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this is probably my favorite thread, all my posting enemies should destroy their minds + bodies and post pics imo
my only life advice to anyone is 1. maintain a consistent work history 2. invest in cryptographic currencies
i like conec's tattoos but i don't like her posts. is there a way to resolve this dialectically
my eyes glaze over when evre i c a coneck post tbh
i don't like pedantry but the f/th substitution is rly annoying to me. maybe its lingering british class chauvinism. whatever
as a veteran BoringLifePoster i can't really complain that conec's posts aren't about anything but hers seem propelled with a manic desire to please that i find somehow viscerally repulsive. anyway i want another tattoo & but i'm probably going to pay a professional to do it rather than doing it myself. middle of the list motherfucker
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conec please don't share our chatlogs
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conec i don't like to inject gender into arguments. that's why i use gender neutral pronouns. You aren't even eagle-trans

conec posted:

that`s where u are wrong kenny i **do** post about real sh`d sometimes this is my thread thoe so of c there is lots of talk about **me** nd my life etc
wtf last week i told some random in irc that porn is rape imo n now he keeps cominbg back to talk sh`t apparently his wife divorced him after they had a baby it`s really no wonder why:
<youregay> jandek is so gay
<youregay> porn is rape
<youregay> conec is a dumb bitch
<youregay> stupid feminist cunt
<conec> lol im not a feminist
<youregay> sure you are bitch
<conec> ? lol what is your problem
<youregay> that dumb count loves parroting feminism
<conec> that dumb count
<youregay> you are my problem cunt
<conec> k
<youregay> cunt
<youregay> my bad
<youregay> stupid dyke
<youregay> porn is rape
<youregay> omg lol porn is rape
<youregay> stupid cunt
<conec> i must have really struck a nerve huh
<youregay> dumb cunts usually do
<youregay> how is amanda marocotte these days
<conec> you should work on being more emotionally stable then
<conec> i dont know who that is
<conec> so your joke failed
<conec> sorry
<youregay> I'll work on that one you stop being a stupid cunt
<youregay> sure you don't
<youregay> you just report their drivel
<youregay> must be disheartening to be so fucking stupid
<youregay> porn is rape
<youregay> porn is rape
<youregay> omg porn is rape
<youregay> conec is a dumb cunt
<youregay> it's official conec it's a stupid fucking gnash
<youregay> you have a nice day now. I'll be back you dumb cunt
* youregay has quit ()

instead of showing us this chatlog you should tell him to visit www.rhizzone.net where we can teach him why pornography is rape.

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conec why are you talking to strangers about porn and jandek?
yeah that seems vaguely dangerous guy soudns like a real piece of shit
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this thread inspired me to get a tat on my upper lip

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raise your hand and ask your teacher to "please explain further" about whatever he/she is talking about because "you still don't understand the basics" simply to piss off the rest of the class
also you're a terrible and rude student for browsing the internet during a lecture fyi and probably already pissing off whoever is sitting behind you
i too think conec is a poopy butt cunt and forms a perfect cipher for those vapid stuck up cunts who wdnt go out w me when i was in formal education
theres some nice color coordination itt. Nice.

daddyholes posted:

theres some nice color coordination itt. Nice.

Thanks, I used the colors of pee and poop as inspiration.

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custom colors live on in 2014
sick thread
guys i dont think you should say mean things about conec. after all were posting at a Place for Friends
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conec posted:

please tolerate me i am tolerant of every1 here. i feel like the forum donkey on which the jubilant yet CRUEL children pin (post) a stigmatic tail to i am not a jackass i am not a barnyard animal for u to f`ck o'er n o'er again u bumfuckin bigots must realize this may the board transcend these hateful children`s party rituals and enter in2 indispensable peaceable relations like those shared by the guests surrounding the table @ which roseweird n her friends shared a delectable thanksgiving Feast i loved the thanksgiving thread can`t wait till this years i f*cken love yall love my broes like broes n sisters in christ lets make this year the best

shut up cryer

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roseweird posted:

conec this is a place of desperation and alienation

well yeah what better place for the artist behind Cut Up and Dying Alone

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