[account deactivated]
after wwii a lot of veterans complained about training not being tough enough to prepare them for combat. i cant image what they would say about boot camp nowadays.
the the modern US Troop Experience consists entirely of sitting around playing grabass/xbox, shooting unarmed civilians, or if youre really lucky, pressing a button to bomb them from a mile away. there is no "combat" to prepare them for
well isnt playing xbox pretty good training for pushbutton death from above?

gyrofry posted:

well isnt playing xbox pretty good training for pushbutton death from above?

Modern warfare is a quick time event.

my familys not jewish but i dont think anybody told them. they love to argue over stupid crap that has no relevance. (rhizzone.net). i was eating breakfast with them and my grandmother asks me if i would like a vitamin c pill. i say sure, how could this lead to an argument. i take the pill and she asks me if i would like another. i say no thanks. my grandmother says "you can have as many as you want, they're water soluble." my uncle pipes up "oh REALLY? i could have A THOUSAND and be fine??" she says, "I HAVE A THOUSAND EVERY DAY!!" "NOT MILLIGRAMS, MA!" i'm living in a costanza bit from seinfeld
im glad that superabound is able to post even though his posts are completely indistinguishable from mine, besides the avatar and username
superabound has pizzazz
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
bark bark
i like that all the pants-pissing manchildren have decided that russia is going to annex ukraine based on nothing whatsoever
yeah i'm sure you'll be laughing at them when a russian armored vehicle is rolling down boston's streets after ukepocalypse comes to our shores

disestablishmentarian posted:

im glad that superabound is able to post even though his posts are completely indistinguishable from mine, besides the avatar and username

check out the bottom of my rep page for a fun history lesson

the only difference between me and mustang is that he has drive, ambition, hope, genuinely held beliefs, and a future
there is literally nothing in this world that makes me angrier than news fluff pieces about how tough it is to be a drone operator because committing all that murder kind of messes you up you poor fucking baby

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

there is literally nothing in this world that makes me angrier than news fluff pieces about how tough it is to be a drone operator because committing all that murder kind of messes you up you poor fucking baby

except that once you posted that all united states service members might not necessarily deserve unilateral death and for that you must be permanently mocked.

US Troops are fighting a bunch of bloodthirsty meccabenders and i essentially give them carte blanche against hajji if it defends my freedom to post all day
What is particularly odd is that the most vociferous defenders of Russian bases against supposed fascists appear to hold far-right views themselves.

Outside the Belbek airbase, an aggressive self-defence group said they were there to defend the base against “Kiev fascists”, but also railed against Europe, “full of repulsive gays and Muslims”.

“What you foreigners don’t get is that those people in Maidan, they are fascists,” said Alexander, a Simferopol resident drinking at a bar in the city on Monday night. “I mean, I am all for the superiority of the white race, and all that stuff, but I don’t like fascists.”
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

libelous_slander posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

there is literally nothing in this world that makes me angrier than news fluff pieces about how tough it is to be a drone operator because committing all that murder kind of messes you up you poor fucking baby

except that once you posted that all united states service members might not necessarily deserve unilateral death and for that you must be permanently mocked.

are you being less than sincere here.

we report, you decide

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

it sounds like you might be trying to comically exaggerate a position for some kind of ownage effect and inadvertently posted a 100% true and easily defensible statement. i don't know though.


i saw a flyer today that had a picture of a dog and said "LOST GREYHOUND, DO NOT CHASE." i think they overestimate how much i want to get their dog back
getfiscal i summon you

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

getfiscal i summon you

sup bro

what kind of chicks u like

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

what kind of chicks u like

smart, funky, eccentric, bold, opinionated, artistic, petty-bourgeois.

lookswise either slavic or germanic races optimal i guess.

you want to bone down on a manic pixie dream girl eh. thats cool.

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

you want to bone down on a manic pixie dream girl eh. thats cool.

lol no. i don't mean either quirky (in a "random" sense) or manic.


getfiscal posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

you want to bone down on a manic pixie dream girl eh. thats cool.

lol no. i don't mean either quirky (in a "random" sense) or manic.

She's on SNL now

now i just need to find women who fall for anxious obese dream boys
i want a clinical depression pixie dream girl
i want to jump straight into year 2 of a relationship with a barren liz lemon-type

Superabound posted:

i want to jump straight into year 2 of a relationship with a barren liz lemon-type

same but miz wuzzername


Superabound posted:

i want a clinical depression pixie dream girl

but you repeat yourself

there are 666 topics int he faily planet. nobody make any new topics please

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

there are 666 topics int he faily planet. nobody make any new topics please

let's get this baby to 1488. with mustang, anything is possible