roseweird posted:it would put a major hole in the "jesus died rose and ascended to heaven" part of the christian profession of faith so atheists might be sort of pleased tbh
i know in my heart what's true.
roseweird posted:it would put a major hole in the "jesus died rose and ascended to heaven" part of the christian profession of faith so atheists might be sort of pleased tbh
faithhavers seemed pretty excited about that fake Jesus ossuary a while back. i guess they just imagined Him floppin around up in Heven without a skellington
discipline posted:roots only work with consonants you newb
I knew that I wanted you to fuckin go with it
chickeon posted:israeli PM
thats what discipline calls the outlandishly offensive private messages jools constantly floods her with, belittling her for her time in palestine and trying to trigger her by talking about checkpoints
Superabound posted:i think it would be p cool if a bunch of moslems dug up Jesus actually
he's in kashmir
Superabound posted:i think it would be p cool if a bunch of moslems dug up Jesus actually
he's in kashmir