Have you checked your attitude lately? How's it looking? No one wants to sleep with the sad sack in the corner moaning about the economy. Is that you? Here's the thing: if you aren't happy at least half the time, you are in serious trouble. It's hard to get people to want to be around you if you are full of poison. You'll need to make some changes.
Are you sexy? Didn't think so and your friend doesn't either. You know what's missing? A change in your attitude. Sometimes a slight attitude adjustment can completely change the way your friend sees you. And that's exactly what you want to do.
TG posted:swampman i think youre way off but i understand that you probably just assume im some goony goon goon so whatever
i do try really hard to get outside myself and view the situation in a healthy way. i know nobody owes me anything romantic or sexual, but does that make me happy that im not getting any romantic or sexual attention? like i said, my normal reaction to this situation is to continue just being friends and subsuming my romantic feelings, coming to grips with the fact that theyre unrequited and enjoying a fruitful relationship with a number of women in my life. its really great to have people who enjoy my company and trust me and that i have a connection with on a personal level
im just despairing a bit because im in a rough situation where meeting women that i have a lot in common with is looking pretty unlikely
strangely enough, i knew my last ex for 3-4 months as a close friend before we started dating, so i know its possible. its also possible that that was an outlier and its giving me false hope
i do find it interesting that nobody ive shared with has advised me to just tell her how i feel and see how that goes. i could see it getting awkward, but i think itd make me feel better because id at least have taken a positive step and gotten something off my chest. best case scenario, it turns out she feels the same way and was just waiting for me to do something, worst case, she gently tells me she doesnt and i take a little break to let my wounded heart heal, which shell probably be understanding about
iwc, my humor is not really self-deprecating any more, i was like that in my early 20s but realized it wasnt really healthy. i think youre spot on about the not being assertive when i have romantic feelings though. in an ideal world i wouldnt be expected to make the first move. i guess im just some sort of beta??
also im currently reading caliban and the witch so dont you dare question my feminist credentials
*headshots you with the AWP* Hahahaha I just ended your pain.
deadken posted:stegs here's your poem analysis: the tension between the presentation of the poet's work as a linguistic reordering of the phenomenal world and a means by which that world reveals some feeble scraps of its inherent (but not always necessarily pleasant) truth serves as an articulation of the antinomies of the stalinist period, simultaneously the realisation of a world-historical unfolding of socialism's productive potential manifested in its infinite possibility and subordinated to a telos-oriented history that is at once singular, inevitable, and existentially threatened by its own deviations and interior differences - as is your poem, expressing a constant reordering but structurally ordered, with the figure of the 'mother' indicating that you are a repressed homosexual
Sounds like something a real piece of shit would say.
Edited by aerdil ()
deadken posted:a real piece of shit would be full of wistful regret over the tastey food it used to be, a beckettian mournfulness
sure, as in that mournfulness is constituted via repetition and fragmented cliches, idiomatic constructions senselessly iterated, and the piece of shit is the average rhizzone post, this thread's contributions included
roseweird posted:love n shit 2 sides of 1 coin
ain't that the truth.....
*stares off into far distance*
so true
roseweird posted:love n shit 2 sides of 1 coin
love in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up w/ throbbing genitals first
“Almost every night when I wake up the devil is there and wants to dispute with me. I have come to this conclusion: When the argument that the Christian is without the law and above the law doesn’t help, I instantly chase him away with a fart.” (Martin Luther, Table Talk, 469)
“Again, the Lord wants to have his sacrament given to strengthen the poor consciences through faith. ‘No,’ says pope fart-ass, ‘one should sacrifice it for the dead and the living, sell it, and make a profitable business and market out of it so that we can expand our belly with it and devour all of the world’s goods.’” (Martin Luther, Against The Roman Papacy an Institution of the Devil, 1545)
“I was frightened and thought I was dreaming, it was such a thunderclap, such a great horrid fart did the papal ass let go here! He certainly pressed with great might to let out such a thunderous fart—it is a wonder that it did not tear his hole and belly apart! If I were to ask here, ‘But what did all the other apostles, especially St. Paul, pasture?’ perhaps the big fart of the papal ass will say that maybe they pastured rats, mice, and lice, or, if it went well, sows, just so that the papal ass remains the shepherd, and all apostles swineherds.” (Martin Luther, Against The Roman Papacy an Institution of the Devil, 1545)
“Again, the Lord wills that whoever confesses his sins and believes the absolution should be forgiven. ‘No,’ says ass-pope fart, ‘faith does nothing; but your own repentance and atonement do, as well as the recounting of all your secret, forgotten, and unrecognized sins.’ . . . The reason for this is that I have authority to bind and loose. Perhaps even: ‘Whoever does not worship my fart is guilty of a deadly sin and hell, for he does not acknowledge that I have the authority to bind and command everything. Whoever does not kiss my feet and, if I were to bind it so, lick my behind, is guilty of a deadly sin and deep hell, for Christ has given me the keys and authority to bind all and everything.” (Martin Luther, Against The Roman Papacy an Institution of the Devil, 1545)
Luther reportedly ate a spoonful of his own excrement daily, and wrote that he couldn't understand the generosity of a God who freely gave such important and useful remedies.
Just before he died, Luther told his wife, “I’m like a ripe stool, and the world’s like a gigantic anus, and so we’re about to let go of each other.”
solzhesnitchin posted:“Almost every night when I wake up the devil is there and wants to dispute with me. I have come to this conclusion: When the argument that the Christian is without the law and above the law doesn’t help, I instantly chase him away with a fart.” (Martin Luther, Table Talk, 469)
“Again, the Lord wants to have his sacrament given to strengthen the poor consciences through faith. ‘No,’ says pope fart-ass, ‘one should sacrifice it for the dead and the living, sell it, and make a profitable business and market out of it so that we can expand our belly with it and devour all of the world’s goods.’” (Martin Luther, Against The Roman Papacy an Institution of the Devil, 1545)
“I was frightened and thought I was dreaming, it was such a thunderclap, such a great horrid fart did the papal ass let go here! He certainly pressed with great might to let out such a thunderous fart—it is a wonder that it did not tear his hole and belly apart! If I were to ask here, ‘But what did all the other apostles, especially St. Paul, pasture?’ perhaps the big fart of the papal ass will say that maybe they pastured rats, mice, and lice, or, if it went well, sows, just so that the papal ass remains the shepherd, and all apostles swineherds.” (Martin Luther, Against The Roman Papacy an Institution of the Devil, 1545)
“Again, the Lord wills that whoever confesses his sins and believes the absolution should be forgiven. ‘No,’ says ass-pope fart, ‘faith does nothing; but your own repentance and atonement do, as well as the recounting of all your secret, forgotten, and unrecognized sins.’ . . . The reason for this is that I have authority to bind and loose. Perhaps even: ‘Whoever does not worship my fart is guilty of a deadly sin and hell, for he does not acknowledge that I have the authority to bind and command everything. Whoever does not kiss my feet and, if I were to bind it so, lick my behind, is guilty of a deadly sin and deep hell, for Christ has given me the keys and authority to bind all and everything.” (Martin Luther, Against The Roman Papacy an Institution of the Devil, 1545)Luther reportedly ate a spoonful of his own excrement daily, and wrote that he couldn't understand the generosity of a God who freely gave such important and useful remedies.
Just before he died, Luther told his wife, “I’m like a ripe stool, and the world’s like a gigantic anus, and so we’re about to let go of each other.”
Yea, Martin Luther was a paranoid schizophrenic. He also smashed shit all over his room saying he was throwing it at the devil. Protestants ftl.
roseweird posted:deadken posted:a real piece of shit would be full of wistful regret over the tastey food it used to be, a beckettian mournfulness
no ... a real piece of shit has drunk from the river lethe of the intestine and embraces its new life, a reversed life not unliving but living deeply with unimaginably new consciousness, with a truer glee than you have ever known or will ever know , not anticipating but awaiting with a calm and patient faith surpassing that of even the most exalted saint that fate of transformation which even at the site of operation it will not truly know or experience but nevertheless will fully become, in the destiny of its particulate designations to incorporation in living matter, its straining and sterilizing, its deep burial and compression into coal perhaps never to reach hard oxidizing air again, or if miraculously undisturbed in some superficial region its proud if anonymous parentage of some exciting virulent bacterial strain. yes the life of a shit—and indeed we call it a life because a spirit of life suffuses all that life has touched—is a dual life of tranquility and endless shifting possibility. think again before you assign such abject fantasies to the shit, for perhaps you merely project onto the wonderful shit a degradation you experience yourself.
i tried to read this post but my eyes just rolled straight off it like water off my intensely oily skin sorry
deadken posted:no but that question is founded on shaky territory. we should ask instead if the notion of human rights is compatible with a discourse based on love
is the notion of human rights is compatible with a discourse based on love?
Ironicwarcriminal posted:deadken posted:no but that question is founded on shaky territory. we should ask instead if the notion of human rights is compatible with a discourse based on love
is the notion of human rights is compatible with a discourse based on love?
fuck no is isn't.
roseweird posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
is the notion of human rights is compatible with a discourse based on love?
sometimes youre kind of just stringing words together
i dont' even know what it means but ken suggested i ask it and he knows more about words than me!
of course, words and language are pretty limited in their usefulness anyway
i love you olivia
i love the way you solve crimes
and protect children and victims of sexual violence
you are beautiful
i love you olivia
Ironicwarcriminal posted:deadken posted:no but that question is founded on shaky territory. we should ask instead if the notion of human rights is compatible with a discourse based on love
is the notion of human rights is compatible with a discourse based on love?
roseweird posted:palafox posted:love in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up w/ throbbing genitals first
oh palafox .... not all things can be valued in throbbing genitals. someday i think you will understand this
i give this post one labe out of ten. let's see what the other judges have to say