
Superabound posted:

i think the problem with the Left in the West is that unlike those on the Right, we have no real mechanism or structures to work us up into a feverish religious lather that erodes the boundaries of poisonous Individual Thought and allows us to meld ourselves into a shared ideology as undifferentiated cells in the Body Politic. and when we do, its only shit like CIA-sponsored Gender Feminism and Identity Politics which just focuses people on their own dumb selves even more. we need The Juche


these are all the things which bind Americans to each other with a shared spirit and philosophy. they are also things which the Left prides itself in not possessing


gyrofry posted:

is our impotency in the face of smashing capitalism a result of the refinement of nation-states' anti-subversion doctrines / practices in building a more perfect hegemony



Superabound posted:


these are all the things which bind Americans to each other with a shared spirit and philosophy. they are also things which the Left prides itself in not possessing

pick one to backslide on and then run with it?

[account deactivated]
sounds gay
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[account deactivated]
communism is humanist by definition
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Panopticon posted:

communism is humanist by definition

doesnt that make existentialism reactionary by default

[account deactivated]
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conec posted:

ur avi is so ace

tattoo material imo

[account deactivated]
well it's not without good reason that african-american activists have parted ways with white communists for years. there's no mystic unity of the left that can mend together some real differences in perspectives that exist
radical subjectivity can be a practical force
yeah there is clearly a shitload of white hubris in discussions of "left unity" as if that even ever existed
i mean its a mistake to call it leftist infighting, it's just plain infighting and its caused by two things: people are too tiny to understand how unimportant they are, and modern human life is incredibly stressful even with modern dentistry
complaints about gender/racial/intersectional theory undermining class struggle should be recognized as and restricted to complaints about bourgeois academia (as if there was any other kind.) the "marxist" profs in universities are generally just as shitty and useless to the revolutionary cause.
how is it that we (as communists) have become so stupid (but not me of course) as to displace that enmity onto our marginalized allies in struggle? most western communists are just as or maybe even more disinterested in real effective action than the individualist identity politics phantoms that they whinge about.

and yeah i also think that aspects of it are straight up white supremacist.
i dont see why its surprising at all that a bunch of diverse groups each with a strongly dogmatic message, none of whom can (more or less by definition) rely on a monopoly on violence to enforce their orthodoxy, eventually fall into infighting over differences in interpretation.

Edited by c_woman ()

advantages of working exclusively with communists: you'll never have to debate whether your organization should support a hempology 101 seminar

disadvantages of working exclusively with communists: you'll never get anyone to do a single fuckin thing! laugh track plays at triple volume

NoFreeWill posted:

the main problem is that communism/socialism are outdate ideologies and despite all the whining no one has come up with any new and interesting left ideas. i don't have time to be stalin

It doesn't have to be outdated, but a significant section of adherents have retreated into cranky dogmatism instead of seeking opportunities for healthy growth. And that needs to change. Perhaps a purge is in order?????

how is this whole internet feminism thing is anything other than middle school girl drama is beyond me. the point isn't to smash capitalist patriarchy, it's about individuals seeking popularity and validation.

I'm pretty secure in my whitemalehood if this is where we're at lol
twitter was our last hope..

Panopticon posted:

communism is humanist by definition

which is why it failed


swampman posted:

.custom212314{color:#5C182A !important; background-color:#DADCF5 !important; }Panopticon posted:communism is humanist by definition doesnt that make existentialism reactionary by default

it is really stupid 3rd grade shit, like anarchism.

they make you read The Stranger in american high schools, that's all you need to know.

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

http://www.thenation.com/article/178140/feminisms-toxic-twitter-wars?page=full#how is this whole internet feminism thing is anything other than middle school girl drama is beyond me. the point isn't to smash capitalist patriarchy, it's about individuals seeking popularity and validation.

I'm pretty secure in my whitemalehood if this is where we're at lol

Yeah those awful social media internet feminists sure look terrible in comparison to the magnificent example set by social media internet communi- oh... oh dear...


shriekingviolet posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

http://www.thenation.com/article/178140/feminisms-toxic-twitter-wars?page=full#how is this whole internet feminism thing is anything other than middle school girl drama is beyond me. the point isn't to smash capitalist patriarchy, it's about individuals seeking popularity and validation.

I'm pretty secure in my whitemalehood if this is where we're at lol

Yeah those awful social media internet feminists sure look terrible in comparison to the magnificent example set by social media internet communi- oh... oh dear...

MaggotMaster acts like a middle school girl as well, i don't see the distinction here.

yeah it sure is awful that non-white women get angry about white women running the feminist show for half a century. how terrible, this toxic environment, where a white woman cannot claim to be a spokesperson for womens issues while ignoring a large population. so wddp...
in the good old days they could just ignore and marginalize accusations of implicit racism, and that avenue has been brutally ripped from them by the evils of social media.

NoFreeWill posted:

they make you read The Stranger in american high schools, that's all you need to know.


sounds like somebodys got a case of the vampire castles
good ol' dubya loves him some arab death
i don't even own a twitter

c_man posted:

yeah it sure is awful that non-white women get angry about white women running the feminist show for half a century. how terrible, this toxic environment, where a white woman cannot claim to be a spokesperson for womens issues while ignoring a large population. so wddp...

no dude if you want to audition you have to click on the link