[account deactivated]
wats the best book about GDR
also no longer human is a really cool book + funny

“I thought, “I want to die. I want to die more than ever before. There’s no chance now of a recovery. No matter what sort of thing I do, no matter what I do, it’s sure to be a failure, just a final coating applied to my shame. That dream of going on bicycles to see a waterfall framed in summer leaves—it was not for the likes of me. All that can happen now is that one foul, humiliating sin will be piled on another, and my sufferings will become only the more acute. I want to die. I must die. Living itself is the source of sin.”
Looks like I agree with Hitler.

Musical instrument support
Page bookmark US4656917 (A) - Musical instrument support
Inventor(s): VAN HALEN EDWARD L +
Applicant(s): HALEN EDWARD L VAN +
- international: G10D3/18; (IPC1-7): G10G5/00
- cooperative:
G10G5/005; Y10S224/91
Application number: US19850760598 19850730
Priority number(s): US19850760598 19850730

Abstract of US4656917 (A)

A supporting device for stringed musical instruments, for example, guitars, banjos, mandolins and the like, is disclosed. The supporting device is constructed and arranged for supporting the musical instrument on the player to permit total freedom of the player's hands to play the instrument in a completely new way, thus allowing the player to create new techniques and sounds previously unknown to any player. The device, when in its operational position, has a plate which rests upon the player's leg leaving both hands free to explore the musical instrument as never before. Because the musical instrument is arranged perpendicular to the player's body, the player has maximum visibility of the instrument's entire playing surface.

its pretty fuckin funny imo that anyone on the american left still believes in this fantasy where they attack traditional left constituencies and then a bunch of straight white male conservatives suddenly change every last one of their political opinions in response
that aside its pretty obvious that the way to win the heart of the working class in the united states is to defend woody allen against all comers
#itsamazingoutthere http://www.weather.com/video/newlywed-dies-in-tragic-accident-44373?

MadMedico posted:

HenryKrinkle posted:


Well the article is right in one aspect, Kristof is a human turd and extremely creepy in his own regard.

that's what makes the article so despicable.

it takes the indisputable fact that Kristof is a liberal humanitarian imperialist and uses it to cast doubt on Dylan Farrow's accusations.

BTW, the judge who ruled against Woody Allen in his child custody case and debunked the Yale-New Haven team that "exonerated" Allen was a p. cool guy.



palafox posted:

stegosaurus posted:

my epub of no longer human is like 91 pages long??

from that link I posted? weird, mine was a couple hundred.

I guess it just paginates differently. thats kind of the point of epubs right? I checked on wikipedia and it seems to have all the parts I remember from the epub haha.

the last book I read as an epub was love and capital, which was like a thousand pages, so I was expecting even small books to be big

log in to facebook to combat mass surveillance by the CIA people who ASSASSINATED AARON SWARTZ IN JAIL

peepaw posted:

http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio;jsessionid=858CC9717726B897F81937D3FC7E2E82.espacenet_levelx_prod_2?FT=D&date=19870414&DB=&locale=en_EP&CC=US&NR=4656917A&KC=A&ND=1Musical instrument support
Page bookmark US4656917 (A) - Musical instrument support
Inventor(s): VAN HALEN EDWARD L +
Applicant(s): HALEN EDWARD L VAN +
- international: G10D3/18; (IPC1-7): G10G5/00
- cooperative:
G10G5/005; Y10S224/91
Application number: US19850760598 19850730
Priority number(s): US19850760598 19850730

Abstract of US4656917 (A)

A supporting device for stringed musical instruments, for example, guitars, banjos, mandolins and the like, is disclosed. The supporting device is constructed and arranged for supporting the musical instrument on the player to permit total freedom of the player's hands to play the instrument in a completely new way, thus allowing the player to create new techniques and sounds previously unknown to any player. The device, when in its operational position, has a plate which rests upon the player's leg leaving both hands free to explore the musical instrument as never before. Because the musical instrument is arranged perpendicular to the player's body, the player has maximum visibility of the instrument's entire playing surface.

