
tpaine posted:

i don't use any video game analogies so you probably wouldn't get it

lermontov is really gay but its ok i guess
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nothing is "ok"
why do u hate lermontov? i have my own reasons but its not the worst book
books in general are really gay but ok
some books are gfayer than others, like lermontov
the great railway bazaar by paul theroux, i love gay travel books by anglo-american grumps

aerdil posted:

had a girl read the first 50 pages of death on the installment plan to me in bed while we were in a cabin in big sur, quite romantic

this sounds hella nice, i'd love to go to big sur especially in winter when it's damp and dark and the north pacific crashes endlessly into the rocks below you.


aerdil posted:

why its in character

if you're reading celine anywhere other than a camped, dingy apartment, entirely alone, you're doing it wrong. celine can only be truly appreciated when one is in utter solitude, when the weight of the world can so completely crush you that not even the smallest mouse can hear your final, pathetic squeal.

it has to be an apartment in an overcrowded tenement thou, so as the life bleeds away from you, you can rest assured that even though you may be surrounded by hundreds of others, not a single one will care or even bother to notice your departure from the world until your mail starts to pile up in the hallway and become an eyesore.
when his country needs him the most, wolfgoreshow is nowhere to be found


innsmouthful posted:

aerdil posted:

why its in character

if you're reading celine anywhere other than a camped, dingy apartment, entirely alone, you're doing it wrong. celine can only be truly appreciated when one is in utter solitude, when the weight of the world can so completely crush you that not even the smallest mouse can hear your final, pathetic squeal.

this is how i read beckett, also chainsmoking cigarettes

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im reading pynchon
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a bad socioeconomic system is a problem but a bad spouse or a bad home situation isn't now?
yeah i dunno that seems like some pretty common problems worth addressing, dawg
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tpaine what do you think of Adrian Belew
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is revolutionary suicide good?
Canadian Ecoterrorist Sentenced to Read Malcolm Gladwell in Prison

HenryKrinkle posted:

Canadian Ecoterrorist Sentenced to Read Malcolm Gladwell in Prison

haha thats really really dark

were gonna take power and im gonna be on the politbureau and then were gonna guillotine all popular hack authors and everybody else with evil brains
if someone seriously sentenced me to read malcolm gladwell in prison id jjust go nuts in the courtoom and flail my arms while urinating and thatd be my personal tipping point
i finished the bible. yay for me