roseweird posted:endless inane posting forever
roseweird posted:unless perhaps all along you meant the lykourgos of the satyricon, who seems more on your level
lol owned
djbk posted:my 7 year old insists regular show is better than adventure time,
let me talk to her
roseweird posted:Lykourgos posted:You don't know what it is to be a Classicist. The Classics aren't something to be kept at arms reach, worked on as petty researchers or archivists.
democracy is the soul of classicism. i study the classics as a reverent worshiper in the context of the philosophies and theologies of sumer, persia and babylon, canaan, egypt, hatta and mitanni, asshur and akkad. you study a handful of lawgivers and generals alone as a petty striving would-be statesmen. you have learned nothing from plato who teaches love friendship and worship, and are too afraid to continue through history and observe the consummation of classical philosophy in the interpretation of the teachings of christ. you cannot apply the classics to the modenr world by skipping the intervening 2000 years altogether. you confuse wisdom with social position. the lowest of sophists. you are a worm and will perish without mercy.
roseweird posted:you are overreacting to my saying "academic" because you're an oversensitive and undereducated dropout. "classicism" for you is merely a collection of your favorite and most legalistic parts of the canon, read mechanically in total ignorance of two millennia of new philosophy and reinterpretation (in fact generation after generation have reinterpreted the classics in every age and it is your insistence on ignoring these writers, probably in virtue of their adherence to christianity or islam, that has rendered your "classicism" a withered husk) and a century and a half of archaeology. you have a lot of learning and a lot of growing up to do. are we finished for now? or are you going to keep trying to convince me that you're reviving the ancient world as a prosecutor in chicago who can't shut up about how he thinks he is an aristocrat?
heres me reading this post (im biden):