this is excellent because it ties eddie van halen to the likes of keith rowe, fred frith, etc, and that's so satisfying


liked this essay about the cia funding creative writing programs during the cold war for directors who resisted novels of ideas (ie leftist pomo)

read this equally stupid and vitriolic review of Althusser's newly translated book from '69 (which ideology and ideological state apparatuses was a part of) in TNI if u want 2 be maddened.


toy posted:

read this equally stupid and vitriolic review of Althusser's newly translated book from '69 (which ideology and ideological state apparatuses was a part of) in TNI if u want 2 be maddened.


the author switched between standard pomo screed templates so fast i think i got whiplash

You all might be find these videos fun. It's a guy who reads a book then does a summary and also does a good analysis on it every 3weeks or so. It's well informed and educational but doesn't make it over complicated.

Some are political. 1984, Brave New World, Homer's Odyssey, Notes from Underground (Dostoyevsky) and a lot others!

Edited by Merzbow ()

how surprising is it to see Anonymous backing the right-wing revolt in Venezuela and anti-Maduro protestors wearing Guy Fawkes masks?

not surprising at all considering its constantly vague, "anti-establishment" posturing.

Anonymous has been a puppet of the US state department for a long time and eagerly does their dirty work, its just what happens when your shit ass bad idiot collective is founded around the worst possible idea that practically begs to be co-opted for counterrevolutionary purposes.
can someone get me an aaaaarg.org account, i had to return an interlibrary loan book and i need to quote it in my thesis... they have teh pdf.
me too, but i dont have a good reason for it
[account deactivated]
I'm better than OK. I'm happy and feeling great.

NoFreeWill posted:

can someone get me an aaaaarg.org account, i had to return an interlibrary loan book and i need to quote it in my thesis... they have teh pdf.

does this work for you? http://grr.aaaaarg.org/txt/collection/makers.php

[account deactivated]

check this out. a bunch of images circulating asserting to be of the anti-Maduro protests were blatantly taken from other news stories, even from other countries.

disappointed to see 3 of the upvotes on that last reply were from mustang.
i see 4. at least 4...

elektrenai posted:

.custom214687{}NoFreeWill posted:can someone get me an aaaaarg.org account, i had to return an interlibrary loan book and i need to quote it in my thesis... they have teh pdf.does this work for you? http://grr.aaaaarg.org/txt/collection/makers.php

well i can click it and see stuff, but i can't download it because i don't have a login


Hitler posted:

also no longer human is a really cool book + funny

“I thought, “I want to die. I want to die more than ever before. There’s no chance now of a recovery. No matter what sort of thing I do, no matter what I do, it’s sure to be a failure, just a final coating applied to my shame. That dream of going on bicycles to see a waterfall framed in summer leaves—it was not for the likes of me. All that can happen now is that one foul, humiliating sin will be piled on another, and my sufferings will become only the more acute. I want to die. I must die. Living itself is the source of sin.”

"To show off his 'modernity' (I can't think of any other reason) Horiki also took me one day to a secret communist meeting. (I don't remember exactly what it was called - a 'Reading Society,' I think.) A secret communist meeting may have been for Horiki just one more of the sights of Tokyo. I was introduced to the 'comrades' and obliged to buy a pamphlet."


Aschenbach had once given direct expression—though in an unobtrusive place—to the idea that almost everything conspicuously great is great in despite: has come into being in defiance of affliction and pain; poverty, destitution, bodily weakness, vice, passion, and a thousand other obstructions. And that was more than observation—it was the fruit of experience, it was precisely the formula of his life and fame, it was the key to his work. What wonder, then, if it was also the fixed character, the outward gesture, of his most individual figures?

