
2 months ago

Insurance fraud for sure, The owner of the car had it insured for 2.2 million and he only payed 1 million for it,just watched it on tv today. He claimed that a pelican flew in front of his car distracting him not knowing the guy was filming the whole thing, there is no pelican in the video,the case has yet to be resolved.

William Chenet
1 month ago

You're a lying piece of shit. This video is 4 years old. Kids like you trying to be knowledgeable online are pathetic. Go pretend to smoke weed like your name insinuates. Pathetic bitch. The driver himself admitted he was on his phone. Now go pretend to smoke your fake weed to make yourself feel better
[account deactivated]

Why Women Fail with Men
Posted on February 4, 2014 by Deti
This is a followup to my “Why Men Fail with Women” post.

We give a lot of advice to men at this site. Sometimes, like Obsidian, we help women to not suck in the sack. But before you get to the bedroom advice, you ladies first have to find a man to call all your own. So this is for you ladies, to keep you from singing the “Where Have All The Good Men Gone” blues.

1. YOU DON’T LOOK YOUR BEST. This is the number one reason women fail with men. This is the main reason you are not getting interest from men and you’re not being approached. You need to put some effort into your physical appearance. But don’t despair. The bar is quite low. You don’t have to be a supermodel; it’s a falsehood that all men need Kate Upton. It all breaks down to:

a. Keep your weight down. If you have excess weight, lose it. But this doesn’t mean you have to be a P90X superstar or look as buff as Jillian Michaels. If you’re within 10 to 15 pounds of your target weight, that will get the job done.
b. Keep your hair long. Don’t chop off your hair. All other things being equal, an HB 5 or 6 looks better with long hair than with short hair. Long hair is one of the defining features of femininity. Use it to your advantage, ladies.
c. Keep your makeup on. Wear some tastefully applied makeup that brings out your features without making you look like a clown. Go online or consult a cosmetologist for tips and pointers. And don’t go out in public without at least a little makeup. Don’t “slob out”.
d. Dress in a feminine manner. Dresses and skirts. One or two-inch heels every so often. Nice earrings sometimes.

2. YOUR STANDARDS ARE TOO HIGH. You keep thinking that you’ll secure one of the superhot guys by putting out, or by setting your sights on them. If you haven’t locked down one of those men already, you won’t. You are not going to secure lasting relationships by focusing on men who are willing to have sex with you but who will never, ever offer you anything like commitment. You’ll never get a man to meet every single one of your 463 bullet points — not now, not ever. You need to get realistic, and that right soon. And that leads us to a close relative of this problem, which is….

3. YOU’RE A CAROUSEL RIDER/WATCHER. You’re slutting around; you’re promiscuous. The guys will love you for sex; but you’ll never get commitment from any of them, because you’re unwittingly devaluing yourself. You won’t get anywhere by pursuing men who want you only for sex. You want men who don’t want commitment. Putting out right away for the top guys probably won’t get you a lasting relationship with one of those guys (if it were going to work, it would have by now). Step off the carousel. And you won’t get anywhere by standing around being a spectator, wishing you were one of the women riding the pretty horsies. Don’t watch the carousel.

4. YOU’RE UNAPPROACHABLE. You’re putting out a “fuck you” vibe to every guy around you. Your bitch shields are up. You’re standoffish, you’re unkind, you have a sour disposition. You don’t know how to have a normal conversation with normal people. You cockblock; and you expect others to cockblock for you. You act as though you don’t want to be around people at all. If you’re unapproachable, the only men who will approach you are the cads and the players; who, if you let them, will do with you what they will.

5. YOU’RE TOO BUSY. How do you expect to find a man for a long term relationship if you are working 80 hours a week? It also doesn’t help if you are working a job and are in all sorts of extra activities that don’t involve putting you in close proximity to single men. If you have too much on your plate, you won’t be able to meet men, much less forge a relationship with one. You need to be available for a relationship, meaning you have the time to put into one.
And for the eleventy billionth time: Men are NOT attracted to your job, your salary, your credentials, your professional achievements, or your accomplishments. Burnishing your curriculum vitae will not help you one iota in finding a man for a lasting relationship. Adding initials after your name denoting advanced degrees or certifications will not help you one iota in finding a man for a lasting relationship.

Be nice.

Be pretty.

Don’t get fat.

Be available.

