[account deactivated]
dont blame me i voted democrat
[account deactivated]
obligatory post
tpaine posted:
Rick please stop. Please. What are you doing.....please let her go. Please god stop why are you doing this?? let her go. she didnt do anything please. ill do whatever you want! whatever you say! please just tell me what to do and let her go! please! god why....why are you doing this to her? why wont you say anything? can you even hear me?? please say something! look at me! why wont you even acknowledge me???? god why is this happening. why are you letting this happen. LET HER GO! i love her please god let her go
[account deactivated]
a specter haunts the Floridian Executive branch
a frightful hobgoblin
the melancholy of t-paine was alright, but i liked the disappearance of t-paine much better
[account deactivated]
sleepytime gorilla museum owns
The oaks of ald now they lie in my belly
what a great fucking post. the revenents were an especially nice touch. how do i give gold on here