elektrenai asked me to make some accounts for some friends of her, and I had forgotten that the admin interface is actually pretty decent lol. So, its not too hard to make an account for someone via that - it takes like 10 seconds.

so while The Thug Lessens works on his new account creation interface, lets just make accounts that way. post here in my thread if you have a friend who wants an account.

if you are one of these people: Khamsek, Mr Crow, Lessons, getfiscal, Joules, or stegosaurus, or anyone else that I might be forgetting by probably shouldn't be, and would like for me to explain to you this Easy Process, please post in this thread as it is highly likely that I will at some point be a Big Shitty Man forget about this thread and then I'll feel real bad..
I believe you should sell new accounts for $10 each.
yes hello my good friend mustang19 wants an acciunt
you have to give me an email address too, PM me if you dont want to post it or whatever

getfiscal posted:

I believe you should sell new accounts for $10 each.

that just aint right.

[account deactivated]

Makeshift_Swahili posted:

yes hello my good friend mustang19 wants an acciunt

Thanks but I already have several.

Edited by blinkandwheeze ()

[account deactivated]
hey goey our stats package stopped working a few months ago. it was fun to see where our hitz were coming from, and which porn people were searching for when they came across the 'zzone

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1. laissez faire 31.42%
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Subscribe to the Alexa Pro Advanced Plan to view all keyword data. View More

Edited by blinkandwheeze ()

hey 5yghgfhfghgh, rule breaker, it says right there in the OP,


post here in my thread if you have a friend

its still possible to get an account using the openID thing isnt it? thats how i did it.
i know someone who wants an account. my place for friend is about to become my place for friends
is it a place for friends, or a place for friends of friends? i dont want to sound elitist but id rather rhizzoen should be a little exclusive you know?

Panopticon posted:

i dont want to sound elitist but id rather rhizzoen should be a little exclusive you know?

i agree, so get out


Panopticon posted:


Sorry i had to do that to you but now you know how it feels.

remember pan, a friend of a friend is just a friend you havent met

discipline posted:

I've been manually adding accounts for like 2 months joey, I've just also been working as a labor organizer and have had zero - count em *holds up hands* - zero time to work on it,

it takes like 10 seconds

i want an account
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

joey i just found a thin 2 inch long piece of wire in my firehouse sub

and wire subs arent even on the menu. faggot franks is awesome.

[account deactivated]
thanks for the account! im fat and dumb and want to destroy fascists

MindMaster posted:

thanks for the account! im fat and dumb and want to destroy fascists

sorry wer'e all liberals now


MindMaster posted:

thanks for the account! im fat and dumb and want to destroy fascists

nice discrimination, bigot

grumblefish we all know youre not really mad that someone else will read your posts

discipline posted:


discipline posted:

I've been manually adding accounts for like 2 months joey, I've just also been working as a labor organizer and have had zero - count em *holds up hands* - zero time to work on it,

it takes like 10 seconds

This is a serious request on my time actually. But I'm quitting my job pretty soon

god bless


Lykourgos posted:

MindMaster posted:

thanks for the account! im fat and dumb and want to destroy fascists

nice discrimination, bigot

hi mindmaster. welcome to our BBS.
[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

hi mindmaster. welcome to our BBS.

glad to be here

Turning off registration is pretty pointless because mustang just makes 10 accounts a day through OpenID so it's not doing anything but keeping out real people who want to join. If you wanna go manual approval for registration until thug lesons writes his thing then close the OpenID thing as well
i agree w ilmdge because i already made a bunch of alts
pls to send an invite to my best friend lowtax@somethingawful.com
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

so no advice about my crinkly metal wire in the turkey sub joey? thanks. thanks a lot. i can see you're a webster who really cares about his people.

just eate it and quit complainin!

i think i patched out openid this time. i never saw a link to it so i never realized it was still active -BUT- i killed all the internal links to it in the code now.