daddyholes posted:the future? A bachelor's degree of arts for you, my friend. Sleep easy.
lol i'm getting a masters in that instead.
Superabound posted:Ethical Feudalism
Lykourgos will be one of the first feudal lords, presumably

NoFreeWill posted:also this thread addresses a serious crisis in intellectual production of theories of social organization and production, so stay on topic
Rather like a century ago, the world's free-trade system has overextended itself with technology that has surged far ahead of our political ability to manage it. As the level of mass luxury we have become accustomed declines, tensions will increase. Unlike WW1 there will be little threat of war between developed nations (i doubt any western elites think much about any 'national interest'), the violence will instead manifest itself within the fractious, polyglot and (at this point) culturally unsustainable big cities of the west. Pogroms, mass deportations, vigilantism will become common and the revolutionary left will have even far less change of implementing their agenda than the did in 1914.
My guess is that the first large scale inter-ethnic violence in the West will be in France, unless Dieudonne and Soral can synthesize a broad populist front to wrest back control from the Cosmopolitan Elite taking their country towards ruin.
America will gradually sink to the level of a scrappy semi-functional middle-income country like Brazil. Racial violence probably won't materialize or organize to the level it will in Europe given the supremely atomized nature of American society: instead it will probably look something like contemporary South Africa where the tensions and animosity are kept just enough in check by security and entertainment and lowest common denominator signifiers. like 'Rainbows' or 'Freedom'
China will watch all of this unfold before coming forth with something approaching a bailout for the west, probably delivered with a smart-alecy rhetorical flavour that references the Wilsonian hubris of America in 1917.

NoFreeWill posted:__________________________________________________ insert future here
future... widow
roseweird posted:classicism includes democracy, as much as you'd like to imagine otherwise. it is an academic field of study that you are very bad at, not a political order that would catapult you (of all people) to the top.
You don't know what it is to be a Classicist. The Classics aren't something to be kept at arms reach, worked on as petty researchers or archivists. Classical studies are to be combined with status, responsibility, and genuine belief. The words of the ancients are to be given life and presence in our modern world.
You are an appalling Classicist, and I'm not aware of you having any worthwhile experience or personal ability in general. I would hate to see an utter academic, assuming that's what you are, have any degree of independence and authority in the real world. Not that I have to fear you ever going anywhere in life with the Classics; all I see you do is cry crocodile tears in every thread I enter. You're clearly against the words of the ancients being given any sort of modern application and authority; you make yourself irrelevant and you don't do the great men of ancient Greece and China any favours at all.
Also, democracy being a part of Classicism is a red herring, so cut it out. Classicists can discuss democracy, nobody said they can't, but the appropriate context would be antiquity. There is plenty of debate within our future, Classicist system; which classical author to agree with, which city-state was right, how Drako's code should be applied in modern New York, etc.
Edited by Lykourgos ()
roseweird posted:Lykourgos posted:You don't know what it is to be a Classicist. The Classics aren't something to be kept at arms reach, worked on as petty researchers or archivists.
democracy is the soul of classicism. i study the classics as a reverent worshiper in the context of the philosophies and theologies of sumer, persia and babylon, canaan, egypt, hatta and mitanni, asshur and akkad. you study a handful of lawgivers and generals alone as a petty striving would-be statesmen. you have learned nothing from plato who teaches love friendship and worship, and are too afraid to continue through history and observe the consummation of classical philosophy in the interpretation of the teachings of christ. you cannot apply the classics to the modenr world by skipping the intervening 2000 years altogether. you confuse wisdom with social position. the lowest of sophists. you are a worm and will perish without mercy.
Hah you are being ridiculous, obviously I study more than a handful of lawgivers and generals, and obviously you are in no position to criticize anyone. You have no vision for the Classics, you aren't even in a position to give them life even if you did want to apply them. I doubt you will ever be worth listening to, but I guess you are young so maybe you will turn your life around. As for democracy being the soul of classicism, again, hahahaha what. Do try to stop trolling every thread I post in with your gimmick academia tears
roseweird posted:i merely find you repulsive. i am not interested in "giving the classics life" in your sense, which is merely a euphemism for "imposing fascism." i live in the 21st century. catch the fuck up.
That is why you aren't a Classicist, at least not in any respectable way. You aren't interested in bringing the ancients to life, you don't want to apply their wisdom to our modern age, you don't want anything to do with them except in a classroom so you can pretend you're doing something (I assume some American school was happy to take you on as a student for tens of thousands of dollars). Humans in the 21st century, humans before the current era, we're all humans, and the ideas contained in the classics are eternal.
roseweird posted:you are overreacting to my saying "academic" because you're an oversensitive and undereducated dropout.
Haha a drop out? Again, what is it you do? Aren't you still in school? If so, that would make me the only one here who actually went through and got his degrees, and has been working for a number of years. I dropped out of high school years and years before any of this, and was working then, too.
you have a lot of learning and a lot of growing up to do. are we finished for now? or are you going to keep trying to convince me that you're reviving the ancient world as a prosecutor in chicago who can't shut up about how he thinks he is an aristocrat?
You are a comedian; again, what is it you do? If anything? I learn every day, and I'm actually in a position to learn because I actually have a position in society and I actually do something with myself. My greatest shame right now is that I'm actually bothering to respond to you at such length. I don't think I'll continue to make this mistake for much longer.
I don't troll around following you; I just find you constantly following up my posts with whiney one liners. Stop neglecting yourself, do something, and stop trying to bring up Christianity and islam all the time. If you are a Christian or something, great for you, please skip forward to the part where you start to do something with your time other than dump one-line shitposts in my wake.
and i just want to say it's refreshing to come back to the Rhizzone where framing personal differences with ideological argument is taken a touch more seriously.
is that what you're talking about