discipline posted:Donald, what's your iQ
i am a genius. that's all i'll say about that.
roseweird posted:tg you can call or email to ask about fees, but private psychiatrists (the only ones you're likely to get stimulants out of) usually charge like $200-300 or more for an hour of their time, and especially with the crookedest sort (any add specialist is likely to be this) the first visit will be 45-60 minutes and subsequent visits only 15 minutes. check your insurance's copay. it probably won't pay more than 60% of the consultation fee but it will probably pay for most of the cost of the drugs themselves. given the street value of amphetamine it's a good deal if you have insurance.
thanks for the info, i really just shoulda done this when i was going to law school at a giant state school where they probably just give them out like skittles to all the little not-quite-twenty somethings
aerdil posted:whats new?
we're all smart as heck and dying.
roseweird posted:roseweird posted:some years ago i got myself diagnosed w add i just walked in and said "uh yeah i'm having trouble concentrating" and got diagnosed by a doctor who expresed his hope that somday in the future amphetamine use would be seen as normal for everyone. i saw him just as he was starting his practice and less than a year later he'd moved from midtown to a swanky upper west side office and upped his prices. he gave me instant release adderall with directions to an affiliated pharmacy that he said stocked a high quality generic. he gave me a script for 3x10mg/day at first then immediately gave me 20mg the next month for no reason other than that i asked for more because i liked it so much. every time after the first that i came into his office i was obviously speeding out of my mind and over time deteriorating mentally and one time i talked frantically about the social implications of his position in society as a distributor of such a drug but he just smiled nervously and awkwardly and wrote me a refill
oh i meant to add this detail that he had an automated appointment booking program on his website that when you were done scheduling said 'congratulations, your booking is complete! would you like to share your psychotherapy appointment (45 minutes) with dr. _____ on facebook?'
This is why I don't trust doctors who aren't misanthropic.

DildoMalone posted:lol what is all this bragging about iq testing bullshit
our formative years are a narrative through which we can trace where it all went wrong/right
glomper_stomper posted:when i was like 13 i decked a kid in the teeth with my forearm and stomped on his shin when he was down because he wouldn't get outta my face after school and i used to get a lot of shit and into a lot of shit around that time. i had to spend the rest of the year on homebound, lol
unfortunately i did not have drugs at the time so consequently i'm 20 years old and a mess.
so thats how you got your name
aerdil posted:took an online iq quiz once where i only had to answer 10 questions before it gave me an iq of over 180, obviously my superior intellect is wasted on the likes of you
wisc or stanford-bidet?
daddyholes posted:superabound question 1, are you american living in the u.s.
if you can call what i do "living"
conec posted:dont u have some clothes u wouldnt normally wear? like jus wear a nondescript outfit or something n act like a lil boxed in sad boy comb ur hair or sth idk
but then instead of looking like a guy whos just there to get high, ill look like a guy whos there to get high and working really hard to trick them into thinking im a guy whos NOT there just to get high. and if the doctors cant even see through my half-hearted facade of superficial affectations, then how can i subsequently trust them to have the observational skills necessary to properly diagnose me with acute amphetamine deficiency?
Keven posted:Every single person on this and every other forum was in a gifted program or equiv and after failing at life due to our gay shitty brains and spending all day on the net we vaguely understand that it means nothing but its still a vital part of our narcissistic sense of self worth so we all sit around and socrates each other trying to be the man who knows that he knows nothing but i mean, you know, 99th percentile heh.
i am also gay, shit pants