i'm writing a book about impper
Big Imppin' by Deadward Kennedy
houlbecq is shit as is most "literary"' fiction written after 1950. he's a pompous ass and a pseud.
He's funny, but what I really like about him are his opinions.
Anyone read No Longer Human by Ozamu Dasai? I think I'm going to order it.
houellebecq is good but he's no ayn rand
agreed, houellebecq is a pompous ass and a pseud. his books are good and i like him
im writing a book where houllebecq travels thru time to meet celine and mishima but it turns out he wasnt time traveling at all he was just fucked up
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conec posted:

swirlsofhistory posted:

Anyone read No Longer Human by Ozamu Dasai? I think I'm going to order it.

ya read summer b4 last summer is trill u will like it if ur dark like mee

i just read it, it is cool.

remember the part when



swirlsofhistory posted:

Anyone read No Longer Human by Ozamu Dasai? I think I'm going to order it.


*Leonardo di Caprio playing financial fraud turned motivational speaker Jordan Belfort hands a a copy of the map of the elements or whatever to the New Zelander attendee of the conference and asks him to persuade him to read the book. He does this multiple times to members of the audience as the film fades into the credits*
before this thread makes the full transition from houllechat to dazaichat i want to point out that houllebecq made a record and it's as self-gratifying as anything else he did

but here, in live performance (starts at 4:40), the truth of the matter is fully displayed.
"this large-headed frail man, bobbing up and down arrhythmically in front of a rock band going through the motions, tapping his foot in a rhythm irrelevant to the music behind it, arm stiff yet limp in front of him, reading his own rhymed and metric poetry without any sense of meter, devoid of expression except for a brief moment of gallic pout, this neutered awkward clod: the french public and I really need to hear his thoughts about sex."
eye've sworn off all japanese literature until my japanese ability gets super fluent native level and i can read it in the original cos i need some reason in my life to feel superior to other people about
i finally got cyclonopedia and it really is a very interesting, beautiful, prosaic, and mind-numbingly difficult read. practically every two sentences im looking up a referenced concept, book, author, etc. im still pretty much at the start of the book, but I have a question: why does negarestani portray oil as an apocalyptic force? it seems too simple to ascribe merely to capitalist consumption, global warming, or any like thing; negarestani's attribution of the end of the world to the literal oil demon is a more likely rationalization. i understand the barren "horizontal" desert world of armageddon as a metaphor for monotheism, but how does oil lead to this?
machine runway hypersynthetic genodata neospasm
i wish i could've gotten into this book when the cyclonopedia thread was first posted. this thing is just too much for someone to think about in isolation
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gwap posted:

i finally got cyclonopedia and it really is a very interesting, beautiful, prosaic, and mind-numbingly difficult read. practically every two sentences im looking up a referenced concept, book, author, etc. im still pretty much at the start of the book, but I have a question: why does negarestani portray oil as an apocalyptic force? it seems too simple to ascribe merely to capitalist consumption, global warming, or any like thing; negarestani's attribution of the end of the world to the literal oil demon is a more likely rationalization. i understand the barren "horizontal" desert world of armageddon as a metaphor for monotheism, but how does oil lead to this?

hey I started reading that too

how are you finding it so far? i feel like im not putting the proper effort into it, i just don't have the time since im taking ochem 2 and physics 2 atm. think i might just put it away until i get a break, can't imagine speeding through something like this to come back to again later.
I think what was established in that "let's read" thread was that it doesn't make sense, there is nothing about it that is educational, and then some people that have defended it in the past were like "well it's just for fun anyway... don't take it seriously" lmao but fo real BOOKS ARE SERIOUS AND THIS IS WAR
you readers please let me know at the end if there's that stupid feeling like when the save file ticks over to 100%
my epub of no longer human is like 91 pages long??
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animedad posted:

I think what was established in that "let's read" thread was that it doesn't make sense, there is nothing about it that is educational, and then some people that have defended it in the past were like "well it's just for fun anyway... don't take it seriously" lmao but fo real BOOKS ARE SERIOUS AND THIS IS WAR

well that makes me feel a little better lol

personally I only gave it 2 nick lands out of 5 but I'm a jerk
that book seems super caught up in Deleuze&Guattari's Treatise on Nomadology so reading that might help, but probably not because it doesn't make much sense either lol

HenryKrinkle posted:


damn why are trots so fond of defending rapists


HenryKrinkle posted:


uphold polanski/ben-gurion thought ! long live the sixth international !


HenryKrinkle posted:


Well the article is right in one aspect, Kristof is a human turd and extremely creepy in his own regard.

yeah if he had just focused on kristol and whatsername with her eclectic collection of third world kids that would have been a good article
but then how could he still rationalize watching funny woody allen movies without feeling guilty about it
this thing i like, which i identify with, no way could it have been made by a despicable human being

stegosaurus posted:

my epub of no longer human is like 91 pages long??

from that link I posted? weird, mine was a couple hundred.


gwap posted:

how are you finding it so far? i feel like im not putting the proper effort into it, i just don't have the time since im taking ochem 2 and physics 2 atm. think i might just put it away until i get a break, can't imagine speeding through something like this to come back to again later.

I'm not far enough into it to know if it makes sense but ‘theory-horror’ as a new genre definitely works for me. I went back to it because I had been reading stuff like this http://energyflashbysimonreynolds.blogspot.com/2009/11/renegade-academia-cybernetic-culture.html and the frontpage article by BlinkAndWheeze and it made me nostalgic for the old days when people talked about that book. I also find the inorganic demon hypothesis comforting because it implies it wasn't totally our fault that the left failed so badly in the 20th century