Ironicwarcriminal posted:dave chapelle is doing a show at the goddamn opera house on 4th march but i don't have enough money to go
sneak in dressed as one of the servants.
getfiscal posted:Ironicwarcriminal posted:
dave chapelle is doing a show at the goddamn opera house on 4th march but i don't have enough money to go
sneak in dressed as one of the servants.
i don't have any clothes nice enough for that
libelous_slander posted:$300,000 for a children's book? #wow #whoa
TBF though her attitude seems like the attitude that scandinavia portrays at least in the media i've seen
"Hallo I am feenish. I have written a children's book and would like to make lots of American dollars from it through the Kickstarter. I will act like Zoowie De Chanel, star of New Girl in Town and the prototypical crazy faerie women of the American cinemas. I am quite adorkable."
deadken posted:is anyone on this forum actually a radical leftist any more
no, but im interested in your definition of 'radical leftist'
deadken posted:is anyone on this forum actually a radical leftist any more
was anyone on this forum actually a radical leftist in the first place
deadken posted:is anyone on this forum actually a radical leftist any more
*waves hands around a lot* aahh oohh ohh me me! I am!
daddyholes posted:deadken posted:is anyone on this forum actually a radical leftist any more
no, but im interested in your definition of 'radical leftist'
i dunno dedicated to the overthrow of all existing conditions and the construction of a new society without private property or alienated wage-labour and so on
deadken posted:is anyone on this forum actually a radical leftist any more
werent like 80% of lf was plain ol liberals and 15% libertarians?
deadken posted:i am a radical leftist i think. i am a communist & dedicated to workers revolution and so on but the problem is i also like continental philosophy & overextended gothic metaphors & substance abuse & so on and because it's possible to couch that stuff in the language of radical leftism it's also easy to assume that they are the same thing, which they are not
im glad you at least recognise the difference
deadken posted:i am a radical leftist i think. i am a communist & dedicated to workers revolution and so on but the problem is i also like continental philosophy & overextended gothic metaphors & substance abuse & so on and because it's possible to couch that stuff in the language of radical leftism it's also easy to assume that they are the same thing, which they are not
they're not but those are fine interests to have as a communist, imo
shriekingviolet posted:perhaps you are confused iwc, i'm referring to the actual experience of going out into the world and working with people, not rolling your eyes at folks you've never met from the comforting glow of your monitor. i realize now that it might be difficult to tell the difference if one's experience of activism consists entirely of the latter, hopefully this post will clarify things for those poor unfortunate souls.
i can't go out into the world and work with people because any abandonment of the pursuit of my immediate self sustainance (in my case, going to university w/ big debt) for more than even a day or so would probably mean the total collapse of my life, as in me sinking into complete indebted squalor, loss of girlfriend, loss of food and care by relatives (at least, thats what it feels like to me). i was also not raised with the tools and balls necessary to do such a thing so i continue to subsist in a vegetative state i think even if i try to "go out and do something" i wouldnt be of much use to any leftist movement. me being a leftist is mostly fueled by a. an aesthetic sort of hatred of the right, of the basic disgustingness of their lack of compassion b. a kind of vague utopian wish for something better which i do not know how to realize exactly but which i feel is necessary. if you know how i can do better pleaz tell me cuz iono
I don't know what your university campus is like, but even if they are sorely lacking in good political groups you can often find something worthwhile by meeting people at the lame ones, finding whoever there is least lame, then asking them what else they do. or ask a professor that you respect. most cities have at least one pretty good union like the IWW, you could google around for them maybe.
