Economist article on how welfare state debt is a reason to sell government assets.
Now I'm not going to post this on LF because it has been well behaved. But I love when leftists crow about the Jewish financial elites when their own shortsighted fiscal policies are to blame.
Also while we're at it:

444fgg posted:Now I'm not going to post this on LF because it has been dead
The interesting thing about the ridiculous emissions growth scenarios is that they imply massive economic growth. If oil production really grew 3% annually for the next century then finding ways to dissipate heat from our power plants into outer space would be a bigger problem than anything else.
One of my favorite parts of the far left is anti-modernity. We all decry mass production and liberalism's catering to the lowest common denominator of taste. What the left doesn't yet acknowledge is that mass production is actually economic democracy.
When the economy aims for equality it will produce cheap, undifferentiated goods. This true under capitalism, socialism, or any liberal ideology. Before liberalism, wealth was concentrated in an elite which spent resources on high quality luxury goods and culture instead. This work had to be done by hand because it was too skilled to be done by machine. Why don't you realize that feudalism is actually the most anti-modern, anti-enlightenment, anti-capital ideology there is?
i like oscar wilde's the soul of man under socialism tho, for the question of mass production and 'taste'.
Don't just cite some genius who lived in the 19th century before dysgenics and the welfare state wiped out all intelligence. Explain your opinion.
You see, inequality is the incentive to produce. All the leftwing writers you like- Chomsky, Badiou or whatever- wouldn't bother to write without capitalism. Awful as they are, leftwing academia's best works would not happen if it didn't need to compensate for its inferior social status under capitalism.
then why do most nihilists have such poor interpersonal skills ?
I don't have an interesting response to that.
Edited by asdfasdf4556 ()
Real IQ measured by reaction speed has been falling since the French Revolution.
which would you rather have, peace equality and goodwill between all humans, or to have to listen to goddamn noam chomsky or whoever?
I don't care about whoever you read, I'm just saying reactionaryism already delivers peace, eternal social order and stability while liberalism is boring and mundane. Now I want you to explain you opinions on taste because I think your argument "I'll just cite some smart person so I can look smart". I'll picket you until then.
Edited by asdfasdf4556 ()
roseweird posted:asdfasdf4556 posted:I don't have an interesting response to that.
and yet it's the only question that matters
That correlation is obviously due to social and genetic reasons relating to depression and excessive unreleased orgone energy. Ask Vox.
a demonstration of the liberal foible of denying christ or a model of conservative firm but fair law enforcement policy?
I really get sentimental looking at old 90s games. Oh, Windows 98/DOS.
Anyway you're doing the "you're too dumb to talk to" thing again, I never buy it. If some trot comes along and claims communism won't cause everyone to become a lazy indifferent fatass or pretends that cheap mass production isn't the most democratic production technique I want a real argument behind it, no matter how good the writer is otherwise. If you spend money on stupid things like healthcare and public housing then you have less left over for elite luxury goods. Oscar Wilde wasn't even that smart compared to the average person pre-New Deal.
Back then the world was a libertarian utopia with no government. Once the welfare state got going, all types of intelligence and human effort plummetted and we are left with tryhards like Christopher Hitchens. Its a feedback cycle- declining IQ coincided with the emergence of Marxism, which caused further leftism. Your admiration for pre-20th century writers and culture shows that you're already an anti-liberal- you just don't know it!
Now, you're not talking to me anymore. But I think what you're trying to substitute for an argument is "but all these smart academics are leftwing." Well, politics is a mental illness and any effect of IQ on political opinions has more to do with personal situation than rationality. In Marxotard terms academia is a class with its own self interest, and that interest is to impoverish everyone else until unemployable degrees carry prestige. To quote a smart person, it's the nature of intelligent life to destroy itself, and it looks like the most intelligent elements of society are the most self-destructive in the long run.
I can play the cite-smart-people game too, and I'm going to respond by saying that everything Nietzche said about the priestly class and value-inverting Christain morality applies perfectly and obviously to 35 year old womyn's studies postdocs who support the Taliban. You aren't like that, fortunately, but you just have a read a Jools post to see someone who is a walking ressentiment case.
Edited by hfhfghgs6 ()
mustang i don't think you're too dumb to talk too just too crazy and boring.
Topics are boring when you aren't interested in them. I'm actually glad that you aren't interested in politics outside your gender focus, people who have strong opinions on politics usually have unpleasant authoritarian personalities.
i don't care how smart you might be underneath all that crazy-grime,
Nah I'm a moron, I graduated from a public school. Thanks though.
also agreed wilde was definitely middlebrow for his day. you could learn a lot from him.
It's really remarkable how badly things have deteriorated. The average person in the 1800s wrote better than people with doctorates today.
t5wyggh posted:It's really remarkable how badly things have deteriorated. The average person in the 1800s wrote better than people with doctorates today.
not true there was much more illiteracy, and most people didn't write, at least with any frequency. Those who did write most likely had a vested interest, i.e. employment required or something similar.
it is, as with all things, a class issue
4twergt posted:The irony is that even the Blacks who were literate back then were more literate than Whites today.

But we can post graphs at each other I guess.

Edited by 5ywryurtyrt ()