The new type of hero favoured by Aschenbach, and recurring many times in his works, had early been analysed by a shrewd critic: "The conception of an intellectual and virginal manliness, which clenches its teeth and stands in modest defiance of the swords and spears that pierce its side." That was beautiful, it was spirituel, it was exact, despite the suggestion of too great passivity it held. Forbearance in the fact of fate, beauty constant under torture, are not merely passive. They are a positive achievement, an explicit triumph; and the figure of Sebastian is the most beautiful symbol, if not of art as a whole, yet certainly of the art we speak of here. Within that world of Aschenbach's creation were exhibited many phases of this theme: there was the aristocratic self-command that is eaten out within and for as long as it can conceals its biologic decline from the eyes of the world; the sere and ugly outside, hiding the embers of smouldering fire—and having power to fan them to so pure a flame as to challenge supremacy in the domain of beauty itself; the pallid languors of the flesh, contrasted with the fiery ardours of the spirit within, which can fling a whole proud people down at the foot of the Cross, at the feet of its own sheer self-abnegation; the gracious bearing preserved in the stern, stark service of form; the unreal, precarious existence of the born intrigant with its swiftly enervating alternation of schemes and desires—all these human fates and many more of their like one read in Aschenbach's pages, and reading them might doubt the existence of any other kind of heroism than the heroism born of weakness. And, after all, what kind could be truer to the spirit of the times? Gustave Aschenbach was the poet-spokesman of all those who labour at the edge of exhaustion; of the overburdened, of those who are already worn out but still hold themselves upright; of all our modern moralizers of accomplishment, with stunted growth and scanty resources, who yet contrive by skilful husbanding and prodigious spasms of will to produce, at least for a while, the effect of greatness. There are many such, they are the heroes of the age. And in Aschenbach's pages they saw themselves; he justified, he exalted them, he sang their praise—and they, they were grateful, they heralded his fame.

Edited by ArisVelouchiotis ()


NoFreeWill posted:

elektrenai posted:

.custom214687{}NoFreeWill posted:can someone get me an aaaaarg.org account, i had to return an interlibrary loan book and i need to quote it in my thesis... they have teh pdf.does this work for you? http://grr.aaaaarg.org/txt/collection/makers.php

well i can click it and see stuff, but i can't download it because i don't have a login

I haven't logged in in a while and I can still download stuff, I think a lot of entries are just missing links and it's always been that way


Merzbow posted:

You all might be find these videos fun. It's a guy who reads a book then does a summary and also does a good analysis on it every 3weeks or so. It's well informed and educational but doesn't make it over complicated.

Some are political. 1984, Brave New World, Homer's Odyssey, Notes from Underground (Dostoyevsky) and a lot others!

I love this guy and I'm watching all of em.

Right now I'm being forced to read Paul de Man, Derrida, Kristeva and Deleuze and all I get from it is how boring as shit it all is, how irritatingly some of it is written (especially Deleuze) and for all his failings how glad I am of Zizek for at least daring to make literary analysis something which is fun and silly and achievable for guys who are basically dumb and fun loving but who still want to at least take a stab at thinking about things. I think what bugs me about postmodern and deconstructionist styles of analysis is exactly that irritating and fake reverence for texts and their supposed mysteries and contradictions when really it can all be said much more profoundly by a guy in a sports jersey with some cartoon pigs.

"at the beginning a the book the green light has a burning quality that gets Gatsby all riled up about shacking up with this bitch.. BUT BY THE ENDA THIS BOOK.... its just another lame-ass green light"

a lot of what's wrong with the left today can be traced back to people taking the philosophy of people like Derrida, Foucault (some of this is OK), Sartre, Deleuze, etc. seriously when it's a crock of shit. I'm a fan of phenomenology but the rest of continental philosophy can go to hell
here's all u need: Heraclitus, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Marx (his philosophy sucks but Capital is good)
Husserl and Merleau-Ponty are cool too if you want to dig deepr in phenomenology
actually all u need is kripke, durkheim, comte, ayer, quine, and popper; hello, i am an american philosophy student, socialism is only good in theory