quind is cool.
getdiscal do you think the cia had the red brigades kill moro

daddyholes posted:

getdiscal do you think the cia had the red brigades kill moro

how would i know?

i dont know i didnt ask that
in any case it definitely happened

(this was reblogged by justine tunney)
lmao http://storify.com/JustineTunney/tech-workers-are-under-attack-by-reactionaries?utm_source=t.co&utm_content=storify-pingback&utm_campaign=&awesm=sfy.co_cb3G&utm_medium=sfy.co-twitter
CIA/gladio was obviously responsible for killing moro
now that justines exposed khamsek we can all ask her for money
youre only a true leftist if ur makin a shit load of money at one of the biggest tech corporations in the world
give me some moeny discipline.
looks like twitter is where all the cool leftist aktion is at these days...

Hitler posted:

lmao http://storify.com/JustineTunney/tech-workers-are-under-attack-by-reactionaries?utm_source=t.co&utm_content=storify-pingback&utm_campaign=&awesm=sfy.co_cb3G&utm_medium=sfy.co-twitter

I say fuck money! The tech industry is moving us into the information age, where money is becoming less and less relevant. Which is why reactionaries like Jaron Lanier, labor unions, and other members of the bourgeoisie are fighting hard to stop it. Why? Because they want Wall Street to remain in charge!


If you want progress, stand with the true progressives, which are tech workers!


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ArisVelouchiotis posted:

Hitler posted:

lmao http://storify.com/JustineTunney/tech-workers-are-under-attack-by-reactionaries?utm_source=t.co&utm_content=storify-pingback&utm_campaign=&awesm=sfy.co_cb3G&utm_medium=sfy.co-twitter

I say fuck money! The tech industry is moving us into the information age, where money is becoming less and less relevant. Which is why reactionaries like Jaron Lanier, labor unions, and other members of the bourgeoisie are fighting hard to stop it. Why? Because they want Wall Street to remain in charge!


If you want progress, stand with the true progressives, which are tech workers!


which movie is this


tpaine posted:

that is what i imagine all of you fuckers do when i'm not watching you

[account deactivated]

stegosaurus posted:

which movie is this

reds. good movie.


HenryKrinkle posted:

http://www.scribd.com/doc/209461272/Affidavit-of-John-P-Thomas-on-the-Freedom-Road-Socialist-Organizationrhizzone exclusive on the group quind was supposedly a member of.

"you cant write it down, um, but by revolution we do mean armed struggle"

i like rashid's united panther movement because of how explicit they are, they say straight up, we are an aboveground, legal, peaceful organization educating prisoners, making concrete demands to change prison conditions and end institutionalization of people of color, etc. i get the feeling that rashid and most other people in the organization (i have no idea how large it is...) would flat out recognize the obvious police behavior in a new member asking specific questions about violence and completely refuse to implicate themselves. this document makes the frso look like complete tools.


tpaine posted:

should i get a twitter and join in with discipline, unrealtournamentwarrior and all those guys with piss names and do battle with a programmer lady over who makes less money for doing terrible things

id read it

so she extols the virtues of capitalism, rails against the bourgeoisie, despises unions, bemoans the distortion of marxism by young leftists, calls for the abolition of wage slavery, and longs the for the Singularity. now, i can't say i side with her on the issues, but I admire her ideological consistency.
she's a goon:


ArisVelouchiotis posted:

so she extols the virtues of capitalism, rails against the bourgeoisie, despises unions, bemoans the distortion of marxism by young leftists, calls for the abolition of wage slavery, and longs the for the Singularity. now, i can't say i side with her on the issues, but I admire her ideological consistency.

it certainly is a new synthesis. i admire her deft self-engineering, it's as if she devised the very model of a useful idiot for the neoliberals and then formed herself into it

because of course she is

littlegreenpills posted:

her deft self-engineering

oh shit she's trans am i gonna have to eat my microinvalidating words lmao

*places dick+balls on lab table, pulls down welding hood, ignites torch* time for some self-engineering
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i cant stand it when someone in a movie talks with their mouth full and does t his big smacking sound at the beginning of every sentence and just thinkinga bout that makes me go nuts
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"*smack**slurp*a lot of*wheeze* people can't*plkt*quite*splick*grok*skluck* this idearer*slap**smuck**scilk**plipkt**blurkt**flipkt**bluckt**lepkt**spluck*pilkt**bbrlikt*flurkt**plorpt*glypt*prkt*kelp*pskt*klkt*guch*felch*rkt*skt*ghght*ngnght*fucknig**ltpt*blkt*"

hot tips: finish your dinner BEFORE you record your youtube rants
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click that vimeo link tpaine
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