NoFreeWill posted:__________________________________________________ insert future here
Perhaps the easy answer, and one that they themselves would prefer to be true, is fascism, as it was designed and rhetorically driven (at least by Mussolini) as the "third" alternative to communism and capitalism. Of course, it's hard to imagine in the current neo-liberal globalized economic reality that a nativist, hierarchical ideology that blends scientific racism and mysticism together to justify eugenics is appealing. And yet, human instinct has always been one of subjugation of the majority by the minority. I could easily see textbooks of 100 or 200 years from now talking about the post-Cold War drive toward nativism, predicated on the failure of the federal republican ideals of the US. If the world does turn fascist, it will be with the US leading the way, but much like transitional Rome, we'll never call ourselves fascists until the continental nation-state breaks apart into smaller principalities. Even then, I suspect the nomenclature "United States" will live on much like the Byzantines considered themselves the Roman Empire until the bitter end.
VoxNihili posted:kinda disappointed lyko didnt rise to the occasion a bit more- seems hes some sort of fraud lacking the depth of classical knowledge to defend his own misbegotten beliefs!? pretty shocking,
There's nothing to defend against; all you have are the unsupported conclusions of a clueless child.
you would need to support the notion that I don't worship the gods properly, and that I'm a fascist and obsessed with legalism, and the significance of that. You'd also have to tell me what you think a petty offender/prosecutor is (is everyone but the head prosecutor petty? Do you somehow think I specialize in speeding tickets or something? Obviously my position didn't imbue me with the wisdom of the ancients, it just makes that wisdom doubly important.
Socrates also did hold office at one point, Socrates is not my model, and the most significant thing about Socrates' status was that he had a family of his own and that he constantly kept company with people of note from influential families.
Your excuse about Christianity is nonsense, obviously. Because I disagree with it and am not particularly interested in it... I must read it, follow it, and discuss it continuously? what? Go have fun with your monotheism and stop trying to drag us into it.
Your one liners, your cheap insults, your posts full stop, just aren't worth much attention because they come from you, and you're so low. Attacking my ideas isn't really something for casual posts, unless they're throw-away posts like yours; even if you came up with a good one, it's still just a post from you and what's the point?
Edited by Lykourgos ()
roseweird posted:i don't see a problem with a useless person criticizing a viciously harmful person, no. my moral standing is obviously higher.
Then you're blind. You don't understand the term harmful, because you've never had any moral responsibility beyond not getting arrested. You don't have any relation to reality or human society, and you lack the personal and philosophical education to render any opinion of value. You don't have much of a moral standing, because you are inconsequential and ignorant.
roseweird posted:ahaha, you just can't help yourself, can you?
you're the person who posts right behind me like clockwork. I can post back and forth so long as it doesn't take much effort; there's very little upside to interacting with you these days. I have to eat and will be back soon.
sorry, are you NOT openly a fascist? i assumed you would take the word as a compliment. how else would you describe a "Classist" who wants to order society around the ancient hierarchical laws of slave states?
Fascist isn't a term I use, and nice strawman.
I can type more later but my home is full of people coming over for a Chinese holiday
glomper_stomper posted:don't fascishame
instead, fascisham... wow!! you'd have to be crazy not to buy this ideology!!!
roseweird posted:grumblefish i'm way too high to care about whatever dumb shit you're going to type when you come back from your soirée and i intend to stay that way for the next month and a half or so , so i'm just going to point out that without over a millennium and a half of humble academics, anonymous scribes, unassuming teachers, and very private librarians, most of them either muslim or Christian...
also, have you ever even read timaeus?
well I'm not going to dredge it back up then, have fun being high. Bottom line is, trailing around posting conclusions and insults doesn't prove anything. This discussion isn't going anywhere quick, especially not in this atmosphere and format.
yes, I've read the timaeus.
Edited by Lykourgos ()
Lykourgos posted:Fascist isn't a term I use
innsmouthful posted:in an interview during my very early twenties, i was once asked where i thought i'd be in 5 to 10 years. i looked the interviewer straight in the eye, and, without even a flinch, said "dead, hopefully"
recently my parents showed me an old genealogy project i did back in 7th or 8th grade where half of it was actually just writing essays about my hopes and dreams and where i thought id be in 15-20 years and i kept talking about how successful and happy i was going to be and how i was going to be married to someone i loved and maybe even have some kids and do a lot of good in the world and as it turns out a rat(?) chewed a giant hole through the plastic binder it was in and the hole went through the back and several pages, getting narrower and narrower as it got deeper and deeper with each passing page, eventually coming to rest as a small hole fitting neatly in the middle of a single word: "death"
so yeah im doin great. life right on track

NoFreeWill posted:also anyone who thinks the future will descend into fascism is lacking imagination and an understanding of history. at least invent some plausible political system that is contemporary.
I'm lacking both those things you mentioned. from my feeble-minded and ignorant position it just seems like the increasing desire for decreasingly available resources will push governments into a fascist corner as a way of projecting social instability onto other countries/ethnic groups/what have you. but really i'm here to learn so it would be cool if you or anyone else could explain what you're getting at for me, a worthless dummy