roseweird posted:if you actually intend to get drunk you should have vodka, there's no point being pretentious about it, just have this plain ethanol solution. add something sugary to it if you're a baby.
you do have a thing for homogeneity
roseweird posted:if you actually intend to get drunk you should have vodka, there's no point being pretentious about it, just have this plain ethanol solution. add something sugary to it if you're a baby.
i learned last weekend that apparently i was known in high school for being the 100lb dude who chugged Everclear without dying
Superabound posted:kenneth which international banking conspiracy do you get all your coke money from? asking for a friend
im about 80% sure hes a trust fund kid
deadken posted:i don't drink beer much these days. like a few pints of ale in an afternoon to be Social but if i'm drinking to get drunk it's four bottles of wine or eight whiskies or some cocktails or something i'm rich b*tch shit gets me bloated
im just imaging a kid approaching his mother to show her 4 of those empty two-litre bottles of coke and proudly proclaiming to her that he drank all of them in one sitting hahahahahahaha
shriekingviolet posted:i really like jameson but i try to only drink it socially these days. tonight i'm drinking fin du monde, i'm actually not really impressed with the brewery (dieu du ciel) as far as canadian microbrews go but it was on sale dirt cheap and is a 9% beer and i have a shitty conference i have to lead workshops at (and not get paid) this weekend so i am drowning my cranky sorrows. thanks for facilitating my habits rhizzone :3
i always thought fin du monde and the other unibroue beers were for poor alcoholics because of their high alcohol content and goony design
but one time i was at a french restaurant in manhattan and they were selling blanche du chambly for $18 a bottle so now i think they're good