sosie posted:
i get that y'all are upset about obama and stuff, but a bunch of white folks talkin about a black president is still, due to the fact that we live in a white supremacist society, not even a little bit OK with those of us opposed to anti-black white supremacism, not to mention the weird conundrum non-white folks find themselves in when having to deal with predominantly white social situations where we're all supposed to be raggin on the black prez....
haha. white people have way better things to be doing than complaining about a president, like commiting suicide en masse for instance!
silence infiltrator. You have been found oout. GUARDS! Arrest this man for propagandizing on behalf of white supremacists in blackface.
swampman posted:
when someone talks about our black president i think about how there are ignorant whites everywhere talking about "our nigger president" because they're both based on the same fucked up caste system of blood purity. obama was the grandson of a bank vice president and the son of a pioneer in microcredit who worked with USAID and bank rakyat to set up lending programs and ALSO the son of a guy who got a masters degree in economics from harvard. he is intimate with privilege and it we should be allowed to criticize him on that basis. his own racial identity is something he's written about at great length and in plain detail, and its beyond stupid to reduce him to a Black Man who has betrayed or defended the honor of all the other Black Men.
One day everyone is going to realize it's about power and not what group you belong to.
Thousands of years ago when the Nubians conquered Ancient Egypt the Egyptians didn't say "Oh my God, we're being ruled by inferior black people!!" It just happened.
The Roman Empire didn't care about skin color. Some of their Emperor's were gay but if in the future a president is homosexual this is going to be treated like some amazing unprecedented happening.
For a long time it's been obvious the whole equality thing works the bad way too. Sympathy for the suffering of others doesn't become encoded into your DNA just because you used to belong to a group of people who used to be oppressed - look to Israel as a good example of that, but it's the same for practically any group anywhere.
Once any group or person gains power anywhere that new power means more to them than anything. If they have to step on the new underclass to attain full status as a human being they'll betray their own humanity to get there every time.
discipline posted:
this guy brings up gay marriage out of no where, demanding to know if I'm a bigot or not. barack hussein obama has said over and over he doesn't believe in gay marriage while I myself believe in gay marriage so he is defending the bigot against the non bigot in actuality!!!
hAhaha did you own his ass.
discipline posted:
I'm a lonely person, do not mock my facebook battles
I don't know how lonely I am, but today I got in argument on The Onion facebook page. I have three arguments ongoing. And I think I'm walking a very fineline between posting silly viral things and highly confrontational political stuff
Groulxsmith posted:
uh, is that ROTM/ask phoebe?
talking about how racism is still alive and strong, and for calling Thomas Friedman a goddamn moron.
guidoanselmi posted:
uh, is that ROTM/ask phoebe?
it was from some really unfunny comedienne's blog on the occasion of obama's election
Crow posted:
Lmao i just got called a libertarian for:
talking about how racism is still alive and strong, and for calling Thomas Friedman a goddamn moron.
that's fucked up. But, remember: don't take any guff from these swine.
Impper posted:
Kiddie Porn? Now THAT"s Jacked up!
mercenary novel
rape novel
kobe bryant novel
kiddy porn novel ?
Goethestein posted:
a dude i know irl said "i hope jon stewart runs for president" unironically
i know you in real life? because that would be awesome. stewart-colbert together!
internationalist posted:
For a long time it's been obvious the whole equality thing works the bad way too.
President Obama signing the National Defense Authorization Agreement, or the NDAA, including provisions which do not prohibit the indefinite detention of American citizen “terror” suspects is wholly unacceptable.
Before we all become Ron Paul supporters over this it’s important to consider a few points about what the NDAA is and why the provisions about detention were included as policy riders (essentially as a poison pill) tacked on to the thousand page bill.
The NDAA is a must pass bill. It is the bill which literally funds the military. That includes paychecks for our military veterans. That includes paying for equipment and gear for our service members abroad. That includes funding our intelligence agencies and contractors which actually do a lot of important work to help protect us from actual terrorists.
This means that if Obama does not pass the NDAA then soldiers can’t eat.
So why didn’t Obama just veto the crap? Well, if he vetoes the bill, which was passed with enough votes to override that veto, it becomes law anyway. There is a very solid point to be made that he should have vetoed the bill to make the political point that the detention provisions were unconstitutional and unacceptable. That said, again troops need food. Their families need paychecks.
The most important point of all here is that President Obama doesn’t make laws. Congress makes laws. So if you want better laws that don’t clearly violate the constitution and infringe on civil liberties, we need a better Congress that the one that just essentially blackmailed our Constitutional Law professor President to sign a bill you just know he didn’t want to.
So, go friggin’ vote in November.
cleanhands posted:
damn, i cant believe those jerks in congress are twisting the arm of a Constitutional Law Professor
haha i remember being in college and telling people "yknow, he's been a professor, so, at least we'll have someone intelligent running things" hahaha damn
He is a tool of the upper class. He knows exactly what he is doing.
And it is malevolence.
If so, I would argue Obama is better because if we are gonna kill brown people, at least we are owning up to it being us doing it, not just some company paid for by us, armed by us, and based in our country (but still totally not your blood on our hands we have no idea where you got that impression).