gyrofry posted:how is tom by the way
he is doing well. workin', earnin', livin', thrivin', survivin'.
worthless posted:.custom212029{}NoFreeWill posted:also anyone who thinks the future will descend into fascism is lacking imagination and an understanding of history. at least invent some plausible political system that is contemporary.
I'm lacking both those things you mentioned. from my feeble-minded and ignorant position it just seems like the increasing desire for decreasingly available resources will push governments into a fascist corner as a way of projecting social instability onto other countries/ethnic groups/what have you. but really i'm here to learn so it would be cool if you or anyone else could explain what you're getting at for me, a worthless dummy
just as US "imperialism" is very different from Roman imperialism and therefore deserves a different name, whatever happens next is not going to be neo-feudalism or fascism and will likely need to be named and theorized differently. nationalism is not as important, war over resources (water, last drops of oil/the arctic) is likely but not on WWI/WWII scales, death camps are out of fashion (indefinite solitary confinement is much more ethical), etc. etc.
i guess corporatism is a good word that sort of encompasses the semi-feudal aspects while highlighting the way things are organized.

c_man posted:i found grumblefish's music faves
where is this from? its like it tapped into my brain stem
A longer version of this article ran in the Winter 2013 issue of Unopened Forwards to Uncles Magazine
swampman posted:Salon, it might as well have run in The New Inquiry. That article only exists to get pageviews from "communists at heart" who are already concerned that the little ordinary people may suffer from 7 Huge Misconceptions About Communism
This German Jew Discovered How To Abolish Class And Implement Global Economic Utopia Using One Weird Trick
getfiscal posted:Superabound posted:the author:
Why it's our very own Mr. Horton Huxtable Saffafrass Landedgentry Junior. Since finishing law school he's grown a beard but I'd recognize that bowtie anywhere.
lol put Jamie Dimon or someone real in there
gyrofry posted:this entire forum is cia-run bob arctors talking to one another
OPSEC duder, seriously
c_man posted:i found grumblefish's music faves
hahaha what the fuck do blatnyak and anime have to do with each other
Superabound posted:
Communism necessarily distributes property universally, but, at least as far as this communist is concerned, can still allow you to keep your smartphone. Deal?
No deal.
Stalin, in his paranoid cruelty, not only had Russian revolutionary leaders assassinated and executed, but indeed exterminated entire communist parties. These people weren’t resisting having their property collectivized; they were committed to collectivizing property. It is also worth remembering that the Soviets had to fight a revolutionary war – against, among others, the US – which, as the American Revolution is enough to show, doesn’t mainly consist of group hugs. They also faced (and heroically defeated) the Nazis, who were not an ocean away, but right on their doorstep.
So much for the USSR. The most horrifying episode in 20th Century official Communism was the Great Chinese Famine, its death toll difficult to identify, but surely in the tens of millions. Several factors evidently contributed to this atrocity, but central to it was Mao’s “Great Leap Forward,” a disastrous combination of applied pseudoscience, stat-juking, and political persecution designed to transform China into an industrial superpower in the blink of an eye.
trot alert. give the author another twenty years and he'll be writing for the national review