
VoxNihili posted:

fyi youll sound real dumb to your sober friends while on either

actually, one of the main reasons I started smoking weed all the time is because everyone thought I was high anyway because of my sunken eyes. unless I'm really out of it nobody can tell the difference. people tell me all the time "if only I could handle weed like you can" but they don't realize they're totally normal on it, they're just feeling self-conscious. I know it's pretty cliche to say at this point, but the world would really be a better place if everyone smoked weed.

pretty much all of america smokes weed and its pretty terrible
update: almost 2am but fuck-it friday so bought another six pack. becks this time. probably won't drink more than one or two tho

VoxNihili posted:

pretty much all of america smokes weed and its pretty terrible

this is obviously false. hang out with boomers who still call the stuff dope. like, my parents tolerate all my bullshit, talk to me about leninism and psychoanalysis, actually read the stuff I give them, are alcoholics and one is addicted to prescription opiates, and still won't smoke weed. it totally boggles me. the only time I ever got old people to smoke with me was when I was at a gay choir party, the only people who would smoke weed with me were the older members of the choir. I thought wow this is strange, until they started talking about smoking crack as if it was the same thing and I was like ohhhhhh.


roseweird posted:

MORNING DANCE - BT10 China Product Description: It is made by tender top grade green tea, jasmine flower, and globe amaranth flower. When the tea ball blooms completely, a beautiful red flower will become evident before your eyes, rising high and dancing to the top with your hopes and dreams! You will become relaxed and joy will overcome you. $1.99 BUY NOW


solzhesnitchin posted:

shriekingviolet posted:

i really like jameson but i try to only drink it socially these days. tonight i'm drinking fin du monde, i'm actually not really impressed with the brewery (dieu du ciel) as far as canadian microbrews go but it was on sale dirt cheap and is a 9% beer and i have a shitty conference i have to lead workshops at (and not get paid) this weekend so i am drowning my cranky sorrows. thanks for facilitating my habits rhizzone :3

i always thought fin du monde and the other unibroue beers were for poor alcoholics because of their high alcohol content and goony design

but one time i was at a french restaurant in manhattan and they were selling blanche du chambly for $18 a bottle so now i think they're good

$18 a bottle hahaha i bought a 6 pack today for $12 canadian, and that's with the high alcohol tax which im pretty sure degenerate yanks don't have. yeah it is get drunk at parties beer out here, just a step above metallic wheatpiss. dumb new york fuckers will believe in anything if you put a price tag on it lmao

weed is terrible
i get money from a bunch of shitty temporary admin jobs but also i'm starting to make more from actual writing and also spiralling ever further into irrevocable debt. let's get some cocktail chat up in this bitch
im from a distinguished family of alcoholics
i have wicked insomnia and am having a drink while i prepare for my work today, which is going to consist of reading Combat Liberalism to liberals, rephrased as a team and community building lecture with one or two trigger words excised or replaced. i am scum
Bottles of Rochfort 8 are calling my name as soon as I'm done working saturday for my shitty employer.

For communists your guys sure do drink a lot of shitty macro beer.
an actual communist would probably drink budweiser
possibly but what does that have to do with the rhizzone
does anyone homebrew?

i brew with these
an actual communist probably wouldnt define themselves in any way by which brand of popular beer they drink but instead would devote their mind and body to bake sales
Maybe in theory Keven, however here in the real world communism doesn't actually work. Therefore, bakesales are bullshit, and my 9% beer brewed by Belgian monks is the correct choice.
i'm drinking a ballast point pale ale
[account deactivated]
i drink moscow mules straight whiskey or cider (not sugary american crap)

or the 2 beers i like lagunitas copper ale and delirium tremens
if you get angry and miserable while you're drunk, that's probably saying more about you than alcohol.
last night i drank Absinthe because i adhere to the correct line of marxism-leninism-mao tse-tung thought

elemennop posted:

if you get angry and miserable while you're drunk, that's probably saying more about you than alcohol.

& the same is true of people who get all weird and laugh at really stupid things when they smoke weed.

a well-crafted old fashioned is worth the ten bucks
beer is probably the healthiest thing anyone in america ever puts in their mouth
ive also recently realized that the only periods of time in my life i havent suffered from crippling depression/stomach pains/borderline autistic social neuroticism have been the ones in which i was regularly consuming beer. its really good for you

aerdil posted:

a well-crafted old fashioned is worth the ten bucks

Not really when you can make it in five minutes at home.

[account deactivated]

RBC posted:

aerdil posted:

a well-crafted old fashioned is worth the ten bucks

Not really when you can make it in five minutes at home.

well you're paying for the ambiance of not being surrounded by sex dolls and anime figurines, unless youre actually paying a little extra because thats the aesthetic of the particular bar you happen to be in


aerdil posted:

well you're paying for the ambiance of not being surrounded by sex dolls and anime figurines, unless youre actually paying a little extra because thats the aesthetic of the particular bar you happen to be in

i hear theyre selling cinnamon flavored moloko vellocet now


aerdil posted:

RBC posted:
aerdil posted:
a well-crafted old fashioned is worth the ten bucks
Not really when you can make it in five minutes at home.

well you're paying for the ambiance of not being surrounded by sex dolls and anime figurines, unless youre actually paying a little extra because thats the aesthetic of the particular bar you happen to be in

i guess but im sipping an old fashioned right now and its pretty fun making them yourself

a sex doll would probably make it more interesting but idk if my girlfriend counts

I'm drinking cheap red wine right now
at some point last year i realised theres no point drinking anything but jameson or single malt whisky, so now thats mostly what i drink. i guess wine if im eating, if you dont drink at least a bottle of wine with every evening meal youre an idiot
[account deactivated]
im drinking bushmills just to spite jools
[account deactivated]
if anyone says they 'don't smoke weed' it's probably because they're currently high and paranoid
think how red jools face must get when hes drunk, i bet it looks like the sun
nice one Kev-El