You know they could say Why YOU Fail With Whoever You're Attracted To but nah, better be misogynist about it


libelous_slander posted:

You know they could say Why YOU Fail With Whoever You're Attracted To but nah, better be misogynist about it

its even worse than that. they decided to employ REVERSE misogyny as well:

Posted on December 16, 2013 by Deti

We in the manosphere spend a lot of time talking and writing about “what’s wrong with the womenfolk”. And there’s plenty wrong in the sexual marketplace that’s resulted at the hands of women.

But that doesn’t mean women carry all the blame. Herewith, the reasons why men fail with women.

1. SHE IS YOUR MISSION. This is all wrong, a blatant violation of Roissy’s Third Commandment. A woman is not supposed to be your mission. Your mission is your job/career, your pastimes and hobbies, and your lifestyle. A man does not get a woman and then fashion his life around her. He creates a life for himself and then makes a willing woman a part of that life.

2. YOU’RE LOOKING IN THE WRONG PLACES. Good places to meet women are clubs or activities at which you have common interests; through friends of friends, and through civic societies and public/local interest groups. Night spots and clubs can also be good places to meet women but that’s widely variable and dependent on multiple factors. Bad places to meet women are at church and at work. Also, sitting back and being passive is not the best way to meet women either – allowing yourself to be set up on dates, for example. Maybe you are barking up the wrong trees.

3. YOU DON’T LOOK YOUR BEST. You’re overweight and/or out of shape. You don’t dress well, your haircut is crappy, and your teeth are yellowed and stained. You have bad breath or B.O. Fix those outward issues. REALLY fix them.

4. YOU’RE TIMID AND APOLOGETIC. You don’t project confidence or dominance. You don’t have to be arrogant; but you don’t have to apologize for your existence either. You don’t pursue what you want, nor even have the confidence to believe you deserve it. You put up with disrespectful behavior from others. You don’t stand up for yourself.

5. TOO MUCH BETA BEHAVIOR. You pedestalize and supplicate. You ask instead of assert; you seek approval instead of decide and execute. You proceed with caution instead of boldness; you subordinate what you need to what others would like. You apologize too much. Instead of pursuing what you want, you explain to her why you want it. You lean in; you smile too much. You talk too much; and when you do talk you’re excitable and neurotic, not calm and even-keeled. You do everything too fast, not slowly, deliberately and purposefully.

6. YOU’RE NOT PAYING ATTENTION. Are you aware of what others around you are doing and saying? Do you know the indicators of interest? Are you looking for them and respond to them? Do you bail out when you don’t see them? Conversely, do you know the indicators of disinterest and are you bailing when you see them? Are you giving the attention you need to your game, your social life, your social intelligence, and your friends? Are you mindful about the vibe you’re putting out?

7. YOU’RE PAYING ATTENTION TO THOSE WHO DON’T WANT IT OR DESERVE IT. This dovetails with point number 6. Do you know the indicators of disinterest and are you bailing when you see them? Are you giving too much attention to women who aren’t showing you sufficient interest? Most women are not going to be attracted to you for whatever reason. Waste no time or resources on them. The minute you see IODs, NEXT. The minute you have any doubts about whether a woman wants you, NEXT.

8. YOU’RE NOT READY TO GET BACK IN THE GAME. Maybe you’re really busy on a work project. Or you have a lot of other things going on with an intramural sports team; or some other pastime. Or you’re recovering from a breakup. Don’t jump back in before it’s too soon. Heal yourself up; then get back into the game.

first its like "Why WOMEN fail with men", then its "Why men fail with WOMEN"...i mean, which is it boys? either way Women just cant win


Superabound posted:

shoulda just titled it "Women: FAIL. Am I right Gents? *high fives*"

women hold up half the traffic
chickeon either you mistook my post for my actual beliefs or you think women ARE terrible.

libelous_slander posted:

chickeon either you mistook my post for my actual beliefs or you think women ARE terrible.

or xhe just thought it was a bad post

hey what happened to saribari and all of her posts? hope she comes back
oh woah dang wher eare they all gone?! where have my saribari posts gone to
saribari was a goatstein alt all along. or shd that be the other way round
i cannot see any of xher posts either
if u have to ask
lol if you're not on the secret saribari forum. haha. man these posts are good... wow. oh hey, damn, slow down there haha. i';m not done with the last one yet...

solzhesnitchin posted:

hey what happened to saribari and all of her posts? hope she comes back

There's no saribari and there never was one. The Rhizzone has been defunct and abandoned for months now, didn't you notice the broken registration, the frequent 502 Bad Gateway error messages? Solzhesnitchin, it has been in your head all along

[account deactivated]
nothing? guess its just another cuda valentines day for me


glomper_stomper posted:
