Currently I am living with my girlfriend and her daughter. I've been on unemployment for the passed year, and it's coming to an end soon (Aug 2013 is end of benefit year..not sure if I can get more after that).
Either way, even being on just unemployment is not always enough. I don't make much, $238 a week, and now that I've reached tier 2 EUC it's $199 a week.
My girlfriend is starting to get fed up with me not having a job, and I personally am as well. But here's the issue; I am dreading getting back into any type of work because I know I will be miserable. I have no trade skills, my background is entirely customer service and retail, and I am overweight (365 lbs.) so a lot of jobs like stocking (heavy lifting) and manual labor are very taxing on me physically.
I've, as of the last month, started applying for jobs at various retail and call centers hiring. Nothing so far. I am being a little picky (not applying at fast food, manual labor, or stocking positions), but I am still finding places to apply. I know my outlook for a job would be better if I applied at these places, but I would be more miserable there than I would at the places I AM applying at.
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Just suck it up and get a McJob and look for something better in the meantime." I've considered this, but here is the reason I won't do it. Basically, I was fired from my passed two jobs for violation of company policy, and I have been unemployed for a year. Getting a job with that background is hard enough as is to find one job let alone a second job once I start working. I would likely end up stuck with a McJob for a long time and then I'd pretty much want to kill myself.
All joking aside, I seriously dread working at another miserable job. So much so that I've had contemplations of homelessness, asking my mom if I could move in, researching ways to earn disability, etc. I am just a pathetic, stubborn, whiny bitch who can't stand the underskilled work opportunities in today's economy.
So I had a thought...what about going back to school? My girlfriend would see that I was making an effort to better myself, and at the same time, I would get myself out of the unskilled bracket, and into the "look at my shiny degree!" bracket. The issues with this are that I'm terrified of failing certain general education classes, thus prohibiting advancement in a degree (math, history, classes that I was never good at / slept through in high school). Also, there's the fact that going to school does not solve any monetary problems in the meantime.
I am at a loss at what I should do with myself. I am an unskilled, unemployed, overweight person who refuses to be miserable at a dead end job. In turn I've made myself miserable in the process of not wanting to be miserable.
Oh, and before it gets brought up, I will talk about my weight. Yes, I'm morbidly obese. Yes, I understand the health risks, and all other issues with this. Yes, I know I need to fix it. And lastly, yes..I am working on it. As of about 3~ weeks ago I started eating healthy and swimming / walking regularly. Healthy meaning a lot of veges/fruits..cut out all sugar/fat/starch (except occasional potatoes), and lowered carb intake. I've relapsed a bit recently, but am starting to get back into the swing of it. It's difficult being this overweight, addicted to food, and just changing. I've attempted weight loss multiple times in the past and I've had minor successes only to be trumped by my eventual breakdown and relapse to old ways. It's tough, but I am working on it.
VoxNihili posted: guys
lol you have an account at sa
i dont have skills
then go to a 1 month community college course and get them
i need a job
become a wind turbine service technician, 0% unemployment and 65k base. slow the collapse of society in a solid working class job your fellow liberal arts graduates are too snotty to take.
shriekingviolet posted:The catholic faith sustains itself in the west through catholic social services, and scientology gained traction through a similar tactic. it might be a little mendacious but I think the left needs to get serious again about offering itself as an alternative source of health, wellness, and support to those who don't have it, rather than just protesting to demand the establishment do it. we should know better, and that's just asking people to get ingratiated to the powers that be!
im pretty surprised anyone still needs to be told this because the model should be hamas
daddyholes posted:shriekingviolet posted:
The catholic faith sustains itself in the west through catholic social services, and scientology gained traction through a similar tactic. it might be a little mendacious but I think the left needs to get serious again about offering itself as an alternative source of health, wellness, and support to those who don't have it, rather than just protesting to demand the establishment do it. we should know better, and that's just asking people to get ingratiated to the powers that be!
im pretty surprised anyone still needs to be told this because the model should be hamas
i prefer hezbollah
daddyholes posted:well if you want to follow those models. if you think white poeple on the left have anything to contribute at all, and maybe they dont, its going to involve those people taking heat from other leftists for invading communities and continuing to go into those communities to provide social services anyway alongside nonwhites. its going to have to be supported by a belief in a universal moral order that transcends gentile or jew, servant or free, woman or man and compels engagement in the face of constant criticism that you are actually forcing your will on the people youre trying to help. marxists had no problem with this in earlier years.
Wait where and when?
pretty sure marxists have had lots of problems involved in going into say, American communities for as long as it's exists
libelous_slander posted:
its called a "cloaca" and thats not even CLOSE to where it actually is
libelous_slander posted:
this goes straight along with what i was telling dead kenny. in simply improving their own affairs (filtering plankton, etc from the water) and being kind to others (not eating other fish) they are much more successful in actually attracting fish than the self-conscious observer trying to seek fish to fill some imagined hole within themselves.
daddyholes posted:well if you want to actually talk about it, iwc, just let me know
you know me, i always want to talk about anything
on re-reading your post i think maybe you were actually talking about the difference in commitment and sacrifice between marxists of old and marxists of today, which is a fair point.
swampman posted:or a real hole
stegosaurus posted:is unemployment really 800 whole us dollars. fuck me
it's based off the wages you were earning before you lost your job