
worthless posted:

Why would she tell you about the shit stain and the rape accusations

truly great stories are in the details, duh.

i asked if he knew she was married, she said yes, i asked what she was so worried about then, so she told me everything
[account deactivated]
i was hoping this story would have the same ending as the swedish guy and then lgp would post a thread every month that turned into the exact same story
[account deactivated]
fuck and destroy: the "littlegreenpills" story
lgp's wife is the new martin random's roommate

deadken posted:

what happened to the okc ketamine girl i bet she also leaves stains on the bed what with ketamine's proven connection to bladder control problems

ken did you piss the bed during your ketamine phase

nah i never did guess i just wasn't going hard enough
tpaine if you expect the lgp tree to give forever then its you who are the scrub
ketamines really shitty btw
much like this thread
lol i used to know a guy who was convinced that europe has better music because there was more ketamine there. he also once asked a mutual asian friend to smell his milk because he thought asians were better as smelling milk.

c_man posted:

lol i used to know a guy who was convinced that europe has better music because there was more ketamine there. he also once asked a mutual asian friend to smell his milk because he thought asians were better as smelling milk.

What did he mean by "his milk". Is your friend FtM transperson who is pregnant?

Even when “accusers” of this type do “recognise” the class struggle, they limit themselves to verbal recognition; actually, they constantly slip into the philistine utopia of class “agreement” and “collaboration”; for in revolutionary epochs the class struggle has always, inevitably, and in every country, assumed the form of civil war, and civil war is inconceivable without the severest destruction, terror and the restriction of formal democracy in the interests of this war. Only unctuous parsons—whether Christian or “secular” in the persons of parlour, parliamentary socialists— cannot see, understand and feel this necessity. Only a life less “man in the muffler” can shun the revolution for this reason instead of plunging into battle with the utmost ardour and determination at a time when history demands that the greatest problems of humanity be solved by struggle and war.

The American people have a revolutionary tradition which has been adopted by the best representatives of the American proletariat, who have repeatedly expressed their complete solidarity with us Bolsheviks. That tradition is the war of liberation against the British in the eighteenth century and the Civil War in the nineteenth century. In some respects, if we only take into consideration the “destruction” of some branches of industry and of the national economy, America in 1870 was behind 1860. But what a pedant, what an idiot would anyone be to deny on these grounds the immense, world-historic, progressive and revolutionary significance of the American Civil War of 1863-65!
The representatives of the bourgeoisie understand that for the sake of overthrowing Negro slavery, of overthrowing the rule of the slaveowners, it was worth letting the country go through long years of civil war, through the abysmal ruin, destruction and terror that accompany every war. But now, when we are confronted with the vastly greater task of overthrowing capitalist wage-slavery, of overthrowing the rule of the bourgeoisie—now, the representatives and defenders of the bourgeoisie, and also the reformist socialists who have been frightened by the bourgeoisie and are shunning the revolution, cannot and do not want to understand that civil war is necessary and legitimate.

The American workers will not follow the bourgeoisie. They will be with us, for civil war against the bourgeoisie. The whole history of the world and of the American labour movement strengthens my conviction that this is so. I also recall the words of one of the most beloved leaders of the American proletariat, Eugene Debs, who wrote in the Appeal to Reason, I believe towards the end of 1915, in the article “What Shall I Fight For” (I quoted this article at the beginning of 1916 at a public meeting of workers in Berne, Switzerland)—that he, Debs, would rather be shot than vote credits for the present criminal and reactionary war; that he, Debs, knows of only one holy and, from the proletarian standpoint, legitimate war, namely: the war against the capitalists, the war to liberate mankind from wage-slavery.

MadMedico posted:

c_man posted:

lol i used to know a guy who was convinced that europe has better music because there was more ketamine there. he also once asked a mutual asian friend to smell his milk because he thought asians were better as smelling milk.

What did he mean by "his milk". Is your friend FtM transperson who is pregnant?

he thought asian people had a special affinity for telling whether milk was expired or not.

the bloodhounds of the dairy industry
mods change lgp's name to The Joy Cuck Club
[account deactivated]

worthless posted:

littlegreenpills posted:

- i dont really care about the civil war anymore cos i found out at the weekend that while my wife was at a conference in the states when we having that rough patch last year she got really drunk and made out with some junior professor guy and went back to his room in the dorms and took a massive dump in his bathroom and blocked the toilet and also forgot to wipe her ass and left a shit stain on his bedsheet while he was going down on her and after she was summarily ejected from his room she started banging on the door screaming rape accusations until he let her back in in terror whereupon she demanded he finish the job which he tepidly did, and this is a big problem because now he's on some sort of assessment committee she has to appear in front of oh no

Why would she tell you about the shit stain and the rape accusations

because honesty is the key to every successful relationship