there's this 47 page long thread on gbs 2.0 about this guy suckin a dick or something (http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3603241&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=47) and numerous other posters are sharing their stories of similar events.

the user known as "meowcat" gave a succinct tale regarding one of his good friends:

meowcat posted:

I dated a girl on ok cupid with only one picture.

Needless to say we dated for a year, broke up for several months, and then dated again. The beauty of the whole thing is that the relationship started with Metro police coming to my house due to domestic disturbance (she was throwing things in my room at me while I was passed out drunk, I have a medical issue and drinking literally almost kills me sometimes so she made me drink an entire bottle of Crown with her in 2 hours and I was probably on the verge of dying due to my previous alcoholism related issues). The relationship also ended with her going to a mental hospital and me agreeing to let her live with me "but not in a relationship until you get better ok?" and even let her have an extra bedroom because her parents didn't want her to live with her. After she got out of the mental hospital I went on a vacation for several days and when I came back she broke up with me and then an hour later was screaming at me to get back with her because she will kill herself. Metro police came and said "this is the third time we've came to this house for a domestic call .... and no one has been arrested, you're lucky but you two need to separate."

Needless to say we separated and I didn't see her for 6 or so months. The timing was terrible because there was another girl in my life who moved into the house when she started living with me again but that is another story. We ended up dating again for 2 months of just pure unadulterated bliss and agony at the same time. I can't explain how violently upset she would get and start wailing about the most ridiculous things. I told her one day that she has been at my house for 46 straight days and she really needs to go home to her parents. She is a 27 year old woman and shouldn't need to be told that but she would start screaming at me that I don't want her around and I'm breaking up with her if I made her go home. She was skipping class and drinking again (part of the reason we got back together was she said she was in AA and counseling, but she wasn't taking it seriously). I ended up cheating on her with the other girl who I thought was going to be worth a damn and then she ended up moving to another state and I felt forced into breaking up with the okcupid girlfriend.

I would advise against dating women with one picture on okcupid for this reason.

with which "brick cow" simply replied:

brickcow posted:

you use american, brittish and aus slang in this story? do you live in atlantis? tell us more.

quite the scathing critique by brick cow, ok, but do his allegations really hold up? after scanning the post once more, no clear pattern, as brick cow describes, appears. again and again i looked over meowcat's post and still I have not been able to find any deviation from standard english. now brick cow is either a very educated linguist that is extremely specialized in regional english dialects (meowcat's post may contain highly obscure linguistic mechanisms that legitimize his claim which would likely be invisible to a layman like me), or he is merely wrong.

as the thread has gone on, no one has emerged to support or rebut these allegations which brick cow has presented. are you willing to bind the sinew that holds together brick cow's compendium of tales or will you instead unhinge the entryway which bars shut this chamber of chicanery, rhizzone?

Edited by gwap ()

my gun thread has gotten to 104 pages of pure shit
ive been rereading the old lf pics thread with the waffleimages workaround (so like 1% of the pics load) and that was also pretty bad
alcohol is a terrible drug that makes you do terrible things

innsmouthful posted:

alcohol is a terrible drug that makes you do terrible things


ok so i guess everyones first e-date goes the same way. glad to know it wasnt just me
GiP is still the best

So yeah, don't burn corpses and all but meh.

i don't understand what "only one picture on okcupid" is supposed to mean. i mean at first i assumed it meant she was fat and you couldn't tell in the one picture. but surely if you had some sort of aversion to her you could simply avoid that person in future. so is there some sort of mental instability that comes from only posting one picture. who are these people.
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getfiscal posted:

i don't understand what "only one picture on okcupid" is supposed to mean. i mean at first i assumed it meant she was fat and you couldn't tell in the one picture. but surely if you had some sort of aversion to her you could simply avoid that person in future. so is there some sort of mental instability that comes from only posting one picture. who are these people.

it means she probably has warrants

i think its like the whole broken clock is right twice a day thing where a bad (for whatever reason) person has waited til they are able to get a normal good looking photo and use that. this is either problems with appearance or problems with keeping your life in order, like how hard it can be to take a picture in your apartment because of the great wall of papa john's

more successful profiles may have the "selfie" and also the active shots or photos in different locales/light levels/maybe other people.
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online dating is weird, and possibly gay

stegosaurus posted:

online dating is weird, and possibly gay

agreed. it's a bad medium for me because people see i'm a fat weird unemployed dude and don't stick around to get to know my bizarre beliefs about politics and relationships.

