daddyholes posted:To approximate the optimal conditions for cultural immersion, one good trick is to render your home country a severe narcostate so that a plane ticket home would be a ride into hell. sappy sailing LF!!!!
who put a bee in your bonnet
solzhesnitchin posted:.custom210973{}NoFreeWill posted:I'm moving to Montreal in June. any advice??
i'm moving there around the same time. in montreal they have an annual moving day on july 1st, when most leases traditionally start/end. if you're looking for an apartment in montreal i'd consider looking at ones that become available on july 1st because there should be a lot more selection, and maybe just sublet/airbnb for the month of june.
a room just opened up in my friend's place for $400/month in a really nice old industrial building that also houses the wood shop where i'm potentially looking to work (he runs it). but they need someone for february and theres no way i can do that.
thanx. some of the things i make are made out of wood and i need a studio/gallery space eventually, but i dunno how long i will be in montreal (internships are not jobs )
discipline posted:sounds like someone has a serious case of the qq
haha what was this
roseweird posted:discipline, one thing you're forgetting about are concerns about the difficulty of meeting "medical" needs during travel, something you might sympathize with. for example, i basically run off cocaine. wake up in the morning: cocaine. every few hours: cocaine. so the idea of going to some fucking wasteland like egypt and begging tour guides for bad hash is basically a nightmare. unless i fuck off to rural colombia or something i'm not sure i'll have a good time.
"the man who stays at home knows more of the world than the man who travels"
littlegreenpills posted:
"the man who stays at home knows more of the world than the man who travels"
Loved this guy in wolf of wall street
roseweird posted:discipline posted:I was referring to daddyhole's posts I don't know what your question was
it wasn't even a question, or directed at you. saribari just wanted some tranny tears for a potion she's working on. but let's just put all this behind us.
what are you TALKING about? you are def the most self-involved person here and that is saying something.
getfiscal posted:let's try to keep this thread focused on me and my needs, please.
god bless
daddyholes posted:no this is a thread about how americans should stay home
shut up lil baby. you stay home
tpaine posted:lol rosenwald edited out some serious tears and drama i heard
lmbo roflcopter lollersk8s