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I don't agree
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rohm or whatever
the infighting is caused by sin.
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discipline posted:

I feel like sometimes the way I see people attacking each other there's a snark to it that's not about solving an issue, it's a snark that is trying to set the blame elsewhere. like it's YOUR Fault capitalism is still around, and I can beat on you for it because you're right here and willing to talk to me and aren't laughing at me, and if I tried to get close to anyone who was realistically more responsible for it I'd be shot down in a hail of gunfire

this seems really accurate to me and the same kinds o f things are happening in feminist and antiracist circles too. but I guess the counterpoint would be that it's always been like that. and the counter-counterpoint would be thats why capitalism is still going strong.

im impotent
what happened to spur you to raise this point anyway
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i've been thinking about this a lot lately discipline. people get so frustrated and build up so much resentment that they vent it on people around them who are "safe" to be shitty to, it is really abusive and creates dysfunctional cycles in organizations and sidestepping coping strategies which don't address the core issue that eventually become institutional dogma.

and these patterns of abuse are protected by fear, real radical organizations are continuously under siege and confronting this problem involves a real risk, which no one is willing to take because they are afraid of blowing up the fragile bond that tenuously holds them together.

but if we aren't willing to risk losing the groups that we are a part of in order to make them effective and healthy spaces, how can we say that we are willing to put it on the line to fight capitalism effectively? this is the other side of infamous left divisiveness, shitty behavior and structures that are tolerated out of fear of schism.

in my own work lately I am frequently reminded of Combat Liberalism, lots of folks are all too willing to invoke it in a petty dogmatic dispute about doctrine as an excuse to shit on someone, missing the point that it is just as important to combat liberalism in how we organize and relate to each other.
yeh guys discipline is right, don't fight with people who disagree with capitalism/liberalism.
capitalism wouldn't have had a prayer without the discovery of oil and industrial uses for fossil fuels, this is the only reason Marx's 'predictions' look inaccurate. leftists shouldn't take it so personally
ill bet Sam Kriss has some insightful word on this topic

getfiscal posted:

the infighting is caused by sin.

We tried to build a leftist Tower of Babel so God in his wisdom knocked it down and doomed us all to talk past each other forever

i don't think socialism will be successfully built without a moral revolution and enormous goodwill between people alongside a political revolution. i don't think marxism has much to say about that. which is why we must pray.
just as marx in his hegel years did not engage in organizing, so too, we must take a note from the great man, when the class struggle is ripe = that it when we will fight, now, we must simply learn
there will be an unrestrained and irreversible looting of the last of earths resources after a final collapse of oversight and then we will die in food riots or ourselves starve. so left factions seem pretty silly to me. if someone's main issue isn't "cease all economic activity immediately" i dont really take them seriously as a long-term thinker.
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roseweird posted:

it is all a courtship ritual gone badly wrong. "i want to smash capitalism ! ... but not with you."

the flip side of this is that people expect to be liked by the sole virtue of their political beliefs. like hey guy who owns mustache wax, you call me when we are setting up roadblocks because i am not going to suffer through your explanation of why you think 4chan is the modern iskra or whatever. like hey nonexerciser in a white sports bra with a slogan painted on who insists that i look mad because i'm a sagittarius and my moon was crossed with owl dicks last weekend, i look mad because i know you're gonna tell me the same thing again at the Citizens' Perfect Justice Administration Arena while we hold a clear tarp up against the blood jets. like hey vietnam hyperveteran, who is accusing me of being a government spook because i'm not carrying a tiny white sign, you put all your wild accusations in writing and i will lead the house-to-house paramilitary raiding on their basis, and eventually drugs will be invented to make you regret getting a marvin the martian tattoo on your calf

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when will a real leader come along to organize violent revolution from these winsome ex goons
I dont deserve to be liked because of my political beliefs. I deserve to be liked because I'm cute and cool.
this article is relevant atmo.


The old vocabulary assumed that political analysis should study large-scale, often transnational social systems and structures, centuries in the making, e.g., systems of oppression and exploitation. In contrast, the new vocabulary assumes that race and gender and other forms of privilege are enacted in everyday, interpersonal interactions.

did anyone mention identity politics yet? thats inevitably where this discussion ends up.

i do think there is a ton of pent-up frustration in people in the left generally, and with good reason. people have a lot to say and a lot of anger (rightfully) in their chest, and sometimes it has to come out. i guess this is where leadership is supposed to come in to focus it, but activist leftists are also uniquely and ironically "individualist," at least in the US.
the issue, i think, and that the article i just posted describes fairly well, is not 'identity politics' per se. you can have politics around 'identity' issues that aren't founded on an analysis of power/powerlessness as being (re)produced primarily in everyday interactions, but rather as structural issues that must be addressed in an entirely different domain by a unified group.
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i believe that Mao already addressed all of these concerns quite nicely in his seminal pdf "Smash Capitalism"

toy posted:

the issue, i think, and that the article i just posted describes fairly well, is not 'identity politics' per se. you can have politics around 'identity' issues that aren't founded on an analysis of power/powerlessness as being (re)produced primarily in everyday interactions, but rather as structural issues that must be addressed in an entirely different domain by a unified group.

uuggh i basically agree with you but still I really wana stiCK AN ICEPICK IN YOUR FUCK HEAD RRRRGGG

not trot
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the fact that no leftist gun owners have shot any bankers is very pathetic. the main problem is that communism/socialism are outdate ideologies and despite all the whining no one has come up with any new and interesting left ideas. i don't have time to be stalin
y'all are pathet9c

NoFreeWill posted:

the fact that no leftist gun owners have shot any bankers is very pathetic.n

but im the only one here who DOESNT live in new york!


i don't think that a common enemy is really enough to hold together a movement, and a strong enemy isn't enough to make it fall apart. the problems are within the left.

imo the anti-humanism that is the fundament of most modern leftism is really crippling. like obviously bourgeois humanism sucks, but i really, really do not see why it is necessarily the only possible form of humanism, and that is something that the majority of contemporary leftists just seem to assume without any question. i don't believe in Human Rights, but you can see how powerful even a flawed humanist idea is for organizing compared to a politics rooted in the notion of difference. iirc this came up in a thread not too long ago.

if you take the late marx->althusser anti-humanist route, i think you end up undermining a lot of the most powerful and unifying arguments against capitalism. if you follow it to the logical conclusion you end up at laclau and mouffe, whose idea seems to be to forget the working class and turn every facet of life into a twitter flamewar.

i've been reading through some old effortposts where getfiscal talks about laclau and mouffe, and people were like "sounds like they suck and are shitty liberals". laclau and mouffe's arguments are really good if you take the ideas that i think most of the zzone subscribe to as a starting point. people just don't like to be confronted with the conclusion those ideas engender, and for good reason
is our impotency in the face of smashing capitalism a result of the refinement of nation-states' anti-subversion doctrines / practices in building a more perfect hegemony
i think the problem with the Left in the West is that unlike those on the Right, we have no real mechanism or structures to work us up into a feverish religious lather that erodes the boundaries of poisonous Individual Thought and allows us to meld ourselves into a shared ideology as undifferentiated cells in the Body Politic. and when we do, its only shit like CIA-sponsored Gender Feminism and Identity Politics which just focuses people on their own dumb selves even more. we need The Juche