aerdil posted:speakin' of bad mods
i never even wanted to be a mod of LF, Zack/Geist Editor/EPG just PMed me one day and said i was one. i probably went overboard w/ the bannings and probations. i had no idea what i was doing honestly i just responded to what i thought people wanted.
aerdil and I were somewhat anti-Chavez IIRC.
c_man posted:
one of them played with fake spaceships from home and regurgitated propaganda about Libya the other did it overseas and died for it
Edited by HenryKrinkle ()
tpaine posted:you probably posted in the political cartoons and Press S for Stalin threads, maybe in the Lollerskates Congress Thread Pages (1,2,3,4,5...11,202) or maybe the Joe Biden Rules Images Depot. Oh or maybe you frequented the many regional chat threads, or the big videogames thread that often reached 1000 pages before a new one was opened. Ahh...old lf
i only ever remember posting in ycs, lets play and like 3 times in fyad before 2011 but i definitely read lf a lot. who konws ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
88888 posted:byob owns
came here to post this
or were their stupid names just a coincidence of two dunces clanking their heads together