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roseweird posted:

i know 2 people who got married after meeting on okcupid. they are alcoholics and they hate each other.

maybe they should stop hanging out and spend more time with their respective significant others.

100% of attractive people on dating sites are just there to cheat
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Superabound posted:

100% of attractive people on dating sites are just there to cheat

this is really the only reason to use them

last time i was on okc a 17 yo lied about her age to me. i said "cool so i could have gotten in a lot of trouble if a relationship actually happened" and i haven't been back since. that was like 6 years ago now
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libelous_slander posted:

last time i was on okc a 17 yo lied about her age to me. i said "cool so i could have gotten in a lot of trouble if a relationship actually happened" and i haven't been back since. that was like 6 years ago now

shes 23 now. let me talk to her


Superabound posted:

libelous_slander posted:

last time i was on okc a 17 yo lied about her age to me. i said "cool so i could have gotten in a lot of trouble if a relationship actually happened" and i haven't been back since. that was like 6 years ago now

shes 23 now. let me talk to her

can't. severed.


libelous_slander posted:

can't. severed.

rookie mistake bro, thinking that way. if you played your cards right you should be able to get her back no problem. the trick to this game is building self-esteem and self-worth while simultaneously undermining every available support structure she's got. it's divide and conquer man. gotta make her think she's your one and only, while making yourself the only actual one who's there. then it's emotional ping-pong time. do whatever you want. you've won. this process isn't interrupted by "severance" lol, it's reinforced and made all the more potent. good luck out there.

als lol with somebody who's 23 you'd have no problem. they're pretty stupid, willing to believe literally anything you say. gotta be smooth about it though.
[account deactivated]
wow no wonder i keep getting dumped for richer more attractive men. im always telling women how beautiful they are and making them feel better about themselves and giving them hope for a better future and millions and millions of orgasms

Superabound posted:

wow no wonder i keep getting dumped for richer more attractive men. im always telling women how beautiful they are and making them feel better about themselves and giving them hope for a better future and millions and millions of orgasms

it helps to look good lol. this is like the number one step. if you're not attractive you can't do it, and that's fact. flattery is important but it has to be calculated. the atmosphere you want your relationship to have is one of perpetual uncertainty on his/her part. it starts out nice, flowers, sweet letters, etc. but over time, as you work to undermine support structures and introduce doubt into his/her life, you start to emotionally withdrawal. you have to break them like a dog. every action they make has to be approved by you, not so much in words, but through a lens you instill upon their ability to reason. then you come back with the yo-yo, letting them know their importance, etc. you can do this for a really long time if you pay attention to details and aren't a total idiot. also if you're feeling creative you can introduce another party into the mix. i guess the point i'm making is that good, lasting relationships are about control, and nothing else.

thats extremely awful
damn i didnt realize that managing successful relationships required so much work. prob easier just to say goodbye and find someone new and younger. pass
if you cant form a meaningful relationship with someone without pua bullshit then you're probably a sociopath hth
this thread is supposed to be about brick cow and meowcat
lol don't call it pua. pua's are the osmunds. cause the trick isn't looking at the person you're going after like some sort of sexual commodity. you're not trying to get laid. you're trying to make yourself the absolute center of somebody's world. it's almost like playing god, in a weird little way. it's kinda fun.
so yeah, sociopath
i prefer the "lease-to-own" method of car purch- i mean dating