"go out and do something" doesn't have to mean torching cops from the barricades or devoting all your remaining time to a hopeless cause, sometimes it can be really helpful just to stay after an event and help stack chairs, it can mean more to burnt out human husks like me than you might think! there is a certain amount of risk and personal vulnerability involved in putting yourself out there to learn skills and form social connections that you may not have, but a lot of orgs that use volunteers have dedicated training and skill building workshops that will be filled with nervous young students, and these are a great place to meet people.
if you're lucky you might be able to gain university credits while volunteering with something like a scip grant ( which can support surprisingly radical orgs as long as they're careful in the application process. you could ask an academic adviser to help you find something like that, and get your activism fix in while still contributing to your university work.
deadken posted:i dunno dedicated to the overthrow of all existing conditions and the construction of a new society without private property or alienated wage-labour and so on
how do we validate that dedication, that seems to be the big question here at lf

trying to get liberals mad at the rich, or merely helping to get americans used to the idea? an outrageous proposal to mask the fact that it's how reality already operates?
a very inclusive definition is probably best for the left under current conditions in the u.s. and probably worst for an internet forum dedicated to super slams
of the basic disgustingness of their lack of compassion
agreed, taxing money from other people and giving it to yourself is very compassionate and a good way to live
deadken posted:daddyholes posted:deadken posted:is anyone on this forum actually a radical leftist any more
no, but im interested in your definition of 'radical leftist'
i dunno dedicated to the overthrow of all existing conditions and the construction of a new society without private property or alienated wage-labour and so on
I still believe in those things but I'm much more interested in fascism and white nationalism than leftism atm

MindMaster posted:Does it count if you try to convert your mother to communism?
MindMaster posted:Does it count if you try to convert your mother to communism?
without a doubt yea
aerdil posted:i'm a radical leftist in my superficial beliefs, but nothing i do actually materially contributes to those beliefs
Superabound posted:serious question: what percentage of that ridiculously, unjustifiably, unbelievably massive kickstarter pledge is from UAE oil sheiks who dont speak english and just assumed it was a human auction?
what percentage is from guys who are vaguely imagining what it would have been like to have more cute girls in their comp sci classes?
shriekingviolet posted:hi MindMaster, I'm very far from the supreme judge of what's a healthy and sane lifestyle or who should qualify as a leftist, sorry if I came off a little brash. I think there should be no shame in doing what you need to survive and feel safe, with the caveat that folks should challenge themselves to be more when they have the capacity to do so. if you are seriously challenged for time and energy (mental and/or physical) due to your situation then that is really ok, hurting yourself by pushing too hard isn't helpful to anyone!
I don't know what your university campus is like, but even if they are sorely lacking in good political groups you can often find something worthwhile by meeting people at the lame ones, finding whoever there is least lame, then asking them what else they do. or ask a professor that you respect. most cities have at least one pretty good union like the IWW, you could google around for them maybe.
"go out and do something" doesn't have to mean torching cops from the barricades or devoting all your remaining time to a hopeless cause, sometimes it can be really helpful just to stay after an event and help stack chairs, it can mean more to burnt out human husks like me than you might think! there is a certain amount of risk and personal vulnerability involved in putting yourself out there to learn skills and form social connections that you may not have, but a lot of orgs that use volunteers have dedicated training and skill building workshops that will be filled with nervous young students, and these are a great place to meet people.
if you're lucky you might be able to gain university credits while volunteering with something like a scip grant ( which can support surprisingly radical orgs as long as they're careful in the application process. you could ask an academic adviser to help you find something like that, and get your activism fix in while still contributing to your university work.
To let things slide for the sake of peace and friendship when a person has clearly gone wrong, and refrain from principled argument because he is an old acquaintance, a fellow townsman, a schoolmate, a close friend, a loved one, an old colleague or old subordinate. Or to touch on the matter lightly instead of going into it thoroughly, so as to keep on good terms. The result is that both the organization and the individual are harmed. This is one type of liberalism.
To work half-heartedly without a definite plan or direction; to work perfunctorily and muddle along--"So long as one remains a monk, one goes on tolling the bell." This is a ninth type.
To be aware of one's own mistakes and yet make no attempt to correct them, taking a liberal attitude towards oneself. This is an eleventh type.
People who are liberals look upon the principles of Marxism as abstract dogma. They approve of Marxism, but are not prepared to practice it or to practice it in full; they are not prepared to replace their liberalism by Marxism. These people have their Marxism, but they have their liberalism as well--they talk Marxism but practice liberalism; they apply Marxism to others but liberalism to themselves. They keep both kinds of goods in stock and find a use for each. This is how the minds of certain people work.
Combat Liberalism in the Rhizzone