guidoanselmi posted:how about this crew?
a) wait.. it looks like... does Bill Nye shave his eyebrows to look like that
b) how does he still look the same? is he immortal? maybe Bill Nye is a vampire
c) do you think he lays in bed at night thinking about how he should have murdered neil degrasse tyson when he had the opportunity... how the title of most popular science cheerleader guy should by all rights be his until death... does he tie his bowties in fits of rage about his usurped crown..
You Fuckt Up You Fuckt Up You Fuckt Up You Fuckt Up
MindMaster posted:did i fuck up
You fucked up.
drwhat posted:he should have murdered neil degrasse tyson
roseweird posted:shriekingviolet posted:
i'm having beers w/ that same friend tonight, i'll ask her and maybe bring some namedrops back to you?
yeah that zizek stuff sounds kind of crazy! there is more to jewish history and identity than the holocaust. i def want to hear about some of the other writers
wow whotta thred. anyways roseweird if you want some stuff that sort of decouples the holocaust from a fundamental jewish identity there's always hannah arendt, who I haven't actually read much of, and apparently this ralph leck article is interesting, which I also haven't read. what a ringing endorsement i bring!!!
roseweird posted:swirlsofhistory posted:Hannah Arendt on totalitarianism
have you even fucking read it
you just said yourself that you didn't really understand it
roseweird posted:swirlsofhistory posted:
Hannah Arendt on totalitarianism
have you even fucking read it
Obviously not, want to do a book exchange? I'll read some of Heidegger's fucktoy, and you can read a book that has profoundly shaped my thinking called The Audacity of Hope.
swirlsofhistory posted:roseweird posted:
swirlsofhistory posted:
Hannah Arendt on totalitarianism
have you even fucking read it
Obviously not, want to do a book exchange? I'll read some of Heidegger's fucktoy, and you can read a book that has profoundly shaped my thinking called The Audacity of Hope.
i will profoundly shape your thinking with the clever application of a brick

>Click here to find out<

troolari posted:wow lessons is on a roll i wish i had friends as cool as him wed make funny jokes about zizek then we would kiss. our lips gleaming with saliva i would feel lessons-kun shivering and moaning as i forcefully push him to the bed "its okay" id gently whisper "even though were both boys". i would start pulling his underwear exposing his note-worthy staff of manhood, the tip slowly erupting with pre-mana. "you dont mind...", id inquire "even tho were both boys". lessons-kun wud avert my lustful gaze and whimper with intriguinly moe stutter "l-like you said.. it okay"...
i wasn't jokin dude, male conec will get you nowhere. maybe consider switching crossgender posting gimmicks to female getfiscal? asexual lykourgos? female eunuch mustang? a horny version of UNREALTOURNAMENTWARRIOR?