going to pass on this question. I'm sorry.

Is the rasta-homer avatar still providing that affirmation and motivation you posted about a few months ago?

oh and if i could see an actual census/profile of any poster here it would be gyrofry because most of us have done some earnest/drunk/amphetamine posting at some time but mr fry gives nothing away, like it's ALL a big joke to him

the three things i'm pretty sure of is that he's into the RAF, Katy Perry and concise irony
No, I no longer feel its power, but it is still a motivator for me in my life.
Age 27
Date yes
Likes criticism, intuition, science, bright colors, basketball, flaws, outcroppings, junctions, potentials, crossings, flights, arcs
Dislikes the forces of imperialism and reaction
Description of your physical features (no pictures please) peaceful, fuckable
Annual salary and net worth enough petty bourgeois money to buy yankee candles or fund defense campaigns
How do you hope you will learn or grow at tHE rHizzonE? i hope my cock grows
Are you happy? Why or why not? ye
If I were a tube of toothpaste, where would I hide? full of drugs and up me butt

deadken posted:

i'm writing a novel but it's going p slowly b/c i'm also starting a magazine and applying for masters programmes and just having loads + loads of sex

itll go on the SA mantle along with "weird twitter", "a guy who wrote for gawker", brown moses, and impper's rape fantasies. im sure it'll fit right in

[account deactivated]

swampman posted:

Just fill out the form please
Description of your physical features (no pictures please)
Annual salary and net worth
How do you hope you will learn or grow at tHE rHizzonE?
Are you happy? Why or why not?
If I were a tube of toothpaste, where would I hide?

All answers from here to fore remain completely anonymised by Thread Anonymiser © swampman 1997.

i love this place. i love you all. big ups.

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

if you like sierra nevada
and getting buzzed on cocaine
read silvia frederici
to help you sharpen your game


i wanna write an 83 page pamphlet about the early history of utah from a marxist perspective

stegosaurus posted:

i wanna write an 83 page pamphlet about the early history of utah from a marxist perspective

I will not only read this but buy it if you do.

Age: early 30s
Date: Present day, present time.
Country: Land of the free, home of the brave
Likes: Christianity, anime, philosophy, technology
Dislikes: Cruelty, vulgarity
Description of your physical features (no pictures please): Blonde hair, blue eyes, healthy enough
Annual salary and net worth: Unemployed at the moment, but generally well off
How do you hope you will learn or grow at tHE rHizzonE?: I have learned and grown much thanks to this forum's educated and clever sense of humor.
Are you happy? Why or why not?: Ambivalent. I am happy because life is comfortable and fun, but have bad memories and bouts of doubt.
If I were a tube of toothpaste, where would I hide?: In the cheese! lol!!
Age 28
Date Today
Country Brooklyn
Likes Work, cookies, metaphors
Dislikes George w bush
Description of your physical features (no pictures please) All weather visage, large hair
Annual salary and net worth $25,000, approx $0
How do you hope you will learn or grow at tHE rHizzonE? I am here to teach others
Are you happy? Why or why not? No because i dont have enough toys
If I were a tube of toothpaste, where would I hide? Still in the luggage from last week

All answers from here to fore remain completely anonymised by Thread Anonymiser © swampman 1997.

deadken posted:

i'm writing a novel but it's going p slowly b/c i'm also starting a magazine and applying for masters programmes and just having loads + loads of sex

where are you applying to, and what for?

hitler studies

edit: wrong account

swampman posted:

Dislikes George w bush

[account deactivated]