roseweird which is the more problematic force in society today, capitalism or the y chromosome
[account deactivated]
can we all just agree that whatever percentage of the population needs to die in order to ensure the peaceful and continued existence of Humanity, its actually far, far higher than 50%?
tbh my only real gripe with roseweirds plan is the sheer number of female capitalists it lets completely off the hook. it would be like if after WWII America decided to let a bunch of Nazi war criminals go completely unpunished just because they werent communist or some shit
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
why would we replace the half of the population that has done everything of value in history
i mean, true, the wars too, but thats a small price to pay for all art and science
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

roseweird posted:

my views never involved killing any percentage of the population. if there were 3.5 billion men and 3.5 billion women in one generation, there could be 7 billion women in the next. no one should die. but we will get old and die, and i only asked, in light of current technology, who should succeed us?

if cloning vats are in play, then ostensibly, refusing to clone any specific person indefinitely would itself be a death sentence, a deliberate murder, morally no different than refusing surgery to a sick child, or ripping out a comatose woman's feeding tube against the wishes of her family. these are the kinds of legal and ethical ramifications that youre going to have to think about, lest ye become the very monsters you seek to destroy

If we're introducing supertech then why would we need to get rid of one sex. Seems to me that we could merely perfect the male of the species by reducing his natural aggression
[account deactivated]
i have asked gjoey for freedom once again. if he does not grant me this freedom then i will be v buttmad irl.
i just checked and somethingsensitive has 10 times the readers as rhizzone. as always this is jools' fault

Ok, so here's my plan. I'm going to open an offsite
webforum for people who got banned from wddp.org
for being funny at some point. Then I'll place the
two people who never got banned from wddp in
charge of who gets banned. Then watch the tenbux
start rolling in!!

sass is full of weirdo sociopaths though, good luck to them on their site.
[account deactivated]

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i just checked and somethingsensitive has 10 times the readers as rhizzone. as always this is jools' fault

yes but thanks to mustang it only has 1/100th the posters

gjoey has not responded. i fear that he has forsaken me.

mood: buttmad
music: selena gomez - love you like a love song

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

gjoey has not responded. i fear that he has forsaken me.

mood: buttmad
music: selena gomez - love you like a love song

i forgot that ken ham is australian, just like IWC. something is wrong own under
I'm accepting that I will never have freedom again. Never breathe fresh posting air. Le posting from exile thread is my gilded cage.
I was catching up on mainforum and ppl were talking about the glory days of weirdos in LF and I wondered whatever happened to the commie dumpster diving weirdos and then I remembered khamsek lol
Speaking of forums enjoyment I like going through the first page of the opiate mega thread on SA and seeing all the death permas
opiate mega thread
goatstein when you get your opiate death perma i'll make your name appear on the moderator list so that it'll be like you're always here with us, complaining about gender or whatever
I won't do opiates getfiscal. Too many fallen goons

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

I was catching up on mainforum and ppl were talking about the glory days of weirdos in LF and I wondered whatever happened to the commie dumpster diving weirdos and then I remembered khamsek lol

whatever happened to the steampunk wedding pics


Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()

[account deactivated]
a good post enters the fray

gyrofry posted:

a good post enters the fray

is glen on walking dead the first asian dude on tv to pull down a hot nonasian gf.
turns out shes jewish. time to revise that antisemitism again superabound
i dont know if i buy this "research" indicating that the average cost to raise a kid to age 18 is 250,000 not including college. that's like 14 grand a year. i cant imagine spending over 1 grand a month on my child consistently for 18 years straight and we're way more well off than the average prole

Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()

i bet it's mostly some trickery involving the requirement to have a larger living space

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

turns out shes jewish. time to revise that antisemitism again superabound

she was a real bitch on Supernatural

Jewish women are definitely one of the most attractive of all demographics, tied with Iranian women